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Family worries over " security to much . "


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My bro, 22, is aloud going out till lik 4 am..




Lol? If my parents would have given me restrictions on how long i may stay out (or any restrictions at all) at that age, i would have moved out. Oh wait.. i moved out anyway.




I know people who moved out at around 16, because they couldn't bear their parents.




As i already said in your other thread, i just would ignore my parents permission. Sure that means pissing them off and plenty angry words on both sides, but for me enforcing my freedom is most important. Hardly anything that makes me more angry then any restrictions.




Obviously your parents don't have your best interest in mind, but their fears and anxieties.

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Lol is it that weird having a brother 22 -living with parents..i don't kno where you live but here that's normal, hesgot the whole basement to himself anyways...




And thanks for the advice people-and today i saw a commerical it was like "inactive kids have bad futures" And it shows like this fat kid watering and has lik no plans and stuff, so i can show em that:D

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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Lol is it that weird having a brother 22 -living with parents..




For my part i just thought your parents tell him when to come home, wich i couldn't live with at that age. Maybe i misunderstood that though.




Most people seem to move out around that age +-3 years.

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My mother is sorta the same, except shes not too paranoid.


Everytime im late by 1 or 2 hours, she'll call and i usually tell her that im still at school doing a project, she always believes me. Or you can just tell her that you're at your friend's house studying.




If all else fails, try this :









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wait..i recall seeing that safety in steel" a long time ago...Why are poeple bumping Freaking old threads?! :evil:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Seriously why are both of these guy's topics up here about the same damn thing.


Because this one was a bumped repeat topic. It's just an attention thing :| .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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