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Eek a spider!


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Those camel spiders are pretty creepy looking. :? I don't trust any kind of large creepy thing that can run faster than me.




They cannot run faster than you.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Those camel spiders are pretty creepy looking. :? I don't trust any kind of large creepy thing that can run faster than me.




They cannot run faster than you.

Maybe Kayla has only got one leg and thus cannot achieve greater than 9mph? ;)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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I find spiders and other insects to be interesting creatures. I hate the initial shock I get when I see a bug on me or an insect flies past my ear, causing me to recoil like a maniac. :?


When I have more control over the insect (ie: its in a box) then I don't really have much of a fear; I can hold them and such.

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hell yeah! fight the power!




I am scared too lol, but daddy long legs creep me out more.. KILL EM ALL!!

pfff they arnt even spiders they are flies. wuss :D




they'll get you!! Just you wait!! The way they flit about and their ridiculously long and random amount of legs.. EWWWWW!! It creeps me out..




Apparently, Daddy Long Legs are the most poisonous spider. But their teeth aren't long enough to bite anyone. However, if you swallow one fear for your life! :ohnoes:





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Well I was just mowing the yard and ran over a yellow jacket nest with the lawnmower. Got away with only getting stung once in the achilles tendon. Those little buggers hurt.




In a way I'm glad it happened because after I did my mad dash to safety to outrun the yellow jackets and iced my sting I walked back out to look where the nest was and found not 1 but 2 nests with one being in a section of the yard I had not mowed yet. That would have been a major bummer to hit two nests in the same yard cutting.

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Those camel spiders are pretty creepy looking. :? I don't trust any kind of large creepy thing that can run faster than me.




They cannot run faster than you.




They might be able to run faster than me. I'm not exactly "in shape". I could probably get up to 10mph but I wouldn't be able to stay there for very long.

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Apparently, Daddy Long Legs are the most poisonous spider. But their teeth aren't long enough to bite anyone. However, if you swallow one fear for your life! :ohnoes:




Daddy Long-legs are not spiders. They are harvestmen (order Opiliones), which is an arachnid that haven't got poison glands or fangs.




However there is something called Daddy Long-legs Spiders, a popular named used about the species Pholcus phalangoides and other species in the family Pholcidae. These feed on other spiders, like the common house spiders from the genus Tegenaria.




What you said is a common urban tale, and is as true as the "On average every person eats 100 spiders in their sleep". Meaning not at all.




There is an urban legend stating that daddy long-legs spiders have the most potent venom of any spider, but that their chelicera (fangs) are either too small or too weak to puncture human skin; the same legend is also repeated of the harvestman and crane fly, also called "daddy longlegs" in some locales. Indeed, pholcid spiders do have a short fang structure (called uncate). However, brown recluse spiders also have uncate fang structure, but are able to deliver medically significant bites. Either pholcid venom is not toxic to humans or there is a musculature difference between the two arachnids, with recluses, being hunting spiders, possessing stronger muscles for fang penetration.




In 2004, the Discovery Channel show MythBusters set out to test the daddy long-legs myth (season 1, episode 13 "Buried in Concrete"). After measuring the spider's fangs at approximately ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâü mm (average human skin thickness is about 0.10 mm) the show's host was apparently bitten, although the bite produced little more than a mild short-lived burning sensation. This appears to confirm the suspicion that pholcids can penetrate human skin, but that their venom is practically harmless to humans. Additionally, recent research has shown that pholcid venom is actually relatively weak in its effects on insects as well.




Above quotes are from Wikipedia.




And to scn64: Solifuges don't run that fast, and do not attack unless you look like a prey. Bonus info: My finger on the ground looks like a prey. -.-

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Why is it we are so much more likely to be afraid of spiders versus any other insect? They are just like other insects, and some insects look even creepier than them, yet they still rank as a top fear.




Is society to blame for its portrayal of spiders? Or are spider's physique, or maybe even their actions, like building webs, the reason we so often encounter this fear, and on a rather high level?








But I guess its the hair on tarantulas.(sp?)


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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