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My Retirement


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I Bufoman have recently retired from the staff and from my possistion as a Clan Moderator.




I joined up for many resons mainly that their was no one else to do the job save an Administrator who should be free to do administrative work without haveing to clean every thing (which she did dispite our efforts none the less for many months).




Originaly their where 3 of us, I will not bring up their names but of the 3 I out lasted them by many months. as a result I got to do the work that was originaly intended for 3 people (and one very buissy administrator).




at around jully I had hoped to retire as I became burned out due to over work and lack of over all support by means of a CMOD Force. however I perservierd and continued my work and only recently have I found sufficent replacements to allow me to retire without abandoning these boards to rot and decay.




I hope I am not over confidant in this for you have undoutably gotten used to seeing me as the Leader of these boards. now I ask that you look to Dbzruller72 and Das for your needs in my steed.




so now after 9 months of being your Moderator I return to you at last as a fellow TipIter and no longer Bufoman the Clan Mod. I can only hope my reception will be a warm one.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Good job, still this section has a long way to go though. You at least showed it proper consideration.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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No offence but to me you and all the other clan discussion forum mods are nobodys in the clan world and a major reason why these forums are dieing, no body wants to be in a tyranical clan discussion forum thats moderated by a bunch of people no ones ever heard of who know nothing about the clan world.


Best of luck regardless of my oppinion.

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No offence but to me you and all the other clan discussion forum mods are nobodys in the clan world and a major reason why these forums are dieing, no body wants to be in a tyranical clan discussion forum thats moderated by a bunch of people no ones ever heard of who know nothing about the clan world.


Best of luck regardless of my oppinion.




All the clan moderators are currently working in a private subforum to improve the clan community at tip.it and are doing an excellent job. Clan moderators are also chosen for a reason- they must have good clan experience. Just because someone doesn't have a big or booming clan doesn't mean they have no knowledge of the clan community.




Bufoman will truly be missed as he was a helping hand at CTET before Sheynara even arrived, and he's been with us all the way until his retirement. He's attended events with his clan and lost, but that never let him down. He kept on trying, and correct me if I'm wrong, won a couple of events, a surprising turnout for a small clan. I still believe he is running this clan. :-k


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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No offence but to me you and all the other clan discussion forum mods are nobodys in the clan world and a major reason why these forums are dieing, no body wants to be in a tyranical clan discussion forum thats moderated by a bunch of people no ones ever heard of who know nothing about the clan world.




Agreed, but that doesn't mean that Bufoman didn't do a good job. Because he did.


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No offence but to me you and all the other clan discussion forum mods are nobodys in the clan world and a major reason why these forums are dieing, no body wants to be in a tyranical clan discussion forum thats moderated by a bunch of people no ones ever heard of who know nothing about the clan world.




Agreed, but that doesn't mean that Bufoman didn't do a good job. Because he did.

No idea if he is doing a good job, i like every other person involved in the high lvl clan world left these forums to the noobs after every decent discussion here kept getting closed after a little flaming started.


But to mod clan discussions shouldnt you have a basic understanding of the clan world? I wont name people but last year i was talking about damage inc and a tip it clan mod asked me what damage inc is. :?

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well considering the other two who started doing the job with me dident last half as long- one vanished after a few weeks, I think I did a pretty good job getting things back in order. no I dident restore the Clan Section to its former glory nor could I. It would be too much to expect one man to make such a change by himself. but I did act as Custoden here for 9 months, helping (considerbly mind you) to keep spam and Flames in check, and topics Cleaned, and alot more.




and Mario:




yes I still lead my order although it has fallen on hard times of late. one of the sad eventuality's for any clan is it will know alot of them, but its how the Clan Deals with such matters that determins its Charicter.




most clans would simply dissband after haveing gone though what we just did, but I intend to perservier and restore us to a community that has something good to offer the Life Long Free to Players and other people who care about such things more than simply PKing.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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No offence but to me you and all the other clan discussion forum mods are nobodys in the clan world and a major reason why these forums are dieing, no body wants to be in a tyranical clan discussion forum thats moderated by a bunch of people no ones ever heard of who know nothing about the clan world.
Maybe you don't know us, but the only person who I can say that doesn't know a great deal about the "real clan world" has just retired. I'm not trying to offend him, but it's not his fault Bufoman wasn't introduced to the clan world when he became a Clan Moderator (at the time he became a moderator, clans had left Tip.It.) As for Das, I can safely say he's a clan world veteran. As for me, I started in 2001 but didn't get clan oriented until 2005. I favor the older lot (DI, 'THE', RSD, etc.) & so I don't keep up with the fairly new clans. But I do know about them, don't be mistaken.




Das was in Wanderers & was leader of KoFH, which received a reputation on DI boards a fair deal back. While I currently lead an old, but semi-out-of-the-clan-world clan.

No idea if he is doing a good job, i like every other person involved in the high lvl clan world left these forums to the noobs after every decent discussion here kept getting closed after a little flaming started.


But to mod clan discussions shouldnt you have a basic understanding of the clan world? I wont name people but last year i was talking about damage inc and a tip it clan mod asked me what damage inc is. :?

Ouch :| Those times are now over, & we can indeed prove it. Flaming is all part of the clan world, as far as I see it, & threads will not be locked just because of some put-downs.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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No idea if he is doing a good job, i like every other person involved in the high lvl clan world left these forums to the noobs after every decent discussion here kept getting closed after a little flaming started.


But to mod clan discussions shouldnt you have a basic understanding of the clan world? I wont name people but last year i was talking about damage inc and a tip it clan mod asked me what damage inc is. :?




From what I know, tip.it has still more than enough people who are active high staff members of the big clans. Also, I am in favour of about 5 moderators who are high ranked people in clans such as DI, The, Corr, EH, ...




The main problem of people who aren't active in DI for example, is that they don't have a good feeling about when a topic could turn out ok from flaming. It's always an almost instant lock when somebody says something bad about someone else. Logical, from the view of moderator, but unlogical from the view of people in clans. Really bad -harassing- flaming shouldn't be tolerated, but when somebody says (example) ' Clan X is really inactive ' and members of that clan start to defend it it shouldn't be locked. It's a dull example, but the last mods that are assigned to moderate CD aren't capable to feel that.


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