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Well I wanted to be original with this. It seems odd to me that you would obtain a 'Dragon Ore'. What would you mine? It's called Dragon Armor, because it comes from...... :shock: A Dragon!!! Imagine that. Not from a rock. So, i thought about it, and came up with this process. Since it is the strongest, i thought that it should be created using an ancient process that is known by only a few people. Well, hope you like.
















EDIT: there has been some debate about why you would bother smithing the bars, if an egg is rarer than chain, legs, etc. i was originally going to make them theive-able, but if you can theive them, then their value goes down...for such a rare metal. think how rare rune ores are. they go for 13k a pop. if eggs were theiveable...well...the economy would crumble, or they would be worth a measly amount of money...thus making the price of the smithed dragon items much less. unless of course, the 'nest' that they would be theived from only reloaded once everyday....THEN it might be worth a bit more.








Zimlim also brought up the idea about having some items only obtainable by smithing them. in other words, the dragon plate would not be a drop, but instead you could only obtain it by smithing it. therefore, it would be a godly piece of armor, and you would be admired by all if you were prancing around in full dragon with plate.








so ifyou have any input on this, feel free to say so. this is a great debate and question though, because mining for dragon, in my humble opinion, makes absolutely zero sense.

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I suppose coal is now obsolete! :lol:

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Wait a minute. Whats the point of making dragon when you can just find it? you said it was really really really really really really really rare so...








hmm good point, never thought of it that way. and coal would probably be used to stoke the fire or seomthing i dunno.

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I don't play RS2, but last time I checked..








Can you find hatchets, arrows, 2hs, plates , kites, shorts ?








There could be some smithing-only items. :D









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If its rarer than a chain...




Why would someone waste 3 bars?








do you have any idea how RARE and freaking expensive a dragon plate would be? anywho, i think like zimplim said, there would be some 'smith only' items, that could only be obtained by smithing them.








i was originally going to have the eggs theive-able....and have it lvl 80 theiving or something to get them from the nest, but there are SOO many people with 80 theiving, so the only thing they would need would be 99+ smithing....which yes...it is difficult, but think how many people would already be able to make dragon. it's a rare armor....so i wanted to make how you got the 'ores' even though thats not what they are, very difficult to get.








so essentially, yes it would be pointless when you can just get them from drops, but there would be certain items that weren't drops.








but good thinking people, you're bringing up some very good points. but the idea of having the armor and bars be made out of a dragon egg? farfetched or do you think it's a 'good' idea. if you know what i mean. :?

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Thats pretty awesome dude. You've got a hell of an imagination. 10/10 :)








10/10 for my imagination or the pic :) someone on RuneVillage erquested that i make a dragon smithing table. i think that'll be my new 'fake something' post. that will take a whle to do though, because each dragon item already in 'circulation' is unique. for example the dragon long versus the rune long, or the dragon med. versus the rune med. will take a SERIOUS imagination. but think how sweet it would be if they used some of my ideas for the game. unfortunately, i dont think any jagex mods or admins are at Tip It or RuneVillage.








...unless i could send it to them? but they probably dont accept pictures. :( i bet if i showed them this idea htough, they might give it some serious consideration if they have the same feelings that i do towards 'mining ddragon'. if anyone knows how i can contact them to send it to them, tell me tell me please. :)

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I'm sure if you send them a comments report in Jagex Mail Center thing that they wouldn't mind taking a look at it. Sure it may not be promised they WILL look at it but it's worth a try I guess. :) Just type out a little paragraph, include a link of the pic from imageshack and your on your way. :)

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good idea 10/10, but smashing an egg, what a waste i want a pet dragon!








i was actually thinking that you could keep the egg, but it would be a chance of like 1 in a million that it would hatch a dragon. and you wouldnt know till after a month or more. :)

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Its a brilliant idea...








Anyway, to make it fit more into the Runescape theme of things, you could have to kill the dragon, Then mine your way through its rib cage, untill, 1 time out of 100 you see an egg.








Ok, you would have to tone down the bid about the rib cage etc, but it hink its a nice little start... :lol:

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maybe he is working for jagex.... well persuade him with really nice signatures to make him tell us when player houses are coming out!








i know someone sooner or later is gona say well a dragon egg rarer than a left half and a spear combined!? thats just obsurd! but really it makes sence because you can make the whole shield and more dragon items. so its basicly a chance for you to make your OWN dragon item. you choose the item. thats a great way to put the eggs rareity.

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nice man... those pics look 100% real... one thing... what would be the smithing level requirements to smith dragon? unless they make it so u can have smithing 120 or sumthing

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