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The Haunted Picwood!


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Errdoth, if you're ever going through the area, pm and and maybe we'll have a bite to eat.


The soft girl's voice sounded about 16, not a child. I would have have run screaming if that happened. Kids being creepy is creepy!


And I'm the only one who has heard voices, but there have been times that other people have seen things from downstairs. Maybe that will be my next set of stories :D


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If you really believe that the place is haunted, try photographing for orbs or mist.


Hey, look, a link at the bottom of that page!




http://paranormal.about.com/od/ghosthun ... 112706.htm




Way to go!

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You hear walking loud walking sounds and you run to them :shock: Im like the complete opposite of you. If i heard a loud sound when i was alone in a dark place, i would be able to set the record for fastest person to run 100yards :oops:




Good stories =D>

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if a ghost started bothering me i'd yell SHUT THE HELL UP!!! I'M TRYING TO WORK HERE!!! And if i saw the ghost i'd shake hands with it and offer it a business proposition. "I'll give you a nice place to live in exchange for your help to start a paranormal investigation agency." If it says no and tries to possess me i'll run home and hide under my bed covers.

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my odl house in manchester is hauntesd with my step dads mum and dad (or grandad and grandma his mum was too young) i love watching most haunted and if ihear spooky noises i wont run to or away from it just stalk it unless its smashing the crap out of things




as for the stories at my old house not really stories but




ive saw a mist watching me play runescape once i immidately knew it was his afther (grandad, dont ask how i knew)




and saw his mother (grandmother) in her wedding dress at the bottom of the stairs watching me eat




darren and mum took a photo of each other and they said you could clearly see his grandmothers face on the door




as for most haunted ive been on the ghost train at blackpoool only told after i got off -.- and ordsall hall i went with school


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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