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today in track i was standing around while my coach calld us in to meet. my coach yelld and then a discus hit me in the side of the face (right in the eyebrow to be exact.) i swore, but didnt cry. on my way in i lookd in a car window, there was blood all over the left side of my face.








be careful! when playing any sport be careful! and know that even if ur doing everything ur supposed to, u can still get hurt! or worse :shock:

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today in tennis, my coach was making me switch between forehand and backhand. so i was running back at forth, yada yada yada, blah blah blah. but then he started going faster and faster, so i had to sprint, stop, sprint, stop. well... my feet slipped and i slid like 5 feets on my elbow and knee. needless to say that that was pretty painful :D

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i play football(american) so i have a few stories about injuries. I have been tackled by and eight grader(when i was a 6th grader) who had 100 lbs more than me and i ended up skidding across a baseball field(our practice field duobled as a playground). I have been dogpiled on, speared, and otherwise magled during games. I have nearly broken my arm when someone kicked it and it bent the wrong way and i have been pucked and cleated(them scraping their cleats into my shins ect) and have been punched and kicked a few times. Even through all this its still worth it. Sports are great. but it helps to keep an eye out for any heavy flying objects,ie. shot puts,discusus, javilins9that would REALY hurt)ect.

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My left big toe got twisted so far until it snapped off when I was around 8. Rather painful. I also cut my through my forehead with a piece of glass (I fell throught a window) to the bone - My skull was visible.









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Fractured Skull, Bruised vertabrae, Eyebrow Stitches, Whiplash, Dislocated shoulders, Broken collarbone, Bicep Haemotoma, All fingers broken, Hernia, Pulled groin muscle, Torn Hamstring, Torn quadreceps, Medial ligament damage, Damaged achillees tendon, Bruised Calf, Broken Metartarsal, Broken Toe.








Rugby > Discus :D

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During Tae Kwon Do when I was an orange belt I was sparring my instructor I charged in, which was pretty stupid, and he did a side kick and next thing I knew I was on the floor 7 ft away from him. Even through the gear it hurt.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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today in track i was standing around while my coach calld us in to meet. my coach yelld and then a discus hit me in the side of the face (right in the eyebrow to be exact.) i swore, but didnt cry. on my way in i lookd in a car window, there was blood all over the left side of my face.








be careful! when playing any sport be careful! and know that even if ur doing everything ur supposed to, u can still get hurt! or worse :shock:








That's like exactly what happened to me... Except the discus. I got hit in the left eyebrow, didn't cry because for some reason it didn't hurt, checked the mirror, blood all over the left side of my face.

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I used to love throwing discus, but we got a tennis team this year. They won't let me do tennis and track, so I'm sticking with tennis. I've seen people get hit, but I've never got hit with a discus. I've came very close to being hit in the face with a shot put though. We were warming up before a meet, and some idiot on the other team decided to throw from the other ring at the same as the other guys lined up to throw.

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Hmm, haven't been in much pain in a long time, but when I was a baby I dove headfirst out of my crib, breaking my collar bone. A year or two later I had to get stitches from hitting my head on a table from running around it and hitting it. :lol:




I don't remember doing either of those of course, but I'm sure they hurt a ton. :)

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Hmm, haven't been in much pain in a long time, but when I was a baby I dove headfirst out of my crib, breaking my collar bone. A year or two later I had to get stitches from hitting my head on a table from running around it and hitting it. :lol:




I don't remember doing either of those of course, but I'm sure they hurt a ton. :)












oh man, you just made me laugh out loud so hard there, i can just see this little baby jumping out head first of a crib :lol:

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Fractured Skull, Bruised vertabrae, Eyebrow Stitches, Whiplash, Dislocated shoulders, Broken collarbone, Bicep Haemotoma, All fingers broken, Hernia, Pulled groin muscle, Torn Hamstring, Torn quadreceps, Medial ligament damage, Damaged achillees tendon, Bruised Calf, Broken Metartarsal, Broken Toe.








Rugby > Discus :D








are you listing all your injuries? it sounds like it with things like "pulled groin muscle" "bruised calf"








if you were you have had an amazingly .. safe life.








as for me








few broken wrists, fingers, i tore the bone in my thumb, split head to bone.




heaps of concussions. ive got countless chips in my shin, i could comb my hair with it. um my knees hell dont get me started. i think i need to get surgery on both of them and then ill be in a wheelchair. millions of other stuff has happened to me. just cant be bothered listing it.








injuries suck but without them life must have been boring. i find it amazing that some people reach my age without even being in a hospital or breaking a bone. ive been in hospital too many times to count.

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As wierd as it might sound, my worst sporting injury came from a game of skittles. I was running a skittles game at a local fair (you know the ones with a rickety alley and loads of hay at the end to catch the ball). I was sat on the hay, someone threw a ball down the alley which kinda rode up the hay and smashed me just above my right eye. Knocked me over backwards and cut my eyebrow wide open.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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  • 4 years later...

What is it with people bumping ancient posts today? First the Pulp Fiction thread in MM&T now this. I keep seeing posts by Bubsa & Riza, it's confusing.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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What is it with people bumping ancient posts today? First the Pulp Fiction thread in MM&T now this. I keep seeing posts by Bubsa & Riza, it's confusing.

I didn't know, i'm sorry.


I accidently clicked last page instead of second or third page (I was on my phone)

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You don't need to apologise like you offended me lol. I was just finding the two bumps confusing.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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