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The Five People You Meet In Lumbridge


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You are amazing. You have just made me think about my life with a story of a game. I'm going to be nice to everyone...You rock :) Honestly, this is like..life changing material. People who say its just a game, This is a comparison to real life. You see someone on the street, homeless. Do you throw them 5 dollars, or laugh at them. Maybe THEY are considering killing themselves..you may have saved a life.


Only 27.. RIP Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janice Joplin.

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You're honestly, no bsing, my literary hero, just with this story. Too touching. I've played and obsessed over this dam game for what, 3 years? and i just realized...well i can't say it in words, too complex. But thanks :D


Only 27.. RIP Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janice Joplin.

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So. True.








I too checked out your thread expecting some stupid, noobish, rant, but when I read through your post, I started thinking. I started to relise the people around me.




A quote from Devlyn, If you're willing to sit for fourteen hours doing the same thing over and over each day for the most trivial slice of virtual fame, then you can do anything." I loved that. I sat here and just looked at that one, small, piece of writing. I can't explain it really, but I always dreamed of getting my name in the books. If not in the "real world" then in this made up place we call RuneScape. But I relise, this IS the real world. These are REAL people, saying and doing real things with eachother.








Chris, from your story, reminded me of myself a long, long, time ago... Young. And selfish. But I "grew up" in the game, and felt for the people around me. I feel like an elder who is there to teach the younger, less experianced of the game. I am only level 75, lol. I felt the same way when I reached level 60. Like I was all mighty. That's how these "noobs" feel when they accomplish(sp?) something that seems so simple to us.








At the end of your story, there was an ordinary boy. A sad boy, who wanted nothing more then to leave this world which he thought was full of hate and dispair. I had a time when I felt almost as sad as him, just not in a suicidal sort of way. I was down, but (this may sound crazy) I was rescued by a little leafy, green, ball in the dirt at my feet. Yes, I am talking about cabbage. Some of you may have seen my posts about cabbage, and most of you should know about the OoC, or the Order of Cabbage.




I began picking cabbage. Collecting it in my bank. When I achieved 2000 Cabbage, I was soo happy! I donated it right away and got my name on the OoC's Donater list. After that I started feeling more about things. Everytime I went out to pick cabbage, I was usually alone. I would just pick up these little fluffs of green, bank them, and repeat that proccess over and over again.




Picking cabbage is stress relieving. Believe it or not. I felt happy and at peace with everything. But it's good to have a friend there to talk to about anything. And maybe race eachother to the bank...








TOTAL EDIT: I just bought that book (The Five People You Meet in Heaven) and I am lovin it!




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Wow, very well written! I loved reading it! :D








Hm, let me give this Five People thing a shot... (I don't want to call them by their exact names so I will shorten them)








1) Firedemon. He was my first friend in RS, and we are still friends today. I have many memories of when we were low levels in bronze and iron armor. We would train combat on the Men and Women in the bar northeast of Varrock, and sometimes get some food and challenge the ultra-powerful Black Knight. :D Heh, I even prepared a LOT to fight a random event zombie; had a full inventory of cooked shrimp, and had Firedemon drop some more shrimp under me when I ran out. When I beat it, it dropped big bones (can't remember how many) and I kept it for a while as a trophy. :) Firedemon is an awesome guy, and we fool around and train together often.








2) Nation, one of my best friends. When I was fighting men and women with Firedemon, I had about 30-something Earth Talismans, and I was trying to sell them. Nation bought two of them, and we became friends. :) We used to do everything together. Combat, fishing, woodcutting, you name it. We were partners. Then he got a job and went to college, and I started seeing him less and less. Now I see him about once a week, for about 10 minutes. :?








3) Bob, a scammer. I turned him around. "Free trimming!" Once I told him that I can make up to 300k a day fairly by cutting yews, he bought an axe and started training his woodcut.








4) Biker, one of my best friends, but ended up being a traitor. He went pking one day and died and lost full rune. So, since we were such good friends, I loaned him 200k to buy armor back. He promised to repay me. He never did. Whenever I asked him about it, he would say "Don't worry, I'll pay soon." A long time later it was obvioius that he wouldn't pay up.








5) Pete, my best friend. He was one of Biker's friends, until Biker betrayed me. He decided to pay me back what Biker owed me, and I was grateful. I decided to give him a couple hundred iron ore for it. Not much, but I didn't want to feel guilty by just taking 200k from him. We became good friends after that, and we still are. Some may think I am making this next part up, but I swear I am not. I contemplated suicide before, and was thinking of ways to do it. And he talked me out of it and realized that there was no reason to do it. He also helped me achieve my 99 woodcutting goal by cheering me on, and cutting with me so I wouldn't get bored. :P And after the incident with Biker, he was the only one I trusted, and I was the only one he trusted. He let me borrow his red mask before, and I don't think he would do that with any of his other friends. Whenever I loaned him something, paying me back would be his top priority.








Meh, so I didn't write it in the same format. But I suck at creative writing, so it would be worse if I did. :wink:

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Sorry Lime, but I did have to move it (but you get to keep your "Moved" link in General. :P )








I don't have alot of time here but I think I know my five.. I'll post later. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I never actually thought about Runescape being real people, but once I read this...I think it's hard not to think about the actual people behind the pixels that make up the players and not just the pixels themselves...








I don't know who the five people I would meet in Lumbridge would be, my life in Runescape has been fairly choatic as a rule, I can hardly remember things from one day to the next lately.








Finally, I have to thank you for writing this and causing me to think about what other people feel and think...

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Ughhh. People, he's parodying a book/movie!!! He didn't make up the concept himself so stop saying he takes RS too personally or he's too obsessed with it. I haven't read the book but the movie was awesome.

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Ughhh. People, he's parodying a book/movie!!! He didn't make up the concept himself so stop saying he takes RS too personally or he's too obsessed with it. I haven't read the book but the movie was awesome.








Haven't seen the movie, the book was good.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost speechless, that story just makes me think about who we really are on the internet. I so feel like posting my own verion of this so here goes an attempt.












I am theving in draynor. Just banked all my seeds because I have 2hp left, so after I finish my trip to the bank I walk out and decide to commit suicide to refill my health. So I walk up and reach into the farmers pockets, suddenly I see the top of a pitchfork coming from behind.








I'm dead, but what's going on. I am in a dark room, 5 spotlights in a row infront of me. Why aren't I in Lumbridge, I am starting to get worried as 2 minutes passes by slowly.








Suddenly I hear footsteps, but these are not footsteps as if walking towards me into one of the spotlights. No, the sound is coming from behind me. Slowly getting louder, faster I turn around in fear to see the outline of White robes. Instantly the robes glow infront of me, an old man is standing right in front of me.








In an awkward silence the man begins to speak, feeling scared, stunned and alone I listen.








"Greetings, Hypno Monky. I have been watching you ever since the day you were created. I am here to remind you that people have feelings and how you have ruined and helped people in your life. Only when you discover the true you, you will be given a key out of here."








And with that he disappeared and I heard footsteps again. I turned around still shocked about what the old man, no doubt wise had said. There in the first spotlight, the most east spotlight in the room a shady figure emerged. Wearing nothing but some ragged clothes and a torn boot and was in what looked like an unhealthy condition as if he hadn't eaten in six days. He sarted to speak,




"Remember me, Hypno" he trembled.




"No" I said back trying to clear my throat.




"It was just an ordinary day, I was training at the dark mages south of Varrok. We were talking about bands and what we do in real life, I started to think you were a nice, social person who would help me throughout runescape. Suddenly I start getting hit bad and I run out of food. I go to run and you tell me to wait and trade you for food. So I accept and you wait there doing nothing, suddenly I get hit and am dieing. Out of nowhere you shout out, haha die noob. I was shocked, I trusted you. That day, I was so angry that I ran outside, trembling with rage and was yelling profanities at everyone in sight thinking




"Why me, Why ME!!!!!!!!!!!!"




Thanks to you I had to work off a fine for $500 for harrasment and spent a weekend in Juvenile Detention.




"I'm really sor......" And he disappeared.








I could feel a pain in my heart, knowing it was guilt I stared up in disgust. Then I heard footsteps, now a wealthy looking lady was standing in the second spotlight.




"Hiya Hypno!" She shouted, sounding really pleased.




"Excuse me, do I know you"




"You should, I am hot babe404. I was at the giants under Edgeville, wearing shoddy iron armour with a bronze helmet with nothing but a mere 340gp. I was getting owned when you walked up to me and said for me to step back before I die, I said no being an idiot and tried to kill the giant. I was down to health and you traded me and ran, instantly my character ran away and you took over the giant"




"Yes, now I remem..."




"Shhh.... I am not finished. I was level 12 then and I was angry that you took my giant, then you explained that if I died I would lose all but three items. Shocked I stood there and thanked you, from there you gave me some good armour, food and showed me good places to train so I don't get killed. I would talk to you often but it seemed you didn't like talking to me or you just suddenly quit. So inspite that you cut me off from you I still played as if you were a mentor. From the stuff you taught me I started training and then, I got my first rune drop. I was stoked and I owed it all to you, see if it wasn't for you I probably would of died and never played again.




"That's nice to know," I replied, feeling a bit better about myself.




"Now" She said "I am level 102, and have over 80 Million GP worth of stuff, and I owe it all to you."




With that she stepped forward, crying. Stretched he arms out to hug me as I did the same in the heat of the moment. As our palms grasped each others shoulders she was gone and a lone tear glistened in the air where her face was a moment ago. As that tear fell I reached out my hand and caught it, staring at it, cherishing the moment that I truely felt like a god.




But with that I heard someone shouting,




"You Idiot!" someone had shouted. Now the third spotlight was filled with a dark, gloomy figure. As I looked into the man's eye it was if looking into the eyes of a child.




"What" I muttered back in disgust.




"We could of been rich, RICH..............."




"Do you mind telling me who the hell you are!" I was frustrated now.




"The name is MotorX, we were talking in Varrok one day when a noob walked in wearing a santa hat she had just found. Then she asked how much they where worth, I told her 200gp. She believed me but she wanted a second opinion. So she asked you, I messaged you telling you to say about 150gp-200gp. I thought we were friends but you said No to her and told her the value of it was 200k. Now the bloody things sell for a cool 2.8 Million." He was still talking loudly.




"Well what did you expect, I wasn't going to scam noone"




"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE WEAK!" He shouted and with that he was gone.








Feeling quite proud with how I handled that I remembered the first guy, and suddenly felt the sharp pain of guilt in my heart and as I expected, dreaded and even anticipated I heard the footsteps. There in the fourth spotlight there was a man, he was smirking. Then out of nowhere he disappeared. Then I heard a voice, a voice I was sure I would never forget. It was the old man,




"That, that is the guy who scammed you when you were at the bank in west Varrok, he took changed the amount of money in the trade and you were left with 300 GP. See you thought you were getting an awesome deal, your easter egg which took you 5 months to get was about to be sold for 3 Million GP. So anxious to rip him off you rushed the trade and lost everything." And then the final words echoed before fading out.








And as I remembered the incident, I felt the pain that I felt that day. The rush of stupidity that once flowed through my veins was inside me, spreading like a virus as I stood in shock and then I couldn't control myself, I yelled at the top of my voice,








"Calm down, you will be resting soon. I can feel it" A soft voice was saying.








I stared at the fifth spotlight and saw a fully dressed warrior, although he didn't match the voice I hear. He looked as if he was one of Zamarok.




Then I saw him speak and knew it was him who had been talking.








"I hope you remember me," as he spoke a smirk emerged from his face.




"No, sorry I don't" I answered back.




"Don't be, we met on a day like any other. I was training at hellhounds and so were you. Then I called you a noob for taking so long, you started flaming me back. Then you said something that really hit me hard. You told me that it didn't matter if I was better then you, or that I could kill faster then you because it doens't prove a thing, that these pixels don't really represent...no, no, no but they resemble who we wanna be, how we wan't to be in real life. By saying stuff on the game and building up a fake ego doesn't make us stronger, smarter or help us in any way. After that I didn't play for 2 months until I figured it out, yes the game does represent us, it represents the true us, who we really want to be. The Ultimate us.




I stared at him, speechless. I knew he was correct, I was wrong, I WAS WRONG.As I looked up at the black, cold roof I felt a warm surge under my stomach, suddenly I looked down. He had stabbed me, now blood was pouring from within. I dropped to the ground, covering my wound with my hands. I could feel my own blood, Oh how warm it felt. Then I heard the laugh of a pure evil man,








With that he was gone. As I kneeled in this dark room all alone I could hear the echo of the madman. This was surely the end of me, as I looked down all I say was a river of red and as I looked upon my reflection I realised.




"I am not someone playing a game in a virtual world, I am someone controlled by a virtual game. My actions where not mine, but they were the actions of my computer. I wasn't me, I was someone hiding behind a firewall, an internet connection, a computer table. "








I kneeled, resisting the urge to lay down in my own river of blood And as I kneeled I said something, something I didn't ever say all that time. I got up and I said it again but this time yelling it. Eventually screaming it out loud. At that moment the old man appeared again and stared down upon me.








"You have done well."








He got down and healed the wound. I felt a warm breeze rush up through my body. I suddenly saw the light. I was somewhere I knew off the palm of my hand. Lumbridge Castle and for the first time I appreciated being her, with nothing but three items. This time I noticed what my three items were.




A symbol, a glowing golden 4 pointed star.




A key, on it was engraved "The key to your Identity"




And A piece of parchment, that on which said "Hot babe404, 13 Draynor Road"
















Well theres my contribution, hope someone likes it lol.








NOTE: The names are fake and random except hot babe404, she is a real life friend.


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yes very good... i liked it all save for the bit at the end




"You have done well."








He got down and healed the wound. I felt a warm breeze rush up through my body. I suddenly saw the light. I was somewhere I knew off the palm of my hand. Lumbridge Castle and for the first time I appreciated being her, with nothing but three items. This time I noticed what my three items were.




A symbol, a glowing golden 4 pointed star.




A key, on it was engraved "The key to your Identity"




And A piece of parchment, that on which said "Hot babe404, 13 Draynor Road"








i felt it ruined the story but thats just me

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Yes, well it was closing on dinner as I made mine, so I kind of rushed the end... I thought him surviving was a bit of a let down


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i understand completely but it could have waited or been saved to word/notepad. but who am i to judge.. oh yeah the reader 'howl with laughter'. seroiusly though go and edit it, make the story better its what id do...




if i had and critices that actualy wrote something more that 'thats crap' and 'your wrong, zaros is evil'.








but keep writing and if no one listens feed them the story in other threads, ppl dont like it but it gets the job done. ppl value what others think.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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