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Bank update idea


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I have thought about this for ages (even posted as a suggestion on the runescape forums but they payed no attention) that to help us stop hackers/scammers is to put bank account pin numbers on the bank which is only setable and changable from your account settings








Tell me wat u think

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Similar idea's have been suggested before, but the problem with yours is that the account pin can be keylogged.








The idea i liked was setting it in-game, you dont type it in, you press the numbers that come up.

yea this idea was brought up a while ago, but people can still get that number too
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Let's face it, if someone wants into your account that bad, it's just a minor inconvenience. The idea is that your password should be enough in the first place.

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I always thought of this idea for use with safes in POH's.








You got a spinning roulette wheel attached to your safe:




"Click use safe"








1. You click a number. (1-9 and 0)




2. The wheel spins randomly.




3. You click the next number.




4. 4 or 5 number input.








But, like you guys said, "what if you forgot the pin?"








Only thing I can think of is recovery questions (oh god),




or bury the code in a random spot with a spade (lol).

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I think it would be possible to detect a hacker when someone with a quite different IP empties all valuable items of your bank.








This script shouldn't be too sensitive so someone can give away a phat to a friend without problems, but when a player would suddenly give away or drop all expensive items of his bank, something fishy is going on, and the account should be put on hold until someone can prove that he is the true owner of the account.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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i have seen a keylogger that, when you click the mouse, shows the coordinates of where the mouse was clicked, so an on-screen keypad wouldnt be good unless the number moved around each time the bank screen is activated like....








one time it could be:








9 4 2




1 7 0




3 8 6








and another time it could be:








0 3 7




4 9 1




6 8 2












just random placements of numbers so a coordinate logger cant tell what number you hit

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only setable and changable from your account settings








Tell me wat u think








Then, if they have your password, which they most likely will, they'll log into your account settings and change it.














It really has

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  • 1 year later...
The problem is, instead of "I GOT HACKED OMG HELP ME!!!11!!!!1!" posts, you'd see "I FORGOT MY PIN NUMBER OMG HELP ME!!!11!!!!!1!!1!!" posts.








Personally, PIN recovery questions might help. Let's say my PIN number was my house number. (lame number, just exampile) When you enter your PIN number, you get the question "What is my house number?" It's a little reminder for your PIN. My recovery question would be something like "What is a Destini music channel?" so it can be very vague (If any of you understood even a bit what I typed, I know your first and last names.) That way, it's kinda hard to forget your PIN.


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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The problem is, instead of "I GOT HACKED OMG HELP ME!!!11!!!!1!" posts, you'd see "I FORGOT MY PIN NUMBER OMG HELP ME!!!11!!!!!1!!1!!" posts.








Personally, PIN recovery questions might help. Let's say my PIN number was my house number. (lame number, just exampile) When you enter your PIN number, you get the question "What is my house number?" It's a little reminder for your PIN. My recovery question would be something like "What is a Destini music channel?" so it can be very vague (If any of you understood even a bit what I typed, I know your first and last names.) That way, it's kinda hard to forget your PIN.




wow, this thread was more than a year old. Nice grave digging.

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