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hi, owr wait Hyt'z?

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i know how to get 55k per hour, pwnt, but i wont tell you :D


Deal you have to tell me i will only get members this weekend


and if i pass that day im not going to be able to get for another


month so please tell me.

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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96 mining tommorow maybe. Then its only 3 levels


more to 99 i also see im almost 25% to 99 which is the


same as getting 85 mining once and that was easy. :D


My goal is coming to an end ...

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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i will have to do a job if i complete


it my parents will let me get members with my own money


well the point is they said never again would i get members


so when i get 99 i will not be able to get the cape, the job


i can only do this one day and aparently its 35k exp per hour


if it is how they said 50k exp then i can get the cape just before i


go f2p!. There not telling me how they get 55k exp


so if i get members i will have wasted my money seriously


messing with peoples real life money is not cool. So bascially


i need some one to tell me if its possible to get 50k=55k exp


per hour and if so how full world and what rock formation.





563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Never thought I'd hear myself say this to you but BE QUITE!




Don't run around calling my friend idiot because he made a joke, plus he is not "messing with your rl money", that's basicly like saying:








Seriously, I like you and all but this is just pathetic.

No, I really don't play anymore.

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Never thought I'd hear myself say this to you but BE QUITE!




Don't run around calling my friend idiot because he made a joke, plus he is not "messing with your rl money", that's basicly like saying:








Seriously, I like you and all but this is just pathetic.




You do not realise how many times i have asked


and i still am. comparing my position to "give me Guthans now


before my membership runs out" is not the smartest thing to say


i do not even think you know what ive been thru i have a chance to become a member at a large expense and no not the member ship the


job and having some one think its all a joke and what sick pleasure


do you get from frustrating some one when they are sooooo over it


I had A deal knew it had passed a joke and did not stop if i got


member ship and he made it all up i would have wasted my time


and money you do not mess with people like that.




I still dont know and probably will not know until the time has passed.

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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please, use perioids when talking because this is


very annoying to read especially


when you talk like this and change subject all the


time do you know what i mean good because i really dont


wanna take commands from you you were basically


telling me what to do and i have told you earlier that


i do NOT take commands from anyone but i would tell you


the style to get 55k per hour, but as you said im an idiot


so i wont tell and also it wont work with you cause


you only have that 1 mouse key i said earlier

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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I have read through this page, and this is just getting more and more idiotic! A tip.it crew member which are arguing / flaming with another member because he doesnt want to tell how to mine - Is it really worth it? Get over it both, samurai, try ask nicely instead of giving commands, and dragon, shouldnt you set an good example?. I know im just a mere normal member which nearly no posts, but really guys!.

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I'm nice if people are nice to me :wink:





I need help I had a deal being the idiot he is


has decided not to tell me how he is getting 55k exp


per hour same with Out kast R0se. So well any way


to the point tommrow i will have to do a job if i complete


it my parents will let me get members with my own money


well the point is they said never again would i get members


so when i get 99 i will not be able to get the cape, the job


i can only do this one day and aparently its 35k exp per hour


if it is how they said 50k exp then i can get the cape just before i


go f2p!. There not telling me how they get 55k exp


so if i get members i will have wasted my money seriously


messing with peoples real life money is not cool. So bascially


i need some one to tell me if its possible to get 50k=55k exp


per hour and if so how full world and what rock formation.





And that wasn't nice to me?


Sorry for being not too nice samurai, but you were flaming me without am actual reason.




Other than that, good luck with your mining

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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You said if you get only 35k xp hour you have wasted your money, well why the heck you take p2p then why are you wasting your money on a stupid game if you're not even happy on 35k xp per hour, I bet there not gonna tell you if you flame then I suggest you look some guides and tips and try to get your mining fast you won't gain any xp by flaming others.

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You said if you get only 35k xp hour you have wasted your money, well why the heck you take p2p then why are you wasting your money on a stupid game if you're not even happy on 35k xp per hour, I bet there not gonna tell you if you flame then I suggest you look some guides and tips and try to get your mining fast you won't gain any xp by flaming others.




:lol: you have no idea what has happened have you or even


read what i have said i heard from O M G Guasto that the exp was


35k exp per hour (less then f2p) why would i PAY for less exp


so when im told its 55k exp and i am not told how and i have


1 night to find out and every one is playing jokes on me you can


see how i feel. No guides are up to date with the mining update.




please, use perioids when talking because this is


very annoying to read especially


when you talk like this and change subject all the


time do you know what i mean good because i really dont


wanna take commands from you you were basically


telling me what to do and i have told you earlier that


i do NOT take commands from anyone but i would tell you


the style to get 55k per hour, but as you said im an idiot


so i wont tell and also it wont work with you cause


you only have that 1 mouse key i said earlier




Its how i type , i am terribley sorry i type differently so sorry :roll: .


What excuse is that I have a PC why not say that in the continous messages asking you? why drag it out to get me worked up into


a state that i called you an idiot .






I have read through this page, and this is just getting more and more idiotic! A tip.it crew member which are arguing / flaming with another member because he doesnt want to tell how to mine - Is it really worth it? Get over it both, samurai, try ask nicely instead of giving commands, and dragon, shouldnt you set an good example?. I know im just a mere normal member which nearly no posts, but really guys!.




