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Samus Signature Contest


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As some may know, I recently made a Samus signature that I put many hours into. It got me thinking what would other people's signatures look like? Well that's the point of this thread.




I will be hosting this contest to see who can come up with the best signature (myself excluded) under the following settings:




-No Animation


-Any size signature


-C4D's only, I will not change this.








I will be looking for originality, colors, blending of render, and focus points.




You can enter now. Contest will begin October 1st and end October 3rd




I will add the list of names to join here:










Signature Entries:








I hope you guys will join and enjoy this contest.



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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I excluded myself. The point of this thread was for a contest, and to see how others compare to myself using the same render. I'm not up to making another signature with the same render.




Sorry ThruItAll



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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I'm sorry, I have to drop out of this. I had been working on a piece to enter for about an hour and a half when photoshop crashed on me, and I didn't save prior. So I can't exactly muster up the want to completely remake another sig. Sorry again.



-All sigs by me.

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Sorry for the delay guys. I have been very occupied with history work and essays. Hmm let me see...




Soa- It has excellent flow, yet it lacks the color I was looking for. Either the render needs to be centered more or brighten up the left side of the signature because the fading out doesn't help with some the effects.




ThruItAll: When I first saw this I was thinking this is pretty good until I saw some of the effects you added. The blurry effects and scanlines pretty much ruined it. I love the colors yet the right side lacks some color compared to the left.




I will have to say Soa won this but only because ThruItAll used some (IMO) unnecessary effects.




I was pleased with these results though, and it made me think about how others come up with the same render yet different signatures. :-k




Thanks. :thumbsup:



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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Didn't know what to do on this render. Went blank. :shock:


So I just threw in what I knew.




I just got to say, that that is really nice =D>



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