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Attention...Recognition and Lies, Which+Why do YOU Seek it?


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... Seriously though, even though Goobore will post now saying how this goes along in accordance to the "8 points of people are wrong and I know what they will do next",




Well, it is something that I have observed on these forums.




I doesn't even really matter who is "right".




People do tend to repeat the same kinds of highly charged emotional behavior and almost anyone can observe the patterns.








...this thread like many others on tif is one based on truths that are viewed quiet




differently by different people. This I do know is one thing very few people




on this thread arent Acknowledging.




Hmmm, I'm not sure that I understand your point.








The point that I think is under discussion is basically,




"All RS players play RS in a manner to get other RS players to notice them"




The key word there is "all"




I certainly don't play that way. (Perhaps due to my life experiences and perspective)








Somewhere along the way it looks like the "RS" got changed




to "real world" and "players" got changed to "people".




So, if you are debating "All real world people act in a manner to get




other real world people to notice them", then I would (mostly) agree with you.








But within the vary narrow world of RS, that statement is not universally true.

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Okay, you really need to delete that God complex list Goobore. You've made good points so far, but you just randomly threw in that dogmatic list for absolutely no reason, and it's really just getting on everyone's nerves. No one is always right, not you, not I, not anyone.








No one here is flaming you, no one here is angry. We're here to have a simple debate, that's all. I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that there's no point in that list being on this thread, so, if you could, delete it so we can have a debate where we actually learn from each other.








Moving on:










I really don't give a **** what other players think.




That's completely denying human nature :| .




No, not at all.








I don't really care what RS players think but




I do care what the general population thinks (real world people).




Within the framework of the RS world we interact as fighters, rangers,




magicians, crafters, buyers, sellers, etc.




That's totally different from standing in line behind some guy at Wal-Mart to buy a donut.








You are mixing up game avatars with flesh and blood people.




But there are "flesh and blood" people behind those game avatars. Go with raylife's argument on this one, that just kind of fails :| .









I.e., "never". Your response logically leaves no room for "feeling a compulsion to try and impress a bunch of people" as you used an absolute negative, just like the term "never".




The context of this discussion is, essentially, do we play to impress people.




"People", in this case meant other RS players within the RS world.




Somewhere along the line it looks like "People" has expanded to include




"real world" people as well. (See point #5 in a previous post)




So, in case my position is not clear, then I'll clarify it.




I don't play to impress other RS players within the RS world.




I feel no compulsion at all to try and influence the thoughts or attitudes of other RS players.




I feel this way because I have a very full life outside of RS and my




experiences in real life have helped me to understand that RS is just a minor game.




So using the word "never" in regard to the RS would be appropriate.








However, for "real world" events and interactions with family, friends,




neighbors, classmates, etc; then obviously I use a different standard.




In that case, I do care and I act accordingly.








The issue under discussion here (from the original post) involves RS avatars, not real world interactions.




I shortened the quoted phrase for my points sake, now I see it was mistake to do that, as you completely avoided the issue and jumped all over that technicality (which you greatly stretched in thinking that me saying "people" had to mean I had left the realm of Runescape players, who are in fact people). Fine, if you need me to change the phrasing so you can't find a loophole around it, I'll fix it to the full phrasing:








I.e., "never". Your response logically leaves no room for "feeling a compulsion to try and impress a bunch of people on an online game" as you used an absolute negative, just like the term "never".








I am still talking about Runescape players, not the real world, when I refer to your using of the term "never". Stop avoiding the issue with insults and technicalities, and tell me why you think one would never, in years of playing this game, feel a compulsion to at least slightly impress players, who are, if you do not understand, real people (if only across a screen). You're still interacting with people.








And I know you don't play to impress people in the game, but if you've played for any substantial amount of time, there's been at least a small handful of times where you felt good about impressing players with high stats, good items, or any Runescape related obtainable of the sort.








It's statements like this that I feel are blatantly incorrect:




I feel no compulsion at all to try and influence the thoughts or attitudes of other RS players.




You're talking in absolute negatives, like you think you're Jesus or something, someone free of all temptation and sin.








Let me get this through your head:








Nobody is perfect. You may not play to impress people, I both believe and respect that, but you can not say that you've never made a social fault in all your time of playing.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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... Because they know they are wrong and they are affraid to face that fact...




Yeah, exactly.








