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??~~??Most Annoying P2P Quest??~~??


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^ NO world 131, it changed, and was successful last time I checked.




My vote goes to Rat catchers, and just to infuriate others I never failed the handholds on MEP2 and failed the bridge on Olaf's once! before the update!

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I can't believe all of you people think that Mep2 is that hard. It really isn't if you follow the guide carefully but without a guide it's a different story.




My vote goes to Lunar Diplomacy that is the most annoying quest I ever done. With a guide its easy but do it without the guide the first day it came out. No lie took me at least 5 hours to do. And just getting to the Island took me 3 hours...


Barrow Items: 45 (3 Guthan Spears)(12/25/06)(1/1/07)(04/07/07)

Proud Owner Of Quest Cape SINCE the day it came out

Got Visage July 31, 2007

Visage #2 August 4th, 2008

AFTER ONE HOUR of googeling i'v came to the conclusion that there is no game called real life :evil:
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I actually liked MEP2, except for the fact that I spent half an hr wandering around cuz i had 2 crystals messed up -.-




Anyways Rat Catchers gets my vote, the first day it was out everyone swarmed there and you couldn't get anywhere


621st person to achieve 99 slayer on December 3rd, 2007

177th person to 99 summoning on June 21st, 2008

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Darkness of Hallowvale. :wall: I forgot a knife after this long agility thing, then I somehow didn't register to advance in the quest, so I walked all the way to Canifis, and figured out I had to go all the back to Burgh De Rott, and I did that like 3 times.




I HATE Darkness of Hallowvale and the stupid Myreque.

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As I haven't done ME 2 yet (or 1 for that matter), I have to say Sheep-Herder, frustration with a capital FRU! But from what I've read, I'm guessing ME 2 is going to top that when I get around to doing it.

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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My top 5




#1Tai bwo wannai(just very boring and a lot of walking)


#2Olafs quest(the bridge)


#3Heroes quest(was a pain finding someone from the other gang)


#4One small favour(....)


#5Watchtower(just didnt like it)






Havent done mournings end pt2 tho..

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monkey madness ... sooooo annoying


I did MEP2 with a friend and I actually enjoyed doing to quest :)


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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MM, so much walking and getting poisoned and getting caught etc.. But it was worth it!

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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