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Need some ideas for my main :S


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I have a main called Mastermonker, ive had him 3 years (maybe a bit more) and im currently BORED. i never use him... hes boring cant find anything fun to do atm with him, anyone got ideas?




Heres a stat pic:












Edit: can someone show me how to make pics whole when i post em?




h8 that click for full image thingy :evil:

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You can if you hate skilling go to cw or fight pits on their official worlds or run straight up the wildy with nothing on or three expensive item. And to remove that click for full image, i think there is supposed to be a thing that says image size. If you click that theres like something which says full image below i think(i haven't used uploading in a long time).

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I find slayer a good way to fight boredom. It gives some diversity compared to whacking the same monster over and over for 10 combat level.


Imo I suggest you get 70 defense so you can use barrows and have fun with the different sets. Though judging from your low money making stats, raising runecrafting, wcing yews wont hurt and just making money. With your different low stats you could work on I would find it pretty fun to get massive amounts of levels per day.




When you upload to imageshack and see all those urls, scroll to the bottom where it says " Direct link to image" and put the link between url.com\here





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i h8 slayer atm, i ALWAYS get those darn F-KING rock slugs (10) all the time and i cant change task, and im poor. lost 3,3m and i have stuff worth 700k atm.






Keep the ideas coming ppl

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This is the best part or having a main!!




Train anything that you feel like at the moment. Find something, anything that keeps you entertained. Since its a main you don't really have a certain standard to keep as far as combat levels and such like you do if you have a pure. Just do something that entertains you and do that until you're yet again bored and move on to the next thing.




I find myself killing blue dragons with my enchanted emmy bolts just to keep busy when I don't feel like doing anything else, and it keeps me entertained.




I think your problem is you may not be a goal oriented person, which means you start doing things in RS then get bored with them relatively quickly. Which makes your stats lack, since you don't concentrate on one or two skills at a time. Thats why you made a pure, I'm assuming since you haven't used your main in awhile, and when you were on your pure you didn't feel as bored because you had a goal and that was to get good enough stats to PK or whatever.




Try finding something you enjoy doing and setting a goal with it. Thats what I find myself doing and I rarely get bored.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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Last time I got bored, I took up Barrows (yes, it took me until combat 104 before I dared set foot in there), which turned out to be quite fun.




It all depends on your tastes. If you like combat, you could spend some time with CW or PC. If you're into interaction with other players, a team-based noncombat minigame like Trouble Brewing might be for you.




Then of course there's always quests (yes, I admit it, I like quests, even though that clearly puts me in the minority in tif - quest cape ftw).




Or - since you also mentioned needing money - put some time into the gathering skills like woodcutting or fishing. The skills themselves are boring as hell, but if you're on a good world with nice people you can get some entertaining conversations.

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Oh I know how to cure your boredom.Go fight your way to the top scores in the most violent and aggressive manner you can manage.Someone killing a monster?Hit the monster when it's almost dead.Lower level clan pking in high wildy?Beat the crap out of them and sell their items.Lower level about to mine something?Mine it before him.Guy calling you a noob?Yell "OH FIGHT ME IN WILDY YOU ELITIST FREAK" then murder him.You see Zezima?Go up to him, straight up to his face, and call him a noob (I don't use the word, and I have nothing agains't zezima, but if you want agressiveness, that will work).




Anyways have fun working up to high scores :twisted:

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There are many ways to cure your boredom, but I'm not going to nam them all now. Just find something that catches your interest for awhile, and do that. Then when you get tired of that, find another thing thats even the slightest bit entertaining..




Wash, Rinse, and Repeat. And you're good to go.

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I totally hate training skills a long time and if i want to train i mostly make/log onto one of my pures which i ALWAYS messup (ive messed up about 5-6 pures), and i cant do barrows and stuff cuz im pretty poor and theres no good guide how to do it.. i would do barrows if i had someone to show me and told me what i needed and posted a pic off a recommended inventory (my self i would probably use firebolt/blast and d scimmy) and i dont even think i can afford a single trip :(




keep posting ideas but i would like a personal barrows guide made for me.. i have this items atm on my main: rune scimmy, rune skirt (g), rune platebody, rune chainmail, rune kite, rune defender, rune fullhelmet and about 117k cash..




im gonna sell the kite, scimmy, chain and helm for cash then buy rune boots, mystic bottom, d scimmy, dds and a warrior/berserker helmet.


(if anyone are intrested of the items above just tell)

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Do quests, this is a good way to spend time in Runescape, there are alot of them, and just start doing them. ::'


Or if you don't like questing, start pk-ing or staking.


98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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