On the occasions when I would get into a "flamefest" with an incorrect




player, I actually had a check-list of behaviors that the other guy would




usually go through.




It was actually really funny to see how predictable so many people were.








The most stubborn, well, fools were usually the ones with some very high stats.




(Please, don't start on me for being against "high levels"




After all, you don't know where I am ranked ;) )




I suppose that their ego got in the way of their common sense.




Lower ranked players usually had enough sense to stop posting and bail out..




But some of those higher ranked players would refuse to bail out and




would start to really squirm as their feet were held to the fire longer and longer and longer...








I don't have my list anymore but it was something like:




1) Player posts an error (usually minor)




2) I post a correction




3) Player makes a post saying that my correction doesn't matter




and reaffirms his postition.




4) I post additional details about the truth of the matter




5) Player gets angry, makes lots of typos, and even contradicts himself.




Player then makes some changes to the subject at hand and talks




about how he is right and starts with personal attacks on how I don't know anything.




6) I point out that Player has changed the subject and is now talking




about something else entirely. I also point out the contradictions and personal attacks.




7) Player calms down and then tries a holier than though approach.




He realizes he's in a mess and is looking for a way out.




Usually at this point, the post has all sorts of non-issue related stuff in it.




The Player is trying to divert attention from his original mistake and is




trying to focus on a minute non-issue.




8) Usually at this point the Player is not responding to specific points in




my posts but rather makes vague rambling statements overall like




"You are an idiot and I know it all".




I point out that the Player is once again trying to change the subject




and that his original mistake still stands.




9) Player either goes beserk and a mod locks the thread (deletes it sometimes)




or Players bails out with a comment about "Refusing to talk to idiots anymore"








What is consistant about these sorts of encounters is how the Player




refuses to face the main issue (ignore questions) and tries to change




the subject into something that he can claim to be correct about.




Throw in some personal attacks and/or "Holier attitude" and you've




got some entertainment...








what i love about your list is if you read your posts from the beginning of this thread to the end you follow the pattern of the player who is wrong and refuses to be corrected. So good job trying to act like your all knowing when you obviously have superiority complex problem.



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Finalement: the original post said everyone is always seeking attention in game, this then got expanded to fit real life situations, this has been proved to be a false statement, there are many situations in real life and in game where noone is seeking attention, you have all muddied the water so much because you know you are wrong. This is now an excercise in who can be bothered to post the same points over and over.




























(if everyone ignores this as they have ignored most of my posts thus far i'll take it to mean i win, i will not be cheated out of my victory dance).

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Finalement: the original post said everyone is always seeking attention in game, this then got expanded to fit real life situations, this has been proved to be a false statement, there are many situations in real life and in game where noone is seeking attention, you have all muddied the water so much because you know you are wrong. This is now an excercise in who can be bothered to post the same points over and over.














(if everyone ignores this as they have ignored most of my posts thus far i'll take it to mean i win, i will not be cheated out of my victory dance).




Your not serious are you?...Maybe you really are so ill break this down for you.








You realise noone has even tried to deny this yet right? Do you honestly think players say like top 5 ranked players in runescape log onto the forums and make a thread saying they are buying 10k magic logs. Do you honestly believe that they make this post just to hear all the "omg your ranked #4 in all of rs", or "omfg free stuff pl0x!". NO they dont.




However what is different from this is that on many different situations is that many more people are actually purposely or even subconsiciously seeking attention.




For example: if all of you out there on this thread that couldnt gave half a rats @ss what we think about you. Then why the hell are you still posting on this thread? Your not gonna care what we think about you either way...so why not save yourselves the headache, the eventual carpul tunnel syndrome or the the post count and just not post? I know why, becuase you actually do care to some subconscious extent, just like your subconsciously seeking attention, even though you dont want it, by posting further.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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Okay, you really need to delete that God complex list Goobore...


I'm not sure that I understand why you feel that way.


That list was basically a compilation of typical evants and typical behaviors.


You may very well find yourself experiencing those sorts of things,


many times, from the position of the "right" player.


So, you know, "Don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like the message"




...No one is always right,


Strictly speaking, that is very true.


However, some players do have more knowledge than others


and I, for one, am always glad to learn from them.




...I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that there's no point in that list being on this thread, so, if you could, delete it


Hmm, well that list was not directed at any particular player, (honest),


and, IMHO, is does capture some of the interactions on these forums.


So, I'll leave it as is.




But, please feel free to contact a mod to have him/her remove it.


