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kris's blog~"See you on the other side"

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new setup:




thanks andu for teh 800k loan i have the cash to get a barrows setup and this time its decent lol.i was talking to a pro barrower paddy and he told me to use this setup for me.well ive don a double chest trip and its so much better than my old one,i barely get hit by torag and guthan,got hit once by guthan and he still didnt heal :thumbsup:




ill pay you back andu asap




also i just noticed im 1560 total,getting close to 1600 total without really skilling,probably the slaying ive been doing.anyway tahtsall and grats jamie on 70 range \'

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Wooo Kris!




Your really lucky at barrows!




Thanks for your support (and donation) for me getting 70 ranged!




Good luck with everything!


Sig by me :D

1337 total as of 3/2/08 at 14 : 52 GMT. Recieved 1338 total 32 minutes later

Hawt Pixel avvy by Jopie

Barrow drops: (2) - Verac's Brassard, Ahrim's Hood

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i miss thw first two periods of school because of science gcse resits and no lessons for yr 11 so i decided to do a barrows run before i went.well my new setup rocks,makes barrows so easy anyway i got a double chest loot,torags body and veracs flail wooot!!




can pay andu back <3:

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Wow nice work on the double drop!




The items are just flowing in for you. Very lucky and nice :D


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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i helped shey get 200 eyes of newt while she got me 200 snape grass so i finished off all my pots and saw i was very clos to 50 herb so here it is.gonna take a break from rs then get back to attack training :D


just farm to 50 then all stats are 50+ woot1



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so happy makes me want to do barrows even more




Think off the excitement when you get Guthans warspear... :-w




grats on the drop though <3:

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didnt play much rs today because i was playing guitar hero 3 with freinds.when we finished and i got back on rs i trained attack while revamping my blog and i did a banner for teh top of my blog.tell me what you think?


heres the 80 attack picture






ill get a few strength levels then start barrowing again,will help with karil and getting kill count up at the end of the runs i do.oh yeah i got a letter from college and i have an interview with them in january :ohnoes:

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Thats me showing off my revolutionary fight pits technique of running away from every combatant.tehy got annoyed in the second round by creating the anti kris benny hill mounouvres and just unleashed all hell on me till i was dead.bunch of meanies :cry: but twas funny :lol:



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Gratz on 80 hits 8-)




Good luck with slayer now :)

Sn'C Events Team Member



942nd to 99 hunter 2/8/07|26,042nd to reach 99 fletching 27/10/07|Quest Cape Achieved 22/1/08|50,000th to 99 Cooking 29/10/08

Dagannoth King Drops: 7 Zerkers 2 Axes 3 Warriors | Armadyl: 1 hilt first ever trip and kill | Barrows: 2 Dharok Legs 1 Ahrim Skirt 1 Torag Helm 1 Guthan Spear

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oh yes im bring slay back!i dont even know why i stopped slaying but now im going for 75 slay before christmas and somehow i dont think ill get it since im only getting 20k exp a day with school and such.




first ever dust devils task \'.ill still get it and in time for summoning anyway so its one of those,if i set an insumountable deadline it might make me get this a little faster

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well im gonna return to skilling because im bored with slayer.ran out of supplies and cash,im not making enough money to break even whether it be teles,pots or food.im gonna skill up until teh new year mining gold ore to 70 mining and smithing that and some more to 70 smithing.then ill get the 4 levels i need for 70 fish because thats gonna be a pretty straight forward goal imo.thinking off getting all three of these on my own hopefully(depends how much time i get off during study leave and how much revising ill be doing) christmas afternoon or something before getting stuffed with christmas dinner,im salivating from my plan already =P~

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Gratz Kris! :) Shocked about your brother, hope he's alright.




Keep it up buddy and good luck with your goals ::'

Sn'C Events Team Member



942nd to 99 hunter 2/8/07|26,042nd to reach 99 fletching 27/10/07|Quest Cape Achieved 22/1/08|50,000th to 99 Cooking 29/10/08

Dagannoth King Drops: 7 Zerkers 2 Axes 3 Warriors | Armadyl: 1 hilt first ever trip and kill | Barrows: 2 Dharok Legs 1 Ahrim Skirt 1 Torag Helm 1 Guthan Spear

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