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Theres just no justice


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I'll be whatever I damn well please.




And this oxymoron was in response to this.




There plenty of money in the world, some people have enough to give everybody on the planet 3 pound each.




It's not my job to care for each of you as it's not your job to care for me.




Oh, forgive me for having love and compassion for humanity. You should try it sometime.




What's the point of even attempting to care for humanity? We are the only species that kills its own for no reason. Attempting to care for something full of heartless scum is utter rubbish, the best you can do is care for your family/friends and i suggest u stop there




Because all of humanity is full of heartless scum amirite?




No, only a little part of humanity is 'heartless'. The rest of it (majority) are kind people.

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I'll be whatever I damn well please.




And this oxymoron was in response to this.




There plenty of money in the world, some people have enough to give everybody on the planet 3 pound each.




It's not my job to care for each of you as it's not your job to care for me.




Oh, forgive me for having love and compassion for humanity. You should try it sometime.




I forgive you. And I do have compassion. Just not when it comes to debating. And my faith in humanity has been lacking for a while anyways.




I suggest you get to know me personally before you assume things about what I say.




Lets not digress.




The issue is simple. If I have the skill to be a pro-footballer. And I earn millions. I'm making the money people give me. YOU all give ME that money just so I can play. This is why I'd make more than doctors. If pro-footballers were paid by the goverment rather than by ticket sales/adverts/ect. They'd be paid much less.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I dont mean that media shouldnt be around like the news. I think that if the media like all these super-rich hollywood stars getting paid millions of dollars for doing films. If THEY werent around, then i think that the money would be able to go to cancer research etc, and people would live longer because of the new treatments. Put it this way, would you rather see a film whilst dying to death, or not see a film and live to you mid-100s??

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Geez, calm down people o_O. Arguments seem to be getting heated on all fronts today...




I know. OT has really become the vent of Tip.It.




I'm afraid of getting attacked if I say "This has got to be one of the stupidest topics I've ever seen, as long as you know that a soldier is a bigger hero than a celebrity, it doesn't matter what you see on TV." But I can't, 'cause I'd get flamed to high-heavens. :-w

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Geez, calm down people o_O. Arguments seem to be getting heated on all fronts today...




I know. OT has really become the vent of Tip.It.




I'm afraid of getting attacked if I say "This has got to be one of the stupidest topics I've ever seen, as long as you know that a soldier is a bigger hero than a celebrity, it doesn't matter what you see on TV." But I can't, 'cause I'd get flamed to high-heavens. :-w




*Flames to High-heavens*




Grim, I know what you are trying to say, but let me say this. If you think donating to cancer rescearch is a waste, then there is something wrong with you. If i had money that i did not need, and I know that I could help save one life with it, i would do it. You might think of people that you dont know as "worthless" but remember this. Every single person has a story, a life, a family, and friends. And when they die, the story just ends, and not just for the person who died, but for everyone who knew them. They are gone forever, and it bothers me that you would rather blow the money on income taxes(because it would leave there) then donate a few bucks to help save lives? That is very saddening.




I hope that you learn to care for other human beings, because no one human is better than the next.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I'll be whatever I damn well please.




And this oxymoron was in response to this.




There plenty of money in the world, some people have enough to give everybody on the planet 3 pound each.




It's not my job to care for each of you as it's not your job to care for me.




Oh, forgive me for having love and compassion for humanity. You should try it sometime.




What's the point of even attempting to care for humanity? We are the only species that kills its own for no reason. Attempting to care for something full of heartless scum is utter rubbish, the best you can do is care for your family/friends and i suggest u stop there




It's that kind of attitue that makes the world 'full' (actually, I'd argue the majority of people on this planet are decent) of heartless scum. Ironically, I could argue that kind of attitude is heartless. Just do enough to make everything ok for me and the people I have to live with and screw everyone else because they are heartless...




It probably means nothing to you but I wrote a song which pretty much sums up that attitude. So sickening and heartless it is when philanthropists don't exist... I could only imagine how much more heartless this rock would be if we stopped caring.

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