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I re-sized it to 80x80 so it will fit neatly with your "events team" logo in your avvy. 8-)

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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): banner


Dimensions (Size): max forum size


Colour(s): Blood red and Black


Render (Not required): a pickaxe at a tilt in the background(could't find an image)


Font: Nsimsun


Font Color: something that stands out, Idc


Text: The Pickaxe Chronicles


Subtext: Book I (Not a 1, and I, very important)


Notes: Thanks =D


Border (No tech borders!):none

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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Banner




Dimensions (Size): Um, don't really know this, what you normally do for one




Colour(s): Red-black




Render (Not required):




Font: dafont won't come up -.- so just the font you used in my sig




Font Color: White




Text: Pandaownage's Signature Shop!




Subtext: Banner by dartfeild




Notes: Sub text in right bottom corner




Border (No tech borders!): 2 px black

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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Signature


Dimensions (Size): 300x100 or something similar.


Colour(s): Blacky sort of theme.


Render (Not required):Go crazy.


Font: Any


Font Color: What ever looks good


Text: Lord_auron11


Subtext: Proud Member of TDM


Notes: I like this example http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/5086/mcginesszh2.png (or anything that will fit 30kb tip.it limit :(


Border (No tech borders!):Yes pleash <3

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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Banner


Dimensions (Size): Whatever the average banner usually is


Colour(s): Greens


Render (Not required):


Font: As always, pick one out


Font Color: White (i think :uhh: )


Text: Peterpan's Blog to Success






Border (No tech borders!): A white and black one (i think)




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): The size of my current sig


Colour(s): Blues


Render (Not required): Whatever you think is good (if you cant find one dont worry about it)


Font: As always, pick one out


Font Color: White or black


Text: Peter (can it have the little , heh)






Border (No tech borders!): A white one




You dont have to follow my form, just do whatever looks best. (this will be the last orders for a while, i swear :ohnoes: )

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Once again, I'm not very good at renderless banners. :uhh:

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Ah that's weird anyway do you think you could make a version with a different render same background and stuff? just to see if it looks better.


Also you should make a section "Comments on my work" or something similar if you do my comment is you make great high quality signatures and always it seems complete them realy fast.

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Once again, I'm not very good at renderless banners. :uhh:


Very good i love it! Is there anyway you could make me a little sig thing for the ges elections?




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): sig sizes.


Colour(s): Purple, blacks matching the thieving skill


Render (Not required):








Font: As always, pick one out, somethign to match thieving if possible


Font Color: White (i think)


Text:Vote Peter for Thieving Master!


Subtext: If you dont he will still your pixels!




Border (No tech borders!): A white and black one (i think)




Again if you dont have the time dont worry about doing it, sorry for so many requests i swear this will be my last for months. Only do it if you have time.

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I figured it would look better as a userbar. Hope you dun get angri wif me. :XD:


Whoa, thats awesome thanks! <3:<3:<3:




If possible could you change the text of one saying "Peter, Going for 99 Theiving." So i could still use it after the elections? But i still want the elections one. Sorry if that was confusing.

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Didn't need the 'Peter' in the text, it will be in your sig right? O:)


Thanks! I seems out of place with my blue sig (color) so i will probably use it on ges and everyother forum. Also i need to add you banner to my blog and your sig to my sig. thanks again! <3:

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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): Full tip.it size


Colour(s): Ocean blue


Render (Not required):


Font: Anything that looks good


Font Color: White


Text: J35u5 M4's Blogeh of Barrows & More!!!


Subtext: Click for blog (in the left-down corner please)


Notes: PM me when its ready if you can


Border (No tech borders!):




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Avvy


Dimensions (Size): full tip.it size


Colour(s): ocean blue


Render (Not required):


Font: anything that looks good


Font Color: white


Text: J35u5 M4


Subtext: Combat 100+ (down of the text)


Notes: PM me when its ready if you can


Border (No tech borders!):




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): banner


Dimensions (Size): 800x200


Colour(s): ocean blue


Render (Not required):


Font: anything that looks good


Font Color: white


Text: J35u5 M4's Blogeh of Barrows & More!!!


Subtext: Master Barrows




Border (No tech borders!):






If you can make a dark green version of banner, I would thank it please :P


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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): banner


Dimensions (Size): 800x200


Colour(s): black back round


Render (Not required):


Font: dont really care


Font Color: pink


Text: ice and spec's blog of flamingos


Subtext: i <3 flamingos


Notes: can you put 2 small flamingos on each side of the banner?


Border (No tech borders!):





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Forgot to close this. Sorry to the 2 people above me ^^. I won't complete your requests. Sorry again. :(




If you're feeling overworked, I could help you when I come back, I really need practice.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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