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Be careful. Athiesm is the belief there is no God. There's another term for people who won't believe he exists until there is proof. CAn't remember what it is though.




The main reason I'm an athiest is because I believe there's a scientific and logical explantion for everything that occurs in the world. Most "miracles" can be explained through simple science.






No proof of science




Are you stupid?




Seriously, the amount crap that spews out of some peoples mouths these days... :uhh:






Ok , where did we come from. The universe where did it come from. Did you know the odds of a planet sutible for life is 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 to 1, and yet here we are. In a perfect postion from the sun. Not to close like vens, or to far away like mars.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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No solid proof of God?




Wow I didn't realise there was solid proof that he didn't exist either. Have I missed something? :roll:




Perhaps then you believe in Thor, Zeus or Quetzalcoatl? Or the invisible pink elephant, flying spaghetti monster or the flying teapot? Or ghosts, pixies, faries, gremlins, trolls, witches and warlocks?




I think I've made my point clear enough.




Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.




Actully , you are wrong. 4.7 billon. And guess what people the USA population is only 300m, so its all around the world.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Be careful. Athiesm is the belief there is no God. There's another term for people who won't believe he exists until there is proof. CAn't remember what it is though.




The main reason I'm an athiest is because I believe there's a scientific and logical explantion for everything that occurs in the world. Most "miracles" can be explained through simple science.






No proof of science




Are you stupid?




Seriously, the amount crap that spews out of some peoples mouths these days... :uhh:






Ok , where did we come from. The universe where did it come from. Did you know the odds of a planet sutible for life is 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 to 1, and yet here we are. In a perfect postion from the sun. Not to close like vens, or to far away like mars.




Did it ever occour to you how many planets there are in the universe. Even if your odds are correct between every, single planet that is out there there are bound to be those that are suitable for life.




Just because we are one earth instead of somewhere different doesn't mean anything.






Also read up on some of the links posted near the start of this thread. To be honest I'm not going to waste the time writing a large reply to you because you'll simply shrug it off.






Really though, your ignorance is outstanding.

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Ok , where did we come from. The universe where did it come from. Did you know the odds of a planet sutible for life is 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 to 1, and yet here we are. In a perfect postion from the sun. Not to close like vens, or to far away like mars.




Bah, figures like that are so made up by scientists who want to be famous. Science and math blatantly don't run together as hand in hand as scientists like to believe, and we have not been to 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 different planets to realise we are 1 in 123,29,345,768,657,454,545.

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Did it ever occour to you how many planets there are in the universe. Even if your odds are correct between every, single planet that is out there there are bound to be those that are suitable for life.




Just because we are one earth instead of somewhere different doesn't mean anything.






Also read up on some of the links posted near the start of this thread. To be honest I'm not going to waste the time writing a large reply to you because you'll simply shrug it off.






Really though, your ignorance is outstanding.




Dont bother.... he's not gona learn anything.

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No solid proof of God?




Wow I didn't realise there was solid proof that he didn't exist either. Have I missed something? :roll:




Perhaps then you believe in Thor, Zeus or Quetzalcoatl? Or the invisible pink elephant, flying spaghetti monster or the flying teapot? Or ghosts, pixies, faries, gremlins, trolls, witches and warlocks?




I think I've made my point clear enough.




Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.




Actully , you are wrong. 4.7 billon. And guess what people the USA population is only 300m, so its all around the world.








That is the worlds total population right now, roughly.








Acording to this 2 billion people believe in christianity, not 4.7.

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Be careful. Athiesm is the belief there is no God. There's another term for people who won't believe he exists until there is proof. CAn't remember what it is though.




The main reason I'm an athiest is because I believe there's a scientific and logical explantion for everything that occurs in the world. Most "miracles" can be explained through simple science.






No proof of science




Are you stupid?




Seriously, the amount crap that spews out of some peoples mouths these days... :uhh:






Ok , where did we come from. The universe where did it come from. Did you know the odds of a planet sutible for life is 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 to 1, and yet here we are. In a perfect postion from the sun. Not to close like vens, or to far away like mars.




Did it ever occour to you how many planets there are in the universe. Even if your odds are correct between every, single planet that is out there there are bound to be those that are suitable for life.




Just because we are one earth instead of somewhere different doesn't mean anything.






Also read up on some of the links posted near the start of this thread. To be honest I'm not going to waste the time writing a large reply to you because you'll simply shrug it off.






Really though, your ignorance is outstanding.