Either way is fine with me.




...But there are "flesh and blood" people behind those game avatars. Go with raylife's argument on this one, that just kind of fails :| .


Ah, but you are interacting with that "flesh and blood" person purely


within the context of the RS world.


If I acted in a manner to impress player X with my skill set and gear


then I could even bump into X in the donut line at Wal-Mart


and neither of us would ever know that we were "that other guy" in Rs.


Most of us know (in real life) only a few of the 2000 players on a world server.


So, most of the time, the "impressing" that we do in the RS world


doesn't carry over into the real world.




Now, if you are talking about a small group of school or neighborhood


friends, then things are a little different.




... now I see it was mistake to do that, as you completely avoided the issue




Personal attacks?




...I am still talking about Runescape players, not the real world, when I refer to your using of the term "never". Stop avoiding the issue


Friend, I assure you that I am not trying to avoid any issue.


But clearly, we don't have the best communication here.




...with insults and technicalities, and tell me why you think one would never, in years of playing this game, feel a compulsion to at least slightly impress players,


Maturity, maybe?


Life experiences, perhaps?


A sense of perspective. After all this is just a (kinda) silly


computer game that many of us play for a bit of fun.




My 84 year old friend, if he played, would definately not give a hoot


about impressing other players.




...who are, if you do not understand, real people (if only across a screen). You're still interacting with people.


People that I don't know and might not ever interact with again.


So, Why would I care what they think?




If I went for a walk along an Italian Beach and I saw


a group of guys sitting around would it make any sense at all


for me to puff out my chest and try to look studly so that I might


impress a bunch of guys that I don't even know?


Especially if I was flying home that night and would never be back?




...where you felt good about impressing players with high stats, good items, or any Runescape related obtainable of the sort.


Well, no. Honestly.


I usually don't talk to other players. I am usually focused on training instead.


The few times that a player has complimented me, I though to myself


"Ok, here it comes. He's gonna ask me to be his best friend or to give


him some addy ore or smith him full mith or whatever."


I definately did not "enjoy" the encounter and would not seek to repeat it.




The statement "All RS players play to impress other RS players" is simply not true.


The statement "All RS players enjoy compliments from other RS players" is not true, barely, but only because of the word "All".


It would definately be true is the word "Many" were used instead.




You might not believe me, but consider my 84 year old friend.


He has a severly mentally delayed/challenged daughter in a special institution in northern


Virginia, he witnessed, first hand, almost all of the launches during the


1960's during the race to the moon, he spent a year on the front lines


of the Korean war as a forward observer and watched friends get their


heads blown off, and he's slowly dying from prostate cancer.


Do you really think that he is gonna get his ego stroked by someone


complimenting him on his full rune?




Some RS players have had vastly different life experiences


and have a totally different perspective on this game.




I really don't know what more than I can say to convinve you that


some of us really don't care.

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...what i love about your list is if you read your posts from the beginning of this


thread to the end you follow the pattern of the player who is wrong and refuses to be corrected.


So good job trying to act like your all knowing when you obviously have superiority complex problem.




Interesting perspective...




Can't say that I agree with it though.

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...i will not be cheated out of my victory dance).




New emote perhaps?




Im not too sure id want to See that emote :XD:




well...actually that would be a nifty emote for rs...just not if it was berb's victory dance :P

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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... many more people are actually purposely or even subconsiciously seeking attention.


Well, I believe the original claim was "All" instead of "many"




So, yes, I certainly believe that "some/many" players act in a way


to draw attention to themselves. But not all




For example: if all of you out there on this thread that couldnt gave half a rats @ss what we think about you.


I guess that would be me then...




...Then why the hell are you still posting on this thread?


Your not gonna care what we think about you either way...


so why not save yourselves the headache, the eventual carpul tunnel syndrome or the the post count and just not post?


Would you like me to stop posting responses in this thread?


I will if that's what you want.




I know why, becuase you actually do care to some subconscious extent,


just like your subconsciously seeking attention, even though you dont want it, by posting further.


Very nice, clever Exit strategy (a variation on #9)


Well done!

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You realise noone has even tried to deny this yet right?




You cant actually have GOTTEN any attention unless it was SOUGHT after to some degeree in the first place.




Am I missing something here? -.-

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Drum, he's right. People can recieve attention that they don't seek.




