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A computer 2000 years old!


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I heard about the 2,000 year old computer. Its supposed to tell when a eclipse accurs. I think. It was the greeks that came up with that.

And the cavemen wondered how to make fire...

Im in the .00001% that finds Firemaking fun. If you find it fun add this to your siggy.



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Nope, that is a fake computer. The first one was made in 1941, and there were no computers before that, except typewriters.




Also, Wikipedia has a lot of false information. I have not researched about that thing or whatever, so I don't know if it contains false information.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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Wow - That's one heck of a device. It has all random dials and such for different cycles and things.




I agree we should be more advanced than we are now. If we built the wheel thousands of years ago, then why do we still use it? Why aren't we floating?




It has taken us 6 Million Years to get to here, in the last 50 years was another of out MAJOR leaps in evolution, but if you divided it up. We SHOULD be further ahead. But looking at it all now, I don't really want us to be more advanced, all that ' More advanced ' is now. Is finding easier ways of killing people e.g the sword, gunpowder, Nuclear Bomb etc etc.

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*think of something catchy to say about this thread*




Hey dudes, I upgraded to windows 95 BC!


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Imagine if the Greeks lost the Persian Wars, we wouldn't have democracy...




Democracy was created in Iceland some time in the 1400's.




Greece popularized democracy. I mean who would follow from the example of Iceland rather than Greece home to some of the greatest political philosophers to have existed.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Apparently the Chinese empire in those years were even more advanced :-k


That's why Chinese people are smart. :wink: No racism, even though it's true most of the time





Since when is China so smart, have so seen the state of China?




Anyway, it's more a mechanical device than a computer very good nevertheless.

since the past 6000 or so years?




Have you seen the state of China?




erem..im from china......i know what state its in... in some cases, better than US. I like beijing over NY. if you think china sucks..well thats your opinion.... its not like um..1950s....indeed china has more poor people, but look at the population.... and look at US population. i think the reason isnt so hard to find out. and leader WAS crappy. i personly think Mao is not a very good leader, he closed china's trade system for like 20years...if he is not the leader of china for so many years, china would be far more advanced than as it current is, but the leader is not Mao anymore...so bah. btw...have u ever been to china? lol if you do you will notice that some large cities are better some of the large cities in US(except population)*cough* i went 2 far...i could get arrested for saying Mao isnt good as a leader in public in china*cough* *runs*

Quit runescape on Jan 6th of 2008, at level of 115 with around 150M worth of item in bank...however stats still remains


World 59, the world i loved~



Now 95% dedicated to playing Microsoft flight simulator



my youtube channel with many FSX videos i made. please leave a comment if you will

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Imagine if the Greeks lost the Persian Wars, we wouldn't have democracy...




Democracy was created in Iceland some time in the 1400's.




Greece popularized democracy. I mean who would follow from the example of Iceland rather than Greece home to some of the greatest political philosophers to have existed.


To clarify on the history of democracy...


The ancient Greeks invented it. It wasn't a great democracy. It was mainly a bunch of rich citizens that were men voting. No one else. Then the Persian Wars came, and Pericles started the Golden Age of Athens. He then modified democracy and made it better...He gave metics and slaves a few more rights. (I think)


Then later on, during the early ancient Roman times, the Romans found out about democracy. The Patricians (Or was it the Plebians?) were the only ones that voted, but later on, a Constitution was made. This was the first Republic, now the government system of the USA.


Obviously, the ancient governments are nothing like modern governments, but the basic concept is the same. And I didn't mention anything about the Spartan "democracy" as Zonorhc's last posts have made me a little confused.


I have no idea where you heard anything about Iceland, by the way.




And I'll just get this out there...I'm Taiwanese. I don't have a huge liking for China, but I'm not going to say they suck or anything. They're a decent country, somewhat like Canada. Not as good as the USA, but still pretty good.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Imagine if the Greeks lost the Persian Wars, we wouldn't have democracy...




Democracy was created in Iceland some time in the 1400's.




Greece popularized democracy. I mean who would follow from the example of Iceland rather than Greece home to some of the greatest political philosophers to have existed.


To clarify on the history of democracy...


The ancient Greeks invented it. It wasn't a great democracy. It was mainly a bunch of rich citizens that were men voting. No one else. Then the Persian Wars came, and Pericles started the Golden Age of Athens. He then modified democracy and made it better...He gave metics and slaves a few more rights. (I think)


Then later on, during the early ancient Roman times, the Romans found out about democracy. The Patricians (Or was it the Plebians?) were the only ones that voted, but later on, a Constitution was made. This was the first Republic, now the government system of the USA.


Obviously, the ancient governments are nothing like modern governments, but the basic concept is the same. And I didn't mention anything about the Spartan "democracy" as Zonorhc's last posts have made me a little confused.


I have no idea where you heard anything about Iceland, by the way.





Iceland was one of the first countrys to take on democracy in a truer form at around 900AD. Athenian democracy was more of a narrow democratic state despite it taking on a few changes over time. Even if Greece did lose the persian wars, it wasn't carried on. It was the legend of democracy that inspired the rest of the world, it was a very good experiment of direct democracy. Maybe we should return to a direct democracy rather than the representative dictatorship we currently have.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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The Greek were incredibly advanced for their time. Just looking at what wiki wrote about " another not available until the 18th century" thats like 800 years.




I wonder where we'd be today if the world, as a whole, could have put these ancient devices and technologies to greater use/study. It seems like so many of the discoveries of the ancient world were lost, causing the world to take steps backwards.


I'd say we're the next romans, although it doesn't look like it, in the past 100 years look at all the amazing stuff we've invented, computers, cars, phones, spaceships, etc we too are taking steps backwards Concorde, fastest passenger plane, decomissioned, the Sr-71 Blackbird, fastest plane ever , decomissioned, we're gonna turn into the romans and take loads of steps back lol


Sig by me....

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This was a Modern Marvels on the History Channel back in like 2003, its pretty old news




An analog computer dating back to greece? OLD NEWS? :|




Ha, sorry, I can't resist a good pun.






There is really only a slight period of time with Mao that has put China in its "current state" as all of you so nicely put it. But they are gaining more again, and will most likely fully suprass every other developed country again in terms of advancement. TELEPORTERS PL0X.

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Apparently the Chinese empire in those years were even more advanced :-k


That's why Chinese people are smart. :wink: No racism, even though it's true most of the time





Since when is China so smart, have so seen the state of China?




Anyway, it's more a mechanical device than a computer very good nevertheless.




NO offence to all chinese people but in my school Indians rock....




They average like 85%...and there are like 50 chinese ppl and they average about 75%...Seriously........

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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