Still havnt answer my question(are you avoiding it) where did the universe come from.




Theres no proff that christianity is wrong.The bible is historicaly correct.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Mars is ALMOST suitable for life. You could live there, you'd just be really freakin' cold. :P Not sure if there is enough Oxygen...Probably not. But still, Mars' average temperature is like -32F...It's been colder than that here in Minnesota and I was outside playin'. :P I think it's minimum temp. is like -200F though...And Earth's is around -128F...I don't think you can survive such a low temperature, because at -128F, your skin can freeze a lil'. :P It's probably only that cold on the poles, around winter.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Where did the universe come from?






You gona answer for avoid it cause you cant answer it.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Still havnt answer my question(are you avoiding it) where did the universe come from.




Theres no proff that christianity is wrong.The bible is historicaly correct.




Where did god come from?




Point is we can play this game all day long and neither will come with a solid answer. Something has always started it.




Also I did answer you. Check the earlier posts, the theory venomi posted for one. There are several theory's about where the universe has came from.

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Where did the universe come from?






You gona answer for avoid it cause you cant answer it.




No one knows, mabye allah? Ever consider that? Just because science cant prove it yet doesn't mean they cant prove it in the future. But, sofar, science has offered a hell of alot more proof than god.

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Exactly that means science is based off theroy not fact.






OK go read the whole bible and then come back and post or pm me.All the proof is right there.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Exactly that means science is based off theroy not fact.






OK go read the whole bible and then come back and post or pm me.All the proof is right there.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Where did the universe come from?






You gona answer for avoid it cause you cant answer it.




Nobody Knows.




That's why we have religion. So believe god did it if you like.




Anyway on to your statistic regarding the improbability of life I think you'd need to understand that the principal of natural selection kills off any organism that dosen't fit that verry narrow niche and allows those that do to relish and proliferate. The fact that evolution defies odds such as this is to be expected in light of natural selection and how it works. To give you an analogy, say there is a very exclusive club. There are very specific requirements to get in, such that 99.9999% of all people in the world can't. Just say that the only people in the world that get the ladies ( :wink: ) are those that get to go in the club and those that can't get in don't procreate because they don't fit the requirements. Over time, those that have the genes necessary to fit the requirements of getting in the club will proliferate and adapt to the narrow requirements while those that don't will die off.




Natural selection in action. :lol:

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When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Exactly that means science is based off theroy not fact.






OK go read the whole bible and then come back and post or pm me.All the proof is right there.




No, science, theories included, are based on facts and observations; things we know. Going the other way around and basing knowlege on what we think is true and just believing in it is useless guesswork i.e. religion.




Let me quote you what I posted from another topic -




Evolution is a fact and a theory. The idea that evolution happens is a demonstrable fact evidenced by a 5 minute study of genetics. Ask any scientists whether evolution happens. The theory of evolution is a unifying explanation incorporating facts, explanations, observations, hypotheses and tests in order to best define and explain the processes of evolution and to help draw conclusions, one of which is that the theory of universal common descent is an accurate account of life on earth as evidenced by overwhelmingly favourable empirical evidence.




I'll give you an analogy I like to use. Gravity is a fact. The theory of gravitation merely attempts to explain how the phenomenon works.




You see we start with things we know. We know phenomena occur because we observe them. The idea that these things occur is fact. Theory is an explanation used to eventually bring knowlege and conclusions of use to humanity.

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oh im sry there some bad words in there one sec i get em out

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Copy and paster FTL. Come up with your own arguments.






(1) God exists.


(2) [Atheist's counterargument]


(3) Yes he does.


(4) [Atheist's counterargument]


(5) Yes he does!


(6) [Atheist's counterargument]


(7) YES HE DOES!!!


(8) [Atheist gives up and goes home.]


(9) Therefore, God exists.




Quality, quality material there bud.

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Exactly that means science is based off theroy not fact.






OK go read the whole bible and then come back and post or pm me.All the proof is right there.




No, science, theories included, are based on facts and observations; things we know. Going the other way around and basing knowlege on what we think is true and just believing in it is useless guesswork i.e. religion.




Let me quote you what I posted from another topic -




Evolution is a fact and a theory. The idea that evolution happens is a demonstrable fact evidenced by a 5 minute study of genetics. Ask any scientists whether evolution happens. The theory of evolution is a unifying explanation incorporating facts, explanations, observations, hypotheses and tests in order to best define and explain the processes of evolution and to help draw conclusions, one of which is that the theory of universal common descent is an accurate account of life on earth as evidenced by overwhelmingly favourable empirical evidence.




I'll give you an analogy I like to use. Gravity is a fact. The theory of gravitation merely attempts to explain how the phenomenon works.




You see we start with things we know. We know phenomena occur because we observe them. The idea that these things occur is fact. Theory is an explanation used to eventually bring knowlege and conclusions of use to humanity.




Ok lay the facts on me.

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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Evolution is defined as a change in allele frequency over time.




Mutations occur. They impart differential reproductive frequency on the population. Good mutations enhance this frequency and are therefore selected for which means they proliferate through the population.




The result of this is that the population evolves.




I reccomend a study of genetics; specifically population genetics. You'll soon enough find that evolution is an intrinsic property of life like roundness is an intrinsic property of circles.

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Did you know the odds of a planet sutible for life is 123,29,345,768,657,454,545 to 1, and yet here we are. In a perfect postion from the sun. Not to close like vens, or to far away like mars.


Where did you get this info? Show some sources if you want to be taken seriously.




Here's a great essay estimating the abundance of life in the universe. He estimates 200 million life-bearing planets.






Where did the universe come from?


I can answer that in the same way a religious person would answer "Where did God come from?"


The universe is something that has always existed. It didn't come from anything, there is no point of origin, it's just "there."




It's a hard concept to grasp but no harder than the concept of God. This is only a theory, there are many out there trying to explain this.








(1) If reason exists then God exists.


(2) Reason exists.


(3) Therefore, God exists.




... etc


What the hell is all this crap? Again, show some sources please.




It proves nothing and only makes me less inclined to believe in God. How about we apply it to atheism:






(1) If reason exists than God does not exist.


(2) Reson exists.


(3) Therefore, God does not exist.

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Copy and paster FTL. Come up with your own arguments.






(1) God exists.


(2) [Atheist's counterargument]


(3) Yes he does.


(4) [Atheist's counterargument]


(5) Yes he does!


(6) [Atheist's counterargument]


(7) YES HE DOES!!!


(8) [Atheist gives up and goes home.]


(9) Therefore, God exists.




Quality, quality material there bud.






First off why should I not show you what other people think.See the thing is i have no clue if these people said it.All i know is that its there and i can use it. Same principle apllies to science.How do you know the earth is round. Cause other people told you and its in books.How do you know that there are polar bears at the north pole , because other people have told you. How do you know the man landed on the moon. What if its all a con. YOU DONT KNOW. For all you know the tv shows of animal coiuld be done in a studio with special effects.You know what others have shown you.Not what you have discovered. How do you know the dinisaurs exiseted you never saw them. Oh right you saw them in the musem. Its called plastic.You don tknow if its real or not.You clame that you know all these things that happened in the past, yet you have never seen them. Only what people have tolod you or showed you.I can go on about this forever. This can be said about religon too. How do you know its only in a book. Well the thing is that this book CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU READ IT.Just look at the christians.Have you ever been around us. It feels different. I used to be an aithiest.Till one day my best friend asked me to come to church.At first i was like i cant, and made exusses.But one sunday i decided to go.Before i became a christain i had a disiplen problem, i did poor in school, i had almos tno friends, i woke up feeling as if something was missing, i though yet another day of nothing to do .




Heck what do i know im a 14 year old kid that is spending my time trying to let you in on the greatest thing in everyones life, yet you wont even try to understand what is in front of you.But heck i love yah, and god loves you, even if you tell god to go [bleep] himself he still loves yah.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Evolution is defined as a change in allele frequency over time.




Mutations occur. They impart differential reproductive frequency on the population. Good mutations enhance this frequency and are therefore selected for which means they proliferate through the population.




The result of this is that the population evolves.




I reccomend a study of genetics; specifically population genetics. You'll soon enough find that evolution is an intrinsic property of life like roundness is an intrinsic property of circles.






bacteria gets hit with a meterorite:now its a fungus:omg its turning into a fly:omg its evoloving into a catipillar:now its a rat:now its a lizard:snake:cat:chimp:ape:prime ape:orangotang:big botty ape...






Ok i put it this way








Why monkey still here?

When in faldore do as the dwares do.Mine =).

Proud Owner of the Coal Cart Co.:High prices for the miner:Low prices for the buyer.(Temperarelly closed/Pls dont pm me untill i reopen.)

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