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[Moist fart] - [QUITTING - Byezzzz]

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I am really taking quitting into consideration. There is nothing fun to do in RS anymore, the community has really ruined a great game. Mainly WANNABE MODS! They REALLY tick me off. For example the level 119 that reported my name the other day thinking it was offensive because it was gross, And when I started having a fight with them they just logged out...Anyways, there are MUCH better things in life other than RS (No, not WoW :shame: ) But I barely ever play anymore..like 3/4 i'm on the computer i'm just bumming around on forums, seeing as I can't stand the game..Just too boring. Everytime I quit one account and went onto another, it was boredom. And today when I thought of making yet another account..It was just the final straw. Btw guys, don't make posts that just say "plz stay" As I will not take other peoples ideas..only my own. I will think about it overnight and possibly have my decision tomorrow...




~ Eamonn


[signature not appropriate]

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I am really taking quitting into consideration. There is nothing fun to do in RS anymore, the community has really ruined a great game. Mainly WANNABE MODS! They REALLY tick me off. For example the level 119 that reported my name the other day thinking it was offensive because it was gross, And when I started having a fight with them they just logged out...Anyways, there are MUCH better things in life other than RS (No, not WoW :shame: ) But I barely ever play anymore..like 3/4 i'm on the computer i'm just bumming around on forums, seeing as I can't stand the game..Just too boring. Everytime I quit one account and went onto another, it was boredom. And today when I thought of making yet another account..It was just the final straw. Btw guys, don't make posts that just say "plz stay" As I will not take other peoples ideas..only my own. I will think about it overnight and possibly have my decision tomorrow...




~ Eamonn




Yeh, Moist. I've thought of quiting many times and been in the same shoes as you.. Really try to start some stuff thats fun, or do the things you enjoy. I like pking so I pk =D I also like pink skirts so I made a clan called Pink Revolution and it currently has 20-30 members.. So yeh, you find the choice within yourself..




Edit: The balance is also really important, I sense you have gone over the good balance. When you play too much things get way way more boring.. Really you should play less and the game will seem more fun and that way you also keep up with real life stuff..




Soccer Season has ended for me but my team is having a party tomarrow =D




Wooo .. :P




Remember the balance..




Also, Blogscape kinda made feel more like RS is worthless , thats why I dont have a blog to this day..




P.S. I usually don't post on blogs but It seems my advice might be useful .


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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I am really taking quitting into consideration. There is nothing fun to do in RS anymore, the community has really ruined a great game. Mainly WANNABE MODS! They REALLY tick me off. For example the level 119 that reported my name the other day thinking it was offensive because it was gross, And when I started having a fight with them they just logged out...Anyways, there are MUCH better things in life other than RS (No, not WoW :shame: ) But I barely ever play anymore..like 3/4 i'm on the computer i'm just bumming around on forums, seeing as I can't stand the game..Just too boring. Everytime I quit one account and went onto another, it was boredom. And today when I thought of making yet another account..It was just the final straw. Btw guys, don't make posts that just say "plz stay" As I will not take other peoples ideas..only my own. I will think about it overnight and possibly have my decision tomorrow...




~ Eamonn


Exactly the way I think, gl irl if you quit.

#4500 to 91 rc - 03-03-09


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Don't worry Eamonn, I think if you quit it would be a good decision.


Runescape is meant to be fun, if it isn't providing fun then there is no need to waste all those hours doing something you hardly enjoy, whilst in real life you could be hanging out with your mates or earning wages doing something you find more fun.


Cheers Eamonn for being a great mate for as long as i've know you, and the best of luck.


- Ash (a.k.a. MARRRRR) :)

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I am really taking quitting into consideration. There is nothing fun to do in RS anymore, the community has really ruined a great game. Mainly WANNABE MODS! They REALLY tick me off. For example the level 119 that reported my name the other day thinking it was offensive because it was gross, And when I started having a fight with them they just logged out...Anyways, there are MUCH better things in life other than RS (No, not WoW :shame: ) But I barely ever play anymore..like 3/4 i'm on the computer i'm just bumming around on forums, seeing as I can't stand the game..Just too boring. Everytime I quit one account and went onto another, it was boredom. And today when I thought of making yet another account..It was just the final straw. Btw guys, don't make posts that just say "plz stay" As I will not take other peoples ideas..only my own. I will think about it overnight and possibly have my decision tomorrow...




~ Eamonn




Well if you do quit Just remember you have meet really great friends while playing :D . I really hope you stay but this is your choice and i will not change your mind. I hope you will remember all the friends you made (if you do quit). By saying that If you do quit have a great time in life <3: .




PS: ugh want-to-be mods...so evil! if you ever have a problem with something...think about them getting reported and banned. :)

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I am really taking quitting into consideration. There is nothing fun to do in RS anymore, the community has really ruined a great game. Mainly WANNABE MODS! They REALLY tick me off. For example the level 119 that reported my name the other day thinking it was offensive because it was gross, And when I started having a fight with them they just logged out...Anyways, there are MUCH better things in life other than RS (No, not WoW :shame: ) But I barely ever play anymore..like 3/4 i'm on the computer i'm just bumming around on forums, seeing as I can't stand the game..Just too boring. Everytime I quit one account and went onto another, it was boredom. And today when I thought of making yet another account..It was just the final straw. Btw guys, don't make posts that just say "plz stay" As I will not take other peoples ideas..only my own. I will think about it overnight and possibly have my decision tomorrow...




~ Eamonn




Noes, not my farthead :cry:




If you do quit, have fun irl and the "MUCH better things in life" (aka food?) =P~




Bye, if you do quit. <3:





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Aww...yea they'll get on your nerves but that's how the world goes round :x




Anyways, I don't want you do quit, but if its really what you want to do, I won't hold you back from what you want.




Th3 Crusader :cry:

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Btw guys, this is a very deep secret that NO ONE knows until now..I'd chosen to hide it because..well..idk..I didn't wanna be treated differently (I doubt I would've though..) and I thought now was a good time to say it..well..here goes..Irl, I'm only 12 years old :wall:


[signature not appropriate]

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Btw guys, this is a very deep secret that NO ONE knows until now..I'd chosen to hide it because..well..idk..I didn't wanna be treated differently (I doubt I would've though..) and I thought now was a good time to say it..well..here goes..Irl, I'm only 12 years old :wall:




You seem mature for your age...If you quit good luck in rl and enjoy your days of being young while you can, time flys by too fast...

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