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~!@Getting a 360@!~


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My Birthday is the 18th of October and I'm buying myself a 360.




Few Questions...




1. Should I buy an Elite or a normal one? (Price doesn't matter)


2. Should I get Xbox Live?


3. What are the top 10 360 Only Games? (Except Halo 3)


4. Any nessicary accesories?











Click For Bloggeh [Mage 55/55][Defence 26/40] Crafting[32/40]

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1. If price REALLY does not matter and you feel you might need the extra space, get Elite. Also, seeing as how you say price does not matter, just go for the one you think looks best, you can always just buy the 120gb hard drive.


2. This all depends on what games you plan on playing. If you plan on games like Halo 3, Gears of War, and other games that are more mullti-player based, definitly. If you're just going to play single player the whole, it obviously isn't worth it. What actually pushed me to get Live (And a 360, for that matter), was the fact that I know a ton of people who have one. So base it off what you play and then whether you're friends have it.


3. I couldn't say, there's too many games, and then there's also some original Xbox games.


4. Nothing absolutely neccesary that doesn't come with the system, but a play&charge kit is recommended, you go through batteries like crazy.


And don't forget a T.V. and electricity :wink:

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Thanks for the response.




I plan on playing halo and gow so im guessing live would be a good idea.




I already have an xbox orginal I was just gunna buy live but then i was like




"360 FTW?"



Click For Bloggeh [Mage 55/55][Defence 26/40] Crafting[32/40]

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Yeah, get Xbox Live. :D


Xbox 360 elite if u want too: watch movies, listen too music, download demo's, etc. I strongly recomend ELITE, cause when u get the Xbox, it automaticly uses 15 gigabyte :wall: so yeah, more like 5 gigabyte Xbox'es And ELITE has 105gig then


Get elite. <3:


Games... Errr... Yeah, no naming Halo 3? Dang... I got no other games too say :-w


Oh and if u dont have a router etc. close to ur Xbox, i recomend The wireless thingy for xbox 360 >_> I've only heard bad stuff about the intercooler :ohnoes:

25 Bucks short for Halo 3 -.-


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For games, try these in order of potential:


Halo 3, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4 Gears of War, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Rock Band, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata.




Those are the 10 (excluding Halo 3) best games that came to mind. Mind you, there are dozens of good games that will appeal to you, just a matter of looking up what you want.




Get the play/charge kit, the cheapest one you can find. The air cooler is also good, but its loud and not very necessary. Look up the various wireless apparels too.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would just get the normal xbox, although price doesn't matter so may as well get the elite.




Xbox live is a definite yes.






Hmm.. top 10 games IMO:




(in no order)




- Bioshock


- Gears of War


- skate


- Oblivion


- Assassins creed (Coming soon)


- Mass effect (coming soon)


- CoD 4 (almost out)


- Dead Rising




Theres a lot of amazing games coming out in the next few months for the system.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would reccomend reading my post if you're going to buy one. Actually, I highly reccomend it.




Is yours the post about the warping HD? If so...definitely read his post!






If price doesn't matter, go for the elite. As for the top 10 games...heres what I would say:






Gears of War




Rainbow Six Vegas


Fight Night 3




Call of Duty 4


Strangelhold(I'm not sure if others like it...but I love it)








Those are my picks...and what I would buy asap if I got a 360(which I really would like, how bout you just give me yours)


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Don't bother with the elite, you will NEVER need that much space unless you mod your box and dl games.




Yes, get live, it owns




Get CoD 2 is a must, CoD 4 will also be a must. Oblivion is a great rpg as well, one player only though, Bioshock is also an amazing one player first person shooterish game.




Get a mic for online




Get an extended warranty or something if you can, because it will most likely break eventually




Oh, and a tip, NEVER change the 360s position from lying horizontal to standing vertical or vice versa with a disc in or it will scratch it :-w Oh...but if you do scratch it, go to ebay games and buy another copy and get the 1 year warranty, switch the new disc in the case with the scratched one, return it a few days later and claim it was scratched when you bought it (used). Then you have 2 copies or 1 copy and another game \'

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Get live,elite looks cooler and has more memory,get wireless controllers theres only 2 wired ports,


these games would be my faveroite you should give em a try






Gears of War




orange box


The new finalfantasy game is alright i forget what number it is tho. :s


i know you said expt halo3 but halo3 is just awsomeness XD

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