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59/85 Slayer .:: Currently Rcing::. 71/75 Rcing

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5k nats. done for today.




I added the pictures and ill do morning ends I & II soon incase some rl friends need a few deaths made. -.-


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Yeah, well i'd say the easiest part is over, you bought the ess now you can just rc:D




I love the feeling of having all my essence taken care of. If I don't have it all bought, the thought of it is constantly lingering over me and haunting me in my sleep!! :ohnoes: A little exaggerated but you know what i mean.




Keep up the excellent work! I have about 30k nats to make (that's without the 2x) before I get back to herblore. I'd love to RC with you sometime! Unless there are PKers, I'm always in world 56. Feel free to stop by and RC with me sometime :D

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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So true Dusty! There were loads of people who thought I was nuts for attempting 99 construction. But hey! I got there alright :wink:




So no worries. Just keep at it and you'll be there in no time :D

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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I love the feeling of having all my essence taken care of. If I don't have it all bought, the thought of it is constantly lingering over me and haunting me in my sleep!! :ohnoes: A little exaggerated but you know what i mean.




I know what you mean! Im gonna buy 300k ess after im done with this batch!!




Keep up the excellent work! I have about 30k nats to make (that's without the 2x) before I get back to herblore. I'd love to RC with you sometime! Unless there are PKers, I'm always in world 56. Feel free to stop by and RC with me sometime :D




I would LOVE to rc with you. Ill be on tommarrow of corse! I never have a problem with pkers, i tele out every time till they get embarrased and leave. 8-)




Have no fear! When I started going for 99 farming a lot of people told me I'd probably give up before getting to level 80 even, but look at me now, almost halfway to 99!




Keep at it, stick to your goal, and remember, HAVE FUN DOING IT!! :D




Thanks for your support. All of us great achievers starts at stage 1~! Im just getting started while others out there (like tipsis!) are basking in their accomplishment~!


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Thanks! Remember to pace yourself, don't burn yourself out.




I find it best to set a daily goal {5k atm} and then goof off whenever i get bored and log back on ::'


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Heh nice your doing good so far. Remember to always have fun when doing something, and if you don't want to Rc, you don't have to. Take a break once in a while, helps a lot. Trust me.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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lol i trust you.




*looks at my rcing lvl* :anxious: *looks at yours* :XD: iv done more rcing than you~!




no offence, just trying to be funny~! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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morning everyone!


today i can't play as much rs cause i got to be somewhere.




Im getting my drivers lisence today so :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




anyway, add me if you wish but my chat is usually on friends while im rcing. this is so pkers don't switch worlds as i do.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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morning everyone!


today i can't play as much rs cause i got to be somewhere.




Im getting my drivers lisence today so :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




anyway, add me if you wish but my chat is usually on friends while im rcing. this is so pkers don't switch worlds as i do.








Well, be carefull driving :)




Good luck with runecrafting.





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I just got 66 runecrafting. I toke the snap shot but forgot to save it.


I then toke another snap which deletes the last one. #-o




O well i got a fair enough one while i was going to charge my glories.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Alright, thats 4k nats for this morning.




Ill be back tonight to do the last 1k nats~!




tipsis if you read this, i was in world 56 all morning and i never saw you. :-k




o well i forgive ::'


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Alright, thats 4k nats for this morning.




Ill be back tonight to do the last 1k nats~!




tipsis if you read this, i was in world 56 all morning and i never saw you. :-k




o well i forgive ::'




She blends in with her environment so rc pkers can't see her...




She's a sneaky one that Tripsis... :-$

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Alright, thats 4k nats for this morning.




Ill be back tonight to do the last 1k nats~!




tipsis if you read this, i was in world 56 all morning and i never saw you. :-k




o well i forgive ::'




She blends in with her environment so rc pkers can't see her...




She's a sneaky one that Tripsis... :-$




lol~! o well ill get her next time!


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Im not gonna put this in my thread cause its not an even 10k amount.




Its kinda cool that the trade menu is with tipsis. I log on and she was just standing there next to me and the wild ditch. :XD:






2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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good luck, personally i cant see crafting nats through the abyss boring, i Love it! its fun and construction is fun too! again good luck and have fun likie i would have if i had it my way <3:

Could use a sig or avatar, PM me if intersted in making one.

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I agree, i can be quit fun at times. Usually im talking to a friend on the phone or something so it don't get to boring.




I also limit my rcing to 5k nats a day so i dont get burned out.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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