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the best mement in your runescape life


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winning a fight pit game when i was lowest lvl there i was 87 and the other 7 guys were 90 96 107 108 89 99 93

6 year anniversary was 8/25/09




thx for the sig Runescape's fav cookie Oreo9870

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I was walking in the wilderness when I saw a whip on the ground, so I picked it up, knowing it was a lure.




Good thing I was just walking around and didn't have anything in my inventory :o That lurer was quite mad, though :)

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Hmmm, Mine will be when I achieve 99 Hunter. I guess my best one right now would be... my 50th barrows item? Maybe D Legs? or 40m... I really don't know.


814 to 99 Hunter

Trimmed Hunter Cape: 99 Cooking

Total Barrows Items: 53

Total Barrows Earnings: 65,545,000gp

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I think I rather felt bad when getting 100k because I begged then feeling good, but that's me :S.




Yea but i had just been hacked and lost everything i owned including a few rune items and valuable gems.

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For me, it was getting level 99 prayer. I remember years ago seeing other players with lvl 99 prayer and thought that was something I would never attain... yet I did :)




I was truly delighted with that lol


Ahh, you lucky ones. I think I've been playing over a year, I don't even have 43 prayer :(


Oh well, having well over 100 quest points by combat 70 is fun :)

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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i'd have to say this is the funniest gr8est moment in my rs hitory... ok so... im on zamorak and jsust about the whole saradomin team is killing my friend with teh flag.. obviously they do so when he dies i took the flag and ran.. well it just so happens that they all followed me and were you know on the space of one guy basically looked like one guy was following me... i ran past the rocks and made the explosion the amount of red splotches and numbers was amazing! it was like fire works wish i would screened it but.. idk oh well... it was hilarious sadlyt they all came back and basically repeatedly stomped on my head and soiled my perfect dignity.. not! i scored and they lost! mwuahahhahaa :notalk:

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the moment i got my fire cape, and the d chain drop from kq is a good second place.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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