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The Corruption Clan Videos


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The Corruption Clan Videos




Videos are made by members of the Corruption clan and will try to be put in chronological order. This will show how the Corruption Clan has improved over time.




Wars and Miniwars




Corruption vs Wicked Warriors P2P


Recorded by: Omca




Corruption vs Rune Raiders P2P


Recorded by: Omca




Corruption vs Rebirth F2P


Recorded by: Omca




Corruption vs Jaguars F2P Part 1


Corruption vs Jaguars F2P Part 2


Corruption vs Jaguars F2P Part 3


Recorded by: Nebbo 67




Corruption vs Mystic Knights F2P Part 1


Corruption vs Mystic Knights F2P Part 2


Recorded by: Nebbo 67




Corruption vs The Storm F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Zeonic Force P2P


Recorded by: Volt Kreuger




Corruption vs Lethal Blades + Rune Raiders F2P


Recorded by: Volt Kreuger




Corruptions vs Dead on Arrival P2P


Recorded by: Volt Kreuger




Corruption vs Followers of Malkav F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Followers of Malkav P2P


Recorded by: Volt Kreuger




Corruption vs Mystic Knights F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Damage Inc. P2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Anarchy F2P Part 1


Corruption vs Anarchy F2P Part 2


Corruption vs Anarchy F2P Part 3


Recorded by: Volt Kreuger




Corruption vs Collision F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Silent Assassins F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs RuneScape Dynasty F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Chivalry Legions F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs The RuneScape Warhunger Federation F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs BlacKnights F2P


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Anarchy F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Anarchy F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Anarchy F2P


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs BlacKnights and BlacKnight Cadets F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Gladiatorz F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Eternal Honor F2P


Recorded by: Ben




Corruption vs Eternal Honor F2P


Recorded by: Elementofice




Corruption vs Eternal Honor F2P


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption's Europe vs America F2P


Recorded by: Aznboy31040




Corruption vs Damage inc. F2P


Recorded by: Cailas




Corruption vs Damage Inc. F2P


Recored by: Aznboy




Corruption vs Gladz & Fa's


Recorded by: Lebanat




Corruption vs Gladz & FA's


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs RSD + Fa's


Recorded by: Robby Ronal




Corruption vs RSD + FA's


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs RSD + FA's


Recorded by: Aznboy




Corruption Vs VR


Recorded by: Lebanat




Corruption vs LF F2P


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Eternal Honor 4 Day Prep Miniwar


Recorded by: Bicardi (No Download)




Corruption vs Eternal Honor 4 Day Prep Miniwar


Recorded by: Joelly88




Corruption vs Violent Resolution - 100 vs 100 Miniwar - Corr Only Numbers?


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs "The" 30 Minute Prep - April 5, 2007


Recorded by: Paradox




Corruption vs "The" Clan 30 Minute Prep - April 5, 2007


Recorded by: Bicardi (No Download/Download - Recommended Download For Much Higher Quality)




Corruption PK Videos




Since there aren't alot of Corruption PK Videos these are not in chronological order.




Corruption vs RSD Jan 7-07


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corr vs RSD Planned Run In


Recorded by: Aznboy




Corruption vs VR Sept 06


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Gladz Sept 06


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Gladz Late Night PK Dec 19 06


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Eternal Honor January 19, 2007


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Kirlian Unofficial Trip - No Download


Recorded by: Bicardi




Tournament Videos and Capped Miniwars




Corruption vs VR CJ Tourney (15 vs 15)


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs Gladz CJ Tourney (25 vs 25)


Recorded by: Bicardi




Corruption vs LF CJ Tourney Championship (25 vs 25)


Recorded by: Bicardi

Leader of Corruption


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so many vids. I wish I had some of our early fights from 4 years ago. I had camtasia back then, but it lagged me so bad.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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Thanks, full credit to Bicardi - who set up all these vids.




I think for anyone who doesnt want to watch an entire thing, perhaps this is a good one for you:




http://files.filefront.com/Coruption+Pr ... einfo.html




Its a collection from a few fights type thing, while its not CoR at its best - it should give you a glimpse into what we are all about. I would highly recommend this video if you are unsure of what to download.

Leader of Corruption


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As is quite obvious, Corr are storngly coming back to Tip.it and what better way than by showing off our vids :P




Some really nice vids in there, well worth a look.



Corruption Clan Member


100% F2p

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