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Potential game/graphic updates! (NEW stat pic!)


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I am making this thread to suggest and discuss future graphical updates JaGEx could do once they finish with there monster/world makeovers.




For starters I have taken the liberty to create a new Health bar in paint:




The one on the left is the one I made, the right is the current one. Which do you think is better?




Here is an in game shot of what it would look like:






Next I suggest that they totally redo the statistics page with the new, smoother, graphics style.


Heres a picture im currently working on finishing, but here is basically what it is:






After this, I suggest a revamp of the other menu's with the smoother graphics.




Finaly I suggest "Skill makeovers", where JaGEx takes an entire skill and updates the graphics. (example: Woodcutting, JaGEx updates all the trees, axes, and other woodcutting things.)




I feel this is not the right type of suggest to keep a supporters list for, so I won't. If you want to add anything to this feel free. I will try to update this when I get more pictures made and I get more ideas.


Veni Vidi Vici

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I feel this is not the right type of suggest to keep a supporters list for, so I won't. If you want to add anything to this feel free. I will try to update this when I get more pictures made and I get more ideas.




First of all. I support the picture of the new hp bar. It would totally match the interface that we have today. Good job.


You better keep making more pics, 'cause I wanna see more.




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new tree looks


because when you chop down a tree its not alway's corerctly shaped and like a table but they6 have to make some parts of it to go up and to the side i will try and make a pic soon

How does 20 minutes turn into 2.5 hours? Was your math perhaps magical math?


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Thanks for supporting the thread, and due to popular demand I started work on the new stat menu a little sooner than I planned. Writen, produced, and directed by Sir_Erderik. Tiver50 is proud to present "New stat menu: Tale of skills":




An instant classic...


Patent pending, all rights are mine, not a mimes.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

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its a cool idea, except i think the M in the corner ruins it a bit




I like the idea for a skill revamp, its will organize the updates a bit better




The 'M' I put there to show its a members skill, If it proves that more people don't like it I'll remove it.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

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Wow nice I support. The HP bar and stats menu look old compared with all the other graphical updates.




Are those your stats in the picture? Nice stats if they are :D

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I updated the skill menu again, if you've noticed ive been changing the skill button background colors alot to find a good one. I think I found a good color for it as it has good contrast and color.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

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Thanks, but what do you mean by "other symbols"?


eum like the friend list symbol and the settings symbol and backpack symbol you know now?




Ya, Jagex recently updated those pictures so I won't try to improve on them.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

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