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..::The Pink Revolution::.. (lots of pictures)

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So today as a pure I worked hard and got 60 range, but the day had just started :






But after that I went to world 1, and saw that someone dropped a pink skirt! :D




I decided to drop some of my own so I went to the store and bought some.


I dropped right in the middle of varry. (I have a mage hat on in this pic)








So people decided to wear them so we made a line of 4:


(I have a mage hat)






After that one devoted pink man and I had a lot of fun! We filled up varry with skirts and saw how many we could get in a pile ..


(I'm now wearing a army shirt and iron helm)




Varrock Castle:








Upstairs in the sword shop, seeing how many we could get in a pile:


(I copied the list and options)






Then the idea hit me! I would make a pink line...


At first it was only 2 people but I passed out free skirts and started getting the line to 4. Soon it looked like this:






After many rounds around varry getting many people we started out for fally. We got 3 new recruits along the way :) Here we are at fally, the full line isnt shown but I got most.






After that we went down to the mining bank and picked up maybe 3 more people. I didn't count but at this point we had about 15-20 people I think.


We continued down to lumby, the full line isnt shown in this pic, maybe about half.






Upon hitting lumby our line was breeched by mass nubby chaos! I had to go but I told everyone to continue the Pink life!




Go to a world , and buy some pink skirts for 1 gp each at the clothing store, and you too can make a pink revolution!




Edit: I didn't really know where to put this so I though this would be a good place. Mods if its in the wrong place, feel free to move.




Edit: I'm thinking of making another line so add me and we'll do it, it will be f2p obviously and start in varry.


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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I don't want a flame war here , I'm ok with what anyone says, but I can disagree with it as well..


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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And Spammy




Give me a freaking break, I hope you're joking.


Hey, looking at the threads that have been locked lately...




Yeah, anyway, nobody wants a flame war.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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The post to view ratio is scaring me o.o




People , you can post, its ok, don't be scared lol.


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Edit: Pretty nice, men wearing pink skirts is kind of odd though :XD:




range lvl isn't very impessive so I'll give it a 5/10



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Thanks , yours looks good too... WE could go pking some time :P


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Thats excellent, its that kind of spontaneous thing that makes runescape so fun.




Good work and nice 60 ranging :P






Thanks, I agree =D You can add me if you wanna help me make a pink line some time or do something fun ::'


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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Thanks, and that statistic thing in your siggy was created by me =D


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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