I didnt demand there was about ten Personal messages nicely asking


your trying to sort this out but you dont know enough , thanks for


trying though.





I need help I had a deal being the idiot he is


has decided not to tell me how he is getting 55k exp


per hour same with Out kast R0se. So well any way


to the point tommrow i will have to do a job if i complete


it my parents will let me get members with my own money


well the point is they said never again would i get members


so when i get 99 i will not be able to get the cape, the job


i can only do this one day and aparently its 35k exp per hour


if it is how they said 50k exp then i can get the cape just before i


go f2p!. There not telling me how they get 55k exp


so if i get members i will have wasted my money seriously


messing with peoples real life money is not cool. So bascially


i need some one to tell me if its possible to get 50k=55k exp


per hour and if so how full world and what rock formation.





And that wasn't nice to me?


Sorry for being not too nice samurai, but you were flaming me without am actual reason.




Other than that, good luck with your mining


Flamming? , your talking as if i did not send how many private messages


asking nicely and you just ignored me. I think you enjoy doing it as


a joke because you do it to every question i ask you.


I edited my post as soon as it was posted , it even says underneath the


post. I was more angry at the start of the post:


i will have to do a job if i complete


it my parents will let me get members with my own money


well the point is they said never again would i get members


so when i get 99 i will not be able to get the cape, the job


i can only do this one day and aparently its 35k exp per hour


if it is how they said 50k exp then i can get the cape just before i


go f2p!. There not telling me how they get 55k exp


so if i get members i will have wasted my money seriously


messing with peoples real life money is not cool. So bascially


i need some one to tell me if its possible to get 50k=55k exp


per hour and if so how full world and what rock formation.





563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Samurai, :notalk: .






[14] Oscar: "I didnt demand there was about ten Personal messages nicely asking"


[14] Oscar: is that true?


[14] 'Deal: he didn't pm me




I know this is not concerning me but I just cant watch my friends being flamed for no reason at all.




He shares his methods if he wants to.

No, I really don't play anymore.

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Hey Samurai I'm back again! To Samurai and the posters who had the discussion on Pg. 16 I have this to say:




You all are amazing skillers and I have enormous respect for all of you. No need to get all over each other for a simple mistake of over-eagerness from Samurai. All of you have worked hard for your goals and I do not see any one of you the least bit flammish. I Had a Deal has worked hard for his achievement and his techniques belong to him in his own right. I would hold no grudge against him if he went right now on my blog and posted the exact same comment about xp gains (I wonder if he will just to test me :P). I'm a snail compared to I Had a Deal, O M G Guasto, you, and all the other passionate mining skillers. But I do not really see the point in getting huffy about those who gain xp much faster and much more efficient than myself. Lets just keep the encouragement up guys rather than start some unproductive discussion. At the end of the day we all share a common love for mining :thumbsup:.


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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Samurai, :notalk: .






[14] Oscar: "I didnt demand there was about ten Personal messages nicely asking"


[14] Oscar: is that true?


[14] 'Deal: he didn't pm me




I know this is not concerning me but I just cant watch my friends being flamed for no reason at all.




He shares his methods if he wants to.




This has all happened in a runescape personal convo for over 2 days and


10 messages i have nicely asked why the hell is he saying other wise you forgot? . I am not randomly just flaming , you seriously think im going to


make up all these messages and just flame deal and call him an idiot.


There were message each explained i really need to know a lot of them


were also directed to Outkast r0se who had no idea i used a one figure



563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Hey Lux, me and a buddy did time trials last night. There is a rock formation in the Granite mining pit with 1 Sandstone and 2 Granite with a Sandstone and Granite in a diagonal pattern and a granite to the west of the other Granite. We both managed to get 8k exp in 10 minutes, so, it is possible to get 48k exp per/hour. For some reason though I couldn't reach that, I was pretty off-task though.

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Just because I Had A Deal doesn't want to tell you, you flame him? :-s


Sounds pointless to me.. :XD:




Rofl. :lol: I never wanted to flame him i just wanted to


find out the real exp rate , you are un aware of what actully


happened! so why get involved.




Hot Mountain i realise you like deal very much so you would


support him over me but seriously stay out of it i am not


flamming! He purposely likes to do this when i ask a question


like the timee that i asked how do you know you are 3rd in finland


with 99 mining because i really wanted to know and he just keeps dragging out for his pleasure. He says there was no Pms does not meen


there wasnt and of course now ive said all this a heap of random


people will come and be like oooooo deal is so faous stop flaming him


when they had no idea whats going on im out to get a some exp rate


not to flame.

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Hey Lux, me and a buddy did time trials last night. There is a rock formation in the Granite mining pit with 1 Sandstone and 2 Granite with a Sandstone and Granite in a diagonal pattern and a granite to the west of the other Granite. We both managed to get 8k exp in 10 minutes, so, it is possible to get 48k exp per/hour. For some reason though I couldn't reach that, I was pretty off-task though.




Thank you i have my answer could you tell me an accurate


one like just flat out mining? .

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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woah this is a rly long and boring flame....go nearl enrhahks temple and there is granite and im pretty sure that is uber fast xp, nuff said =;




1) its not a flame, if you knew what was actully going on you would know


2) O M G Guasto kindly told me the real exp per hour.

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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