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Etp's Amazing Bloggy! ~TONS OF STUFF ADDED! P.129~

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Oo, 60 slayer? Very nice!! :thumbsup:




Keep it up etp!

Thanks a lot K G <3:




I hate your clue scroll luck....better than my mh luck.
hehe sara legs was my best one, i bet you already got something more valuable than it o.O




Woot! That's some serious pwnage. Have fun with slayer! <3:
Thanks Pwning man@ :D




o.o Etp I'm going to pass you in stats!




78 Hits :P 98 Combat at the moment


Also you got basilisks when I got hellhounds, which I got after basilisks :P




Look in my blog for my stats :P

ooo maybe! tbh, i just need to look at your signature for you stats :XD:




Woo Nice task!!!




Herby lvls from cleaning are FTW. :twss:

[quotSoooo true! +1.




Oo congratz on the levels! Another 60 skill ftw :D
Yuppers! Etpappletier r becoming a pro <3:






So, 2 pics for todays!


first, the most important one, 74 ATK AND 99 COMBAT!! (i now beat my rival in cb! ftw tbh!)






and then i did a Kbd trip!




was pretty dry tho, went with grade, 2noob4you and hybridwolf, then 2noob went away, finished with grade and gansta! i didn't get a lot of loot.. too bad!


I know i still have food and some pots but i had to go >.<




Etp <3:




Etp <3:


Haven't gotten anything better than that yet.

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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Haven't gotten anything better than that yet.
you should go there more :P




Grats on 99 Combat! (lol your rival)




Take me KD some time k?

Thanks! (and yes, grade is my rival of all times, compare our stats in the hiscores lol :P )


and yes, i'll take you to the Kalphite Dragon :XD:




Etp I'm going to beat you to 100 combat!



we'll see 8-)

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Oo, 60 slayer? Very nice!! :thumbsup:




Keep it up etp!

Thanks a lot K G <3:




I hate your clue scroll luck....better than my mh luck.
hehe sara legs was my best one, i bet you already got something more valuable than it o.O




Woot! That's some serious pwnage. Have fun with slayer! <3:
Thanks Pwning man@ :D




o.o Etp I'm going to pass you in stats!




78 Hits :P 98 Combat at the moment


Also you got basilisks when I got hellhounds, which I got after basilisks :P




Look in my blog for my stats :P

ooo maybe! tbh, i just need to look at your signature for you stats :XD:




Woo Nice task!!!




Herby lvls from cleaning are FTW. :twss:

[quotSoooo true! +1.




Oo congratz on the levels! Another 60 skill ftw :D
Yuppers! Etpappletier r becoming a pro <3:






So, 2 pics for todays!


first, the most important one, 74 ATK AND 99 COMBAT!! (i now beat my rival in cb! ftw tbh!)






and then i did a Kbd trip!




was pretty dry tho, went with grade, 2noob4you and hybridwolf, then 2noob went away, finished with grade and gansta! i didn't get a lot of loot.. too bad!


I know i still have food and some pots but i had to go >.<




Etp <3:




Etp <3:






my potatoes taste good? <3

I _Heart_Gang.png
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99 combat? Nice job!!




You're catching up to me lol :ohnoes:

then you should play a bit mroe instead of doing all these posts <3:


(they are really appreaciated btw ::' )




my potatoes taste good? <3
dunno they are now lost in my bank :o






8-) <- wanted to do that lol!






Scroll down for a cookie.




















































































































































































Scroll up for a cookie.














and 61 slayer!








Now, i need your help. I could either have:


1 - 75 attack with 1500 total and 100 combat with 50 summoning


2- 75 attack with 100 combat and another level up for 1500 ttl




help me decide plz! :D




Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Option #1 and I better come <3:

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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hhhmm.... there are lots of varied opinions ;)








i looked to all my pictures... and then i realised that everytime i reached some milestones, there were lots of people saying "congrats!!!".




I saw Veyron's pic of 85 smithing.. and i just loved it!




So, i think that i will get 75 Attack and 1500 total alone and take a great picture, and the next day or the day after it, get 100 combat with 50 summoning and have a great party with lots of ppl for all 4 level ups! <3:<3:




what do you think of it? :)


i already found a good place tbh \'




Etp ::'






NEED YOUR HELP! Please give me really good hints to get a genie or exam random!! i will use book/lamp for the lvl up.

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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then it will be like it :)












W99 as a fav world will be really helpfull, as well as only 1 clicking to access runescape from the main page :D




Tbh, i HATE the new way we see players, only their combat level being coloured :(


it was really helpful before, and also i now hate the way the cb lvl of monsters is written:


Before: "Blue dragon (level 111)"


Now: "Blue dragon (level:111)"


i just hate that... -.-




I tried pvp world in f2p!!! Soloed a bit and no drops (except mith chain :lol: ) and i also died! :XD:


lost only full green dhide, anti dragon shield and coif :P




then i teamed with Shotdown12 (lvl 92 in f2p) and we went @ fally sq. A lvl 104 suddently atked him, and didn't see i was atking him lol!


Shot ran to the bank, without wanting to die, that lvl 104 following him (still w/o knowing he was atked, his atttention seemed to be all focused on his target) and then the 10 secs ran out, he had like 1hp left >.<




Then, he didn't even saw he had that hp! :shock:




He went out of the bank, atked and got my FIRST PLAYER KILL EVER!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


total worth of 78k! Wewt ;)






Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Grats on 14 Player killing experience <3:
Where does this number come from lol? :lol:




We should pk together sometime. Don't worry, I'm pro. :twss:
maybe ;) but i'll be focusing on 1500 total in the next days :)






Repeating meh question: Where is the best place to get a lamp/book from random?








Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Congratz on your first PK kill! Now Ima stay like half of the world away from you when we're in a PvP World together :ohnoes:


~99 Cooking on 06/20/2007~

~99 Agility on 03/02/2008 (1,006th)~

~99 Firemaking on 06/25/2008~

~99 Woodcutting on 06/29/2009~

~99 Fletching on 10/29/2009~

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well done on your first pk etp :D I have yet to try out the new stuff :D

Sn'C Events Team Member



942nd to 99 hunter 2/8/07|26,042nd to reach 99 fletching 27/10/07|Quest Cape Achieved 22/1/08|50,000th to 99 Cooking 29/10/08

Dagannoth King Drops: 7 Zerkers 2 Axes 3 Warriors | Armadyl: 1 hilt first ever trip and kill | Barrows: 2 Dharok Legs 1 Ahrim Skirt 1 Torag Helm 1 Guthan Spear

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