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You call that a fountain?


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I think the new varrock fountain is just to small. The previous fountains were grand and big, the new one has walkways, a couple statues, and tiny little pools of water with straws. I propose JaGEx makes the fountain bigger (one game square bigger on all sides), have more water spouts, and other fine touches.




The crossways should be replaced with bridges, the water of the fountain should go underneath the bridges and surround the entire fountain. The statues on it should be bigger, there should be 2 spouts on the bottom of the fountains instead of one. The spouts should be bigger. there should be a little roof or arch structure ontop of the statues, ontop of the arch should be a large fountain that rains down all around it, and has water trickle down the statues. I have made pictures to illustrate this.




Side View:






Top View:




Veni Vidi Vici

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i still haven't seen the new varrok.....probably cause im in Lumby fm...and really don't wanna walk to bank for tele..but i still need to go see it...but NO from what your saying i don't like this new one....give me back my old fountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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well, it's pretty good the way it is but I would want it to be a bit bigger.......................................................... Good idea :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Nice pixelling.


I agree it does need to be bigger, because all these players are like "Wow, I can walk on a fountain!", so it's gotta be crowded, there was like 100 people on one spot, and I had to trade with this guy. <.<


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Might work.




However, sive matters not.




Simply the fact that there is a fountain in Varrock's Center Place is just fine. Anyways, those who really take time to appreciate the beauty of the fountain are losing time.




This is my opinion :D




Combat: 98 / 99

Total lvl: 1657 / 1800

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thry wont give us back the old fountain... theyll just say: look at the bucket rants... now everyone likes it right?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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