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What game to choose for my PC?


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Hi guys, I'm going to get one of the following games for PC please tell me what you think about them, and which one to choose. Feel free to post reviews, screenshots or any kind of advices. Here Are the games I'm debating on buying (in no particular order):




-Battle for Middle-Earth II


-Age of Mythology


-Warcraft III (I think I might get this one)




Please suggest other game I would be delighted to hear them. One thing tho: I prefer fantasy games so I'm not really into shotting stuff (like Halo 3) or racing games. Oh and for some reason I don't always enjoi Space games.




Post away my friends I'll set up a little poll over here




Warcraft III____________3 people


Age Of Mythology_______1 people


Battle for Middle Eart II__2 people

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I've played all three, quite frankly WC3 and BME2 seemed pretty boring (also, Battle for Middle Earth 2 is a practical clone of Warcraft when it comes to gameplay, but it has *a lot* better graphics)




If you want unique gameplay I'd go with Age of Mythology. If you want stock gameplay but a lot of online players, go for WC3 (or the Frozen Throne expansion), if you want nice graphics, go for Battle for Middle Earth.




Those are mostly tactical games, but if you're into RPG style games, here's 1 you'll realy want to look into which I also posted on another thread: Assassin's Creed. It's a realistic RPG set into the middle ages, you play a muslim assassin of a secret brotherhood that assasinates political and military targets of islamic and christian factions to restore order.




It's coming out soon for Xbox 360 and PC. If you watch the whole video, especially from 2:20, you'll understand why this is a darn good RPG compared to others in the market (massive freedom of movement, yet quite realistic)





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mythology, with the expansion~


other games?


oblivion, morrowind (with expansions)




Okay so that's One vote for mythology. Could you please describe Why you prever oblivion or morrowing, over let's say WC3? I will definatelly research those game and tell you what I think. Thank you for posting.




I've played all three, quite frankly WC3 and BME2 seemed pretty boring (also, Battle for Middle Earth 2 is a practical clone of Warcraft when it comes to gameplay, but it has *a lot* better graphics)




If you want unique gameplay I'd go with Age of Mythology. If you want stock gameplay but a lot of online players, go for WC3 (or the Frozen Throne expansion), if you want nice graphics, go for Battle for Middle Earth.




Those are mostly tactical games, but if you're into RPG style games, here's 1 you'll realy want to look into which I also posted on another thread: Assassin's Creed. It's a realistic RPG set into the middle ages, you play a muslim assassin of a secret brotherhood that assasinates political and military targets of islamic and christian factions to restore order.




It's coming out soon for Xbox 360 and PC. If you watch the whole video, especially from 2:20, you'll understand why this is a darn good RPG compared to others in the market (massive freedom of movement, yet quite realistic)








Okay I don't really care all that much about the graphics the gameplay is what matters to me. I take it as another vote for Age of mythology? *If* I have to choose between BME2 and WC3 I'll go with Middle Earth because it has better graphics? gotcha.




Also I look up Assasians's Creed. Thanks for your reply




Edit: I just watched the video and that game looks AMAZiNG! Although I highly doubt my computer will be able to run it if it does then I will get it right away. But for now please discuss the games mentioned above please

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AOE2 is good, so is AOE3


I have this game called Warrior Kings: Battles, sounds lame but is really, really good. Got it at half price books for 6$ USD.


I also have Warcraft III, don't play online though, was fun for a little while.


Elder Scrolls Morrowind or Oblivion are great.

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AOE2 is good, so is AOE3


I have this game called Warrior Kings: Battles, sounds lame but is really, really good. Got it at half price books for 6$ USD.


I also have Warcraft III, don't play online though, was fun for a little while.


Elder Scrolls Morrowind or Oblivion are great.




Wow I didn't know there was AOE3 I checked out the website the graphics look splendid L)


Warrior Kings don't look so good sorry to say.


Like 3 people said Elder scroll allready may be i should check it out and post back

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War 3 is the best technically and creatively, pretty much among the best RTS's of all time. Age of Mythology is nice...I think I enjoyed the single-player campaign even more than the War3 one, but it was just sorta meh online. Middle Earth games...Well, never played but I've not heard anything too great about them.




I'd definately go with Warcraft 3, it's a fantastic game.

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I would put Warcraft 3 at the top of that list. It has a great story, great aesthetics, great diversity and just greatness in general. Furthermore, the online community is more active - more so than that of AoM (I'd imagine).




A game that you might want to check out is Rise of Legends - it's a combination of real-time and turn-based strategy. However, it does have the habit of getting repetitive and cumbersome at times.




If you want a game that'll entertain you for a while, then I'd put War3 at the top of the list - it has excellent replay value.

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War 3 is the best technically and creatively, pretty much among the best RTS's of all time. Age of Mythology is nice...I think I enjoyed the single-player campaign even more than the War3 one, but it was just sorta meh online. Middle Earth games...Well, never played but I've not heard anything too great about them.




I'd definately go with Warcraft 3, it's a fantastic game.




Okay thanks for your post. I did think that Warcraft 3 was the best game but everybody else didn't think much of it so I started having my doubts but now I don't know. And you're saying Age of mythology isn't bad? great thanks.




I would put Warcraft 3 at the top of that list. It has a great story, great aesthetics, great diversity and just greatness in general. Furthermore, the online community is more active - more so than that of AoM (I'd imagine).




A game that you might want to check out is Rise of Legends - it's a combination of real-time and turn-based strategy. However, it does have the habit of getting repetitive and cumbersome at times.




If you want a game that'll entertain you for a while, then I'd put War3 at the top of the list - it has excellent replay value.


Another vote for Warcraft 3, ok. Yes I would like to play online and if the community is active then it's just anther plus. I definatelly need a game to keep me entertained for a while because I don't know when I'm getting my next one. And I'll check out Rise of Legends, thanks for posting.




Call of Duty 4 bro




it's like playing a great war movie


Well as I said aove I'm not really into shooting games all that much. I played Call of duty 2 on ps1 and it was ok I guess but not that great. Thanks anyways

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I have 2 suggestions for you.




[hide=Warcraft 3]Warraft 3: Battlechest gives you 2 games..Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, and Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne Expansion Pack...as well as the WC 3 Map Editor..used to create campaigns, scenarios, and even maps for use on Battle.net! It is an RTS, so you control individual units.




[hide=Story]You start out the Tutorial as the Orcish Horde...you're controlling Thrall, the Warchief. Throughout the Tutorial, you migrate the Horde into the land of Kalimdor.




Now, onto the REAL story :)




You are in control of the Humans. Here, I'm going to explain the Human campaign as a whole..there WILL be spoilers. Sorry :( Anyways, you are in control of the Human Alliance. The Undead Scourge is trying to take control of the Human Lands. As Prince Arthas...your mission is to destroy the scourge and save his homeland. Doing so..he drives them into the Northern Wastes. He follows to settle Human civilizations there and to destroy the scourge. In time..his mission is slowly driving him Insane. Eventually, he takes up a legendary blade..and turns against the Humans he was once allied with. Thats all I'm saying :)[/hide]




[hide=Battle.net]Battle.net is Blizzard's free online service. Using this, you can go online with some of their games..the biggest, besides World of Warcraft, being Warcraft 3. Using Battle.Net, you can play custom games such as Hero Wars, normal 1 on 1 battles, 3 on 3 battles, Tower Wars, Hero Tower Wars, and the awkward Sheep Tag. The only downside to this is, during most normal games, people will use tactics such as rushing quite frequently.[/hide]




Well, thats just a little bit about Warcraft 3. I hope you enjoyed the review![/hide]




[hide=The Elder Scrolls 3] Ok, get ready. This game is quite possibly the greatest RPG I've ever seen. You can LITERALLY do anything in this game. You can kill, steal, pillage, crawl dungeons, raid cities, explore tombs, join armies, become a mercenary, heck, even become a vampire or a werewolf! It is set in Vvardenfell...a large island inside of the province of Morrowind on the continent of Tamriel.




The graphics are alright, and it has a heavy fantasy setting. In the feel of the game, you can tell something is going wrong in the world...but I'm not gonna spoil it yet. As for system requirements, the only one I would worry about is the Video Card. I'm using a 64 MB integrated card, and from what I can see, it's pretty much the lowest you can go with good performance. But don't hesitate to try the game.




The best part? If you don't like something about the game, thee are thousands of user-created Mods available online. From clothing to weapons to cities to continents to characters to new races to pets and everything else you can imagine.[/hide]




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Morrowind, my favorite rpg game. The modding is great, especially if you know how to do it yourself (I'm learning how so I can make my own stuff!) I recommend getting both expansions (Bloodmoon if you have to pick one over the other, it's my favorite part of the entire game.) and the TES Construction set for modding.


Oblivion with the expansion and some mods is really good too. (I love my dragon to fly around on, yes that was a mod.)




If your looking for a fps, I reccomend either battlefield 2 or 2142, I personally like 2142 better but, that can be debated.




I'm a big fan of any Age of game but Age of Mythology is my favorite. It is also my favorite because by right-clicking the pictures of things, you get a data-file about them and what the history behind them is. I was personally really bummed when Age of 3 didn't have this.


If you want something with less Mythology than Age of Mythology I reccomend AoE2, with Conquerors. I personally think that it was their second best and it was the last to include stone with gold, food, and lumber.

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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To the Mister X-man ; I'm not really into brain blowing games, thanks for the post tho.




To Adam_ross0; What you wrote about Warcraft makes me want to run to the store and buy it right now but we shall see.




Morrowwing sounds like an amazing game tho i'll definatelly do some research on that.






to FalconBomba: Morrowing really looks like a great game, thanks so much for posting. If I do pick Age of then I'd pick since most people voted for it.




Keep em coming

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I've got one more game for you...it's online, and it costs around $30-$40, but once you buy it, the online play is free..which is a BIG bonus.




[hide=Guild Wars]


Guild Wars is an online game. The unique thing about it is that the online is free..and it has been reknown for some of the Best Guild/Party/Team Play support ever in an online game.




[hide=Story]Let's start with the basics. You have the land of Tyria..it has regions..Ascalon, The Northern and Southern Shiverpeak Mountains, Kryta, the Maguuma Jungle, The Crystal Desert, and the Ring of Fire Island Chain. At the start of the game, you are in an area known as Pre-Searing. You can train here...and soon enough, you can choose to advance to the Searing. I'll explain the Searing below.




[hide=The Searing...SPOILERS]The Searing is an event in which both Kryta and Ascalon were attacked by a northern race of beasts known as the Charr. The Charr found a weak spot, and attacked. Kryta, under the White Mantle, held Kryta away from the Charr. But during the Searing, Ascalon was all but destroyed. The land went from a beautiful, vast forest landscape into a burning, desolate, dead, struggling wasteland. After the Searing cutscenes, you advance 2 years into the future.[/hide]




Now, as explained, you're in Post-Searing Tyria. Nothing much has changed, except the Charr are dominant in Ascalon.[/hide]




[hide=Controls and Characters]Onto the Gameplay. The interface is fully customizeable...you can do whatever you want to do to it. The can use WASD or the arrow keys to move, use the numbers to use skills, and use hotkeys or macros to do anything. Or you can use the Mouse. It's a very easy to manage game.




As for Characters, you have 6 professions available with the original game. They are the Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, and Monk. Your primary profession is used to determine your starting skills, and any special attributes..for example, a Primary Necromancer has Soul reaping, curses, Death Magic, and Blood Magic. Soul Reaping is only for Necro Primaries. You can also choose a secondary profession..whiich gives you a second set of skills and 3 new attributes. These are both displayed with your name...IE: John Doe N/E 15..this says he's a Necro primary, and elementalist secondary, with a level of 15.[/hide]




[hide=Guilds]Now, onto the biggie...Guild support. In the game, you can choose to join a Guild. A guild is a group of quite a few players who have united under one symbol as a team. You get a special cape, with the Guild Symbol, and access to Guild and Alliance chat. Each guild also gets a Guild Hall..a place ONLY your guild members can visit. You can also join Guild versus Guild battles to earn Faction and claim cities as your own...the cities provide some advantages, and Faction is used to determine Guild Rating basically. There are also Alliances, which is just a group of Guilds united into an Alliance.[/hide]




That's about it for the game..that's the basics. It's a very fun game...I hope you enjoy it.[/hide]




I've also updated my Warcraft 3 review ;)




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Warcraft III is fairly cheap, and yet offers the largest replay value due to custom maps online. My family owns four copies so we can all play DotA togheter, and only three of us plays...

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to Adam_rose0; you've been a great help to me, thanks for your three reviwes I enjoed reading them and they'll definatelly help me out.


Guild wars sounds like a great game with all the guilds and graphics looks pretty intense. right now I'm not sure what to choose: Warcraft 3, Guild wars or Morrowind.




to Zonorhc: My computer is like 2 years old so i'm not sure if it's "excellent"




to Jgrazotis and BlueTear: thanks for posting, