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Parents,8year olds, and swearing


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When was I going on a swearing promotional parade?I don't swear to often...though the point was is that they don't allow it completly...I don't need to use it, but "if theres a place and time" to use it, I can use it then.If it's on their "turf" then fine.But, if they made a filter device where you say...I don't know...got to CHOOSE what you wanted on it?Then the parents can be happy, I can say the word "damn" (which really isn't a swear word in my oppinion, they didn't block it for a while).They have games with that system, and I barely ever hear swearing anyway's.I have a issue with people flying off a F-bomb 500 times though -.- .But I don't have a issue with them saying it once.Since when does age affect oppinion anyways?Don't tell me you haven't seen a 8 year old swear!It's rare, but it happens.

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Man I played super mario bros 3 for the game boy advanced so long


Mario lives -x999


Luigi lives -x453...


Score - MAX except the last digit's a 0.. since you can't get 1's as score points


people thought I cheated :\ jealous people




but listen.. there are kids everywhere to play any game past the age filther, like wow and guild wars or something, they play ANYTHING

You are not alone, Our Father, God will always be with you.

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I know...I play WoW to.And 20 other games I don't feel like listing.Though, generally you see less of them in those games (mainly because WoW's a pain in the arse to install, it's to long and complicated for younger people to play, and you need to pay $15 dollars a month).Theres only one thing I can think of that's worse than some of the kids I see in Rs and endless-online:Kid's on shooting games.You know why?They have MICS and I can actually hear their voices!You ever heard a 9 year old sing "japenese music" (I'm pretty sure he was 9, with his high pitched voice...I figured it out after playing for a while).I was scarred for life ._.

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Yes I know, mario rocks.And how does this affect me personally?When people tell me not to say bad words.And when I have to hear about people getting hacked...when I'm pretty dam sure was from when they tried to go to a hacking site.How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out.




this is what i have a problem with. to me this answers your "when was i going on a swearing promotional parade?" question. obviously this was completely inappropriate. this was just you being obnoxious.




now i'm not being a nazi about this. i don't go out of my way to report every little infraction within the game, but i probably would've reported this one. this is being out of line with the kid. you are just harassing them into logging off after the player asked you to stop and gave you a good reason. this is what i mean about being MATURE and that this isn't your game and your turf.




now if the issue was simply about the censor and swearing...i probably wouldn't have even posted a reply. this statement pushed my buttons. like i said before...i swear too. most of the time if i'm playing i'm listening to an uncensored comedy station. i know some pretty good dirty jokes that i will share with my friends, but i won't approach a group of people that i don't know and spout them off. someone might not want to hear it. someone might even (god forbid) get offended. if i did and someone asked me to stop....i would stop. i do it out of RESPECT. if i keep on it's called harassment. that's what the above quote shows in your actions. I DON"T CARE IF THE KID WAS 4 YEARS OLD!!! you should've had enough respect to stop. i'm in my late twenties and if i had asked you stop that should've been the end of it. take it to pm or clan chat or somewhere else.




on a side story when i played football as a kid the coach said something to me i didn't like, so i responded with a smart remark that had some swearing in it. coach grabbed me by my faceguard (american football i might have to clarify) so fast and slung me to the ground. he then got in my face so bad that the spit off of all the evil and nasty stuff he was saying to me was hitting me in my eye. i then spent the rest of practice doing sprints. when i got home and told my momma about it do you know what she said? "well you probably deserved it. maybe next time you will know better to keep your mouth shut." momma was right. learn to be a little more respectful to the people around you next time.

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I can swear as much as I dam want you little [wagon].I can go around lumbridge flaring the F-bomb without much of a problem.In fact they SHOULDN'T be able to ban me for it, because it's blocked.To bad jagex thinks teens parents mind if they're swearing.Unless the parent is watching em, the parent is not gonna find out.




this is some more of your "swearing promotional parade"

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How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out. That was part of the rant my friend, and I sometimes joke in my rants.Do you guys EVER read George Carlin books?Read one, and learn about sarcastic, irratinole (forgot how to spell it), and aggressive humor!Like I'm going to get my dam account banned...especially with all the mods around

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Dont diss Halo, its uberness series ever.




True, In runescape, the most you can do too a snotty brat for swearing and such is reporting them, But in halo 2/3 when half of the game is over runned with big fat red checked snotty brats....




Narrator dude- Killtacular!




Little kid-!!#!$!@#^@^^@$^@$^%$@^@^!!!!!!!!!


(Mother walks into Brats room)


Mother- Did I hear what you just said! You are in so much trouble mister!




Son- Shut the (Cabbage) up! Or Ill kill you with a shotgun and teabag you!!!!








The above statement is true, I dont think the kid is alive anymore after what he said \' Go Mum! <3: :twisted:




Happens so much, Many little kids are great, but the total brats are so annoying, I wish runescape gave us decent people options to kill the brats character.




Once, I went to the public library too do homework when I was in 7th grade, all of the computers were taken up, all the people using the computers were being played by 7-11 year olds, all playing runescape.




I asked one if I could use the computer for a second, He allowed me, I did my quick assignment, I also went to a website that had a keylogger, and let him back on.




(I only did this because, a few days after that day, some random [puncture] started to cuss me out, and flamed me alot, He tried to scam me, but failed, thats reason why. It was the same person at the library, exact same username. He acted all toughass on the computer, but in real life, he was just a weak old 10 year old, only reason he let me on the computer is because I looked like a jock back then.)




I feel bad for little kid, next day I saw him, he was crying, because his account was hacked and tempbanned(his fault for ban, he was scamming and cursing)




I found out all 7 people there, other then only ONE, had promission to use runescape from there parents, 3 of them told me that there parents said no, but they went to the library to play it.




I owned one of those THREE, it was the cursing annoying 10 year old...


Good times.. Good times...

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Halo 3 is much more fun, halo 2 was too glitchy.




Back on topic:




I found out Jagex said somewhere they have never aimed for younger players, But This is one of my messages from my other accounts-Dont have it :cry:




They told me that the censor is at its level to protect YOUNGER players from the censor, which is against something they stated... kinda sad, Eh?

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That was part of the rant my friend, and I sometimes joke in my rants.Do you guys EVER read George Carlin books?Read one, and learn about sarcastic, irratinole (forgot how to spell it), and aggressive humor!Like I'm going to get my dam account banned...especially with all the mods around




so that's all, huh. you wanted to know where i was coming from and i quoted your own words. the response to that is basically "oh that....ya...i was just kidding."




i've actually seen players with this kind of behaviour in the game tho. when people talk about how Runescape community is going downhill that is exactly the type of incidents that i think about. but hey...it was all meant for you to be funny and had no value whatsoever.




i guess so all this boils down to is another rant about how underage kids are ruining the game (even tho you even said within this thread that you were underage when you made your account.) fine. i didn't get the joke. guess it just wasn't as funny as George Carlin.

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after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out.




Trust me, you must be pretty mature to do that, yet you're ranting about 8 year olds. I think you're just trying to make yourself feel big over the internet, express your dominance over those much younger then you. Dude, you're not tough because you swear. Anything to be e-cool, i might kill you tonight :P

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Wow I'm being flamed a lot o_o.And, it's not "cool" to swear over the internet.Though I'm not against it unlike the people on here.If I decide to do that to a kid, it's because he was either A:swearing at me B:telling me not to say the word dam(not swear word I think)C:I was bored.Jesus, if this is going to become some giant flame war on that one phrase (if you don't like it, deal with it not like your going to see me anytime soon) then just don't post.

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Wow I'm being flamed a lot o_o.And, it's not "cool" to swear over the internet.Though I'm not against it unlike the people on here.If I decide to do that to a kid, it's because he was either A:swearing at me B:telling me not to say the word dam(not swear word I think)C:I was bored.Jesus, if this is going to become some giant flame war on that one phrase (if you don't like it, deal with it not like your going to see me anytime soon) then just don't post.


People are not your little toys. You don't get to just swear at them for fun. If you're bored on RS, go do something else outside. Probably not going to see you anytime soon, but I'm not focusing only on what will happen to me.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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At this time RuneScape is limited to users aged 13 and older.


Despite of that, < 13 years old still can make an account and play by putting 17~19... oh wait


Sorry, you already told us you were under 13 and we stopped you from opening an account. We really meant it!


I chose <12 years old to quote that lmao. Then someone should complain to RS because of this faulty registration system?

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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Halo 3 is much more fun, halo 2 was too glitchy.




Back on topic:




I found out Jagex said somewhere they have never aimed for younger players, But This is one of my messages from my other accounts-Dont have it :cry:




They told me that the censor is at its level to protect YOUNGER players from the censor, which is against something they stated... kinda sad, Eh?




Younger they weren't aiming for: 12-


Younger they are protecting : 13-14


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Wow I'm being flamed a lot o_o.And, it's not "cool" to swear over the internet.Though I'm not against it unlike the people on here.If I decide to do that to a kid, it's because he was either A:swearing at me B:telling me not to say the word dam(not swear word I think)C:I was bored.Jesus, if this is going to become some giant flame war on that one phrase (if you don't like it, deal with it not like your going to see me anytime soon) then just don't post.


People are not your little toys. You don't get to just swear at them for fun. If you're bored on RS, go do something else outside. Probably not going to see you anytime soon, but I'm not focusing only on what will happen to me.

My little toys?You have a sicker mind than me my friend.And I've only done it once (Like I said:Me=slightly joking on that one.)I did it 2 years ago.
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i don't think it really matters about their age, or intelligence(unless they don't know anything about playing videos games), what matters is their maturity, i know some 8 year olds that are more mature than some people that go to my middle school. and yeah beggars are really annoying, but you know whats just as annoying (maybe even i little more), people how give to beggars, if you do that then the beggars will keep begging and be even more annoying.



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My little toys?You have a sicker mind than me my friend.And I've only done it once (Like I said:Me=slightly joking on that one.)I did it 2 years ago.


Yes, because loathing your actions makes me sick-minded. Right? And if you did it 2 years ago, good.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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My little toys?You have a sicker mind than me my friend.And I've only done it once (Like I said:Me=slightly joking on that one.)I did it 2 years ago.


Yes, because loathing your actions makes me sick-minded. Right? And if you did it 2 years ago, good.

Just didn't like how you said I treated them like "little toys".That's a messed up thought in itself.
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listen ok i agree with death hippy even though im under the age requierment i am more mature then these 8 year olds playing on "family accounts" that cuss swear and call my an 8 year old because my grammer on runescape is not correct as i try to make things shorter by not using plurles or correct spelling... i would say that these "8 years" are fairly weak minded people that are not ready to play RPG's of this caliber because they are to imature. Just to tell you i am not using a dictionary to use these words but i am using them to make myself look a little smarter than the next person who reads this post. just one last thing: I think that we are all a little imature in this game that gives us a life until we end up in lumbrige/cammalot/fallador(w/e our respond point is) we need to focus on what keeps us entertained weather it is reporting bots, flaming people for no reason, helping people, making freinds, doing quests, ect.

If you are reading this i hate you...

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now i'm not being a nazi about this. i don't go out of my way to report every little infraction within the game, but i probably would've reported this one. this is being out of line with the kid. you are just harassing them into logging off after the player asked you to stop and gave you a good reason. this is what i mean about being MATURE and that this isn't your game and your turf.




Let us not bring Nazis into this, lest we invoke the wrath of Godwin's Law..








Yes I know, mario rocks.And how does this affect me personally?When people tell me not to say bad words.And when I have to hear about people getting hacked...when I'm pretty dam sure was from when they tried to go to a hacking site.How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out.




Congratulations, you have just proven you're just as bad as they are. :roll: I equivalent this to how a five year old sticks his tongue out after another five year old has done the same.




listen ok i agree with death hippy even though im under the age requierment i am more mature then these 8 year olds playing on "family accounts" that cuss swear and call my an 8 year old because my grammer on runescape is not correct as i try to make things shorter by not using plurles or correct spelling... i would say that these "8 years" are fairly weak minded people that are not ready to play RPG's of this caliber because they are to imature. Just to tell you i am not using a dictionary to use these words but i am using them to make myself look a little smarter than the next person who reads this post. just one last thing: I think that we are all a little imature in this game that gives us a life until we end up in lumbrige/cammalot/fallador(w/e our respond point is) we need to focus on what keeps us entertained weather it is reporting bots, flaming people for no reason, helping people, making freinds, doing quests, ect.




You can't even type properly on this forum, and you expect me to take you seriously!? Puh-lease! Put your dictionary back were it belongs and USE PROPER GRAMMAR! Then, I will think you are as intelligent as you claim to be. Making yourself look smart doesn't help anything thank you...




You think senseless flaming of people is right? Good, because it case you didn't quite get the message, I like flaming people for improper grammar. Thus, I should be able to act on this whim whenever I please, according to your logic. :roll:


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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You know, I've noticed all my older posts are pretty popular right now (not compared to other people's, but still decent).It may be because the way I wrote them was supposed to start a few arguments (don't expect you to agree with me) and I wrote it in a "harsh" way (that milds it down).If you guys have something against anything I say, just remember:Calm down.It's just a game.Whatever I say or do in this game won't directly affect you.I Live probably 10000 miles away from you...if you knew me in real life it would affect you WAY more.Also, just because I'm younger (14 years) doesn't mean my oppinion isn't valid nor does it mean I'm a "immature 14 year old" (its hypocritic to say that not all 8 year olds are immature then say that ALL teens are). :thumbsup:

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You know, I've noticed all my older posts are pretty popular right now (not compared to other people's, but still decent).It may be because the way I wrote them was supposed to start a few arguments (don't expect you to agree with me) and I wrote it in a "harsh" way (that milds it down).If you guys have something against anything I say, just remember:Calm down.It's just a game.Whatever I say or do in this game won't directly affect you.I Live probably 10000 miles away from you...if you knew me in real life it would affect you WAY more.Also, just because I'm younger (14 years) doesn't mean my oppinion isn't valid nor does it mean I'm a "immature 14 year old" (its hypocritic to say that not all 8 year olds are immature then say that ALL teens are). :thumbsup:




Wait, so we're not allowed to have opinions anymore..? Just because what you say and do will most definitely not affect me whatsoever doesn't mean I can't argue.






How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out.


13 year old's parent's care about their well being too.. I bet your parent's wouldn't feel so good about this game if they knew that people constantly swore in it. Everybody's parent's are different, thus some can be more overprotective than others. Doing this is simply being obnoxious.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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They're happy as long as I don't do it often.Which I don't...oh and I said it was MEANT to start a few arguments (I never said you couldn't post them down...I'm just saying chill, and stop taking this like a criminal offence...cuff me up and put me in chains will ya?). Obnoxious maybe, but effective none the less.Plus,don't tell me you haven't done one single act of immorality?

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