The list gives a fairly obvious impression of a dogmatic god complex, which is why you got a fair number of responses regarding it as such. Maybe rephrase your post in a way that it doesn't appear that you think you're always the one that's right, so as to avoid confusion.




...But there are "flesh and blood" people behind those game avatars. Go with raylife's argument on this one, that just kind of fails :| .


Ah, but you are interacting with that "flesh and blood" person purely


within the context of the RS world.


If I acted in a manner to impress player X with my skill set and gear


then I could even bump into X in the donut line at Wal-Mart


and neither of us would ever know that we were "that other guy" in Rs.


Most of us know (in real life) only a few of the 2000 players on a world server.


So, most of the time, the "impressing" that we do in the RS world


doesn't carry over into the real world.




Now, if you are talking about a small group of school or neighborhood


friends, then things are a little different.


Most likely any attempt to impress people would be subconscious, but it happens to everyone >_<.




Again, as I stated earlier, I, like nearly all people, am not a racist, but I can have subconscious thoughts that would lead to decisions in which I would prefer those of my own group. In the same way you may seem to never be a player who tries to impress people, but subconsciously events might take place that would involve you impressing others and feeling good about your accomplishments by their praise.


... now I see it was mistake to do that, as you completely avoided the issue




Personal attacks?


No, just a statement of what appeared to be a twisting of my words to change the subject, even though it was only miscommunication (which you did use to affront me in your reference to "#5", mind you).




Though, it's almost as if you're trying to twist my words to fit into your little list, which they're not :| . In the same way you referenced #5- you thought I changed the subject, but I did not, it was merely a miscommunication. I also have not made a single typo thusfar, nor have I resorted to personal attacks. Stop trying to twist my rebuttals to fit into your little list, and just debate.


...I am still talking about Runescape players, not the real world, when I refer to your using of the term "never". Stop avoiding the issue


But clearly, we don't have the best communication here.


Nope, no we don't >_<.




...with insults and technicalities, and tell me why you think one would never, in years of playing this game, feel a compulsion to at least slightly impress players,


Maturity, maybe?


Life experiences, perhaps?


A sense of perspective. After all this is just a (kinda) silly


computer game that many of us play for a bit of fun.


Yes, but never? I find that hard to believe, no offense.




Myself, I never played to impress people, but I had more than my share of occasions where it felt good to impress players (mainly via Magic, as that was the only real strength I had in the game in matters of both skills and items). You can honestly tell me you've never, ever, had an impulse or a great feeling from impressing other players, from getting attention or being the center of the crowd? Whether or not you see them in real life, they are still people.




...who are, if you do not understand, real people (if only across a screen). You're still interacting with people.


People that I don't know and might not ever interact with again.


So, Why would I care what they think?




On the conscious level you probably care very little, but they are still people behind those screens, and you can't honestly tell me you don't care what people think about you.




The statement "All RS players play to impress other RS players" is simply not true.


Of course. But in a MMORPG, your bound to find yourself impressing some players (especially after playing for a decent amount of time), and I doubt you always shrug off complements like you think they don't matter. A complement is a complement, and I don't think there's a single ego in the history of mankind that wouldn't care about them.


The statement "All RS players enjoy compliments from other RS players" is not true, barely, but only because of the word "All".


It would definately be true is the word "Many" were used instead.


Eh, see above :| .




You might not believe me, but consider my 84 year old friend.


He has a severly mentally delayed/challenged daughter in a special institution in northern


Virginia, he witnessed, first hand, almost all of the launches during the


1960's during the race to the moon, he spent a year on the front lines


of the Korean war as a forward observer and watched friends get their


heads blown off, and he's slowly dying from prostate cancer.


Do you really think that he is gonna get his ego stroked by someone


complimenting him on his full rune?


Why not? He may not be affected by it all that much, but it's still a complement.




Some RS players have had vastly different life experiences


and have a totally different perspective on this game.


Yes, but again, no one's perfect.




I really don't know what more than I can say to convinve you that


some of us really don't care.


Me, I consciously didn't care when I played the game what players thought about my character, 'cause if I did I'd actually have skilled once in a while, or done quests, or things that bored me to improve my character. I did what I thought was fun: DK'ing, playing CW, defeating big monsters, everything that encompassed a challenge. But through all my apathy towards people's opinions of my characters low total and weaknesses, I still felt joy from complements to my character. Whether it be DK'ing skills, or my Magic Level, or just the items I was wearing, subconsciously complements always made me feel good inside.




I still fail to understand how you can be completely uncaring about complements. Maybe I never will, 'cause it's such an impossible concept to understand.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I just have one additional question Rebdragon... Why do you keep saying 'no one is perfect'?




I can understand how you would use that phrase to make clear that everyone enjoys a compliment, but why associate not wanting attention to perfection as if seeking attention is one of our faults. I know it's not wise to turn this thread into a discussion on perfection (we've gone off-topic enough already :P ), but I was just wondering why you would see it as something that doesn't or does contribute to making one perfect.

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I just have one additional question Rebdragon... Why do you keep saying 'no one is perfect'?




I can understand how you would use that phrase to make clear that everyone enjoys a compliment, but why associate not wanting attention to perfection as if seeking attention is one of our faults. I know it's not wise to turn this thread into a discussion on perfection (we've gone off-topic enough already :P ), but I was just wondering why you would see it as something that doesn't or does contribute to making one perfect.


Because Goobore repeatedly says that he "never" feels joy from getting a complement, or that he "never" seeks attention (whether subconsciously or consciously) in the game, after playing for years.




In fact, seeking attention isn't necessarily a fault, as you stated, which is why I further don't understand why Goobore says that he's never done it in years of playing a multi-player, world wide game.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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(i tried to post this a while ago but my internet died).






please leave the personal stuff away from this, i dont need to be told that 'half the people on this thread dont care about me' because quite frankly thats unnessecary information, furthermore theres no way you can speak for everyone. Maybe half the people do care about me and my opinions.Also please don't deign to tell me what MY subconsious is up to because that is the eptiomy of rudeness, i can just as easily say you began with this personal stuff because you had a bad day at school/work/unemployment centre and felt like being an [wagon], its baseless, but hey this is the year 2007 where anyone whos seen a chat show is an amateur psychologist ey? (btw its quite clear your 'example' is nothing more than a personal attack so dont try that line because im not an 8 year old)






your original post


Is there any one of you out there that can HONESTLY say that you dont Actually try to seek Attention?




Whether or not its positive or bad attention is two different things all together.




Many and most of the people that play this game usually seek the first part of this attention in the form of some kind of recognition. Which makes sence as I'm sure not many of us would play this game if it was just a Single Player game. (thanks highlanders )




HOWEVER, Lets flip the coin over and ask the same question.




Why do people seek the negative attention that often times can be found seeking ingame or on these forums? Do they think that they are getting the same sence of Recognition and accomplishment from doing it? For better examples, What drives these people to not only scam or hack but also to LIE, often times blantently lie to other players over some of the most pointless matters. Even in the event the player doesnt really know what the answer/truth reallly is and doesn't really mean to be lying to another player, yet through talking to them theres no other possiblity that they could be mistaken or mislead, a.k.a wrong / incorrect.




*(time for the strong closer)*




Now the REAL QUESTION IS: Which Type of "Attention" (Positive or Negative) Do you seek and Why do you Seek this "Attention" ?




Also why Do you think people Strive to Achive either type of Attention?




*(Wait theres more to this! I'll put it in the Second Post)*




Ill Add the examples to the second post. Mostly includes some recent messages ive had with folks to help me get to the point of making this topic.






I still hold by the reasonable assertion that i DONT SEEK attention when im playing the game. I dont walk about in my best armour for no reason, i dont ask people leading questions about skills, i dont yell out when i get a lvl.




Edit:Ill have you know that my victory dance is so blindingly awesome you would go...blind if you saw it, needless to say it involves body popping and foot stomping. I will be sending Jagex a video of me in a previous victory dance (after i crushed under foot a woefully under-prepared internet opponent in a game of starcraft years ago) in the hopes that they will implement it into the game (i will be removing the parts of the dance that are so awesome they make you blind). Edit2: removed a comment that is pompous and pointless at the same time.

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...The list gives a fairly obvious impression of a dogmatic god complex, which is why you got a fair number of responses regarding it as such. Maybe rephrase your post in a way that it doesn't appear that you think you're always the one that's right, so as to avoid confusion.


Maybe I would if it mattered, but since, IMHO, it doesn't, so...




... but subconsciously events might take place that would involve you impressing others and feeling good about your accomplishments by their praise.


Well, I think that gets back to the "life experience" thing




...Though, it's almost as if you're trying to twist my words to fit into your little list, which they're not :| .


No, my friend.




In the same way you referenced #5- you thought I changed the subject, but I did not, it was merely a miscommunication. I also have not made a single typo thusfar, nor have I resorted to personal attacks. Stop trying to twist my rebuttals to fit into your little list, and just debate.


Hmmm, that is what I am trying to do here.




...Yes, but never? I find that hard to believe, no offense.


Well, what if a player was bit of a sociapath?


That kind of player certainly wouldn't care about the thoughts or feelings of others.




(I just know what kinda posts are gonna follow from that comment, lol )




...You can honestly tell me you've never, ever, had an impulse or a great feeling from impressing other players, from getting attention or being the center of the crowd?


Well, I play in a solo style all the time. So, I can't ever recall such a moment.




But, IMHO, the issue under debate is really if the word "All" is accurate.


It's not about my personal play style but rather about the claim that "All RS players play to ..."




In mathematics, and langauge, the word "All" means that there are no exceptions.


In short, that every single possibility is included.




Whether or not you see them in real life, they are still people.




On the conscious level you probably care very little, but they are still people behind those screens, and you can't honestly tell me you don't care what people think about you.


Real world people Yes,


Game world people, well it never occured to me


to worry about what they thought, so I guess that's a "no"




But again, it's not about me. It's about the use of that all encomposing,


no exceptions provided, word "All"




..., your bound to find yourself impressing some players (especially after playing for a decent amount of time), and I doubt you always shrug off complements


But that's just it, I usually play with the all Chat options Off.


So I would not even see their complements.




...A complement is a complement,


But only if you actually see it.


If you are not aware of it, then ...




...and I don't think there's a single ego in the history of mankind that wouldn't care about them.


Well, now we are bluring the line between the RS world and the real world.


My answer in each case is: "Who cares" and "Yes"




Why not?


He may not be affected by it all that much, but it's still a complement.


Wow. I don't know what to say to that.


This is a guy that has worn dark sunglasses every year, to hide his


tears, for 39 years whenever he made his yearly visit to his daughter.


This is a guy that helped put his friends in body bags to send back stateside.


When someone goes through that kind of emotional pain,


he considers something like RS, to be totally insignificant.




Some RS players have had vastly different life experiences


and have a totally different perspective on this game.


Yes, but again, no one's perfect.




I think that we have a big gap in understanding here.


I can only hope that you will never have to experience, first hand,


what my old friend has.




... I still felt joy from complements to my character.


And that's great, for you.




...I still fail to understand how you can be completely uncaring about complements.


Maybe I never will, 'cause it's such an impossible concept to understand.


I think that's it's the "life experiences" thing.




Burdens that other players carry can change one's emotional outlook


and put things like RS, in a different perspective.

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...Because Goobore repeatedly says that he "never" feels joy from getting a complement, or that he "never" seeks attention (whether subconsciously or consciously) in the game, after playing for years.


Chat OFF my friend




I further don't understand why Goobore says that he's never done it in years of playing a multi-player, world wide game.


Because it would only encourage begging and spoil my playing experience.




I enjoy setting goals for myself and then achieving them.


Knowing that I did it is all the ego stroking that I "Want" or "Need"


And, no matter what my stats, (they really aren't that good btw)


there are always many thousands of people better. lol




Also, talking about me, personally, is really getting off topic...

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Goober: few people that have suffered an immensity of grief such as that play a game, you are right though the word all isnt fitting


Reb:there are few (veeeeeeery few) people who care nothing for compliments, either sociopaths \' or people who have been crushed emotionally to the point where a compliment is just a meaningless babble in the background noise of despair.

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I can safely say i pretty much play the game as a single player... high alc for money get all equipment i need. However i do buy certain things instead of wasting time for drops. I dont talk to friends and ignore any random person.




I don't seek even a little bit of attention and why should i. I find it hard to care what someone u have no idea is thinks of u through a internet computer game.

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I never turn public chat or private chats on. nor do i turn trade on.


I always go into the world with the least people too.


Who even gives a crap about wether some people notice them or not anyway?


just play the game.


If you turn public chat on you hear the word "noob" every 5 seconds anyway and it just pisses me off. Thus why I dont bother anymore with speaking to people..

pking was crap anyway

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It is fun to be famous on RS but sometimes it is just 2 many noobs following after you and stuff.



Ranked as RS 3rd best Fogger of all times by Fog Elite, and is proud of it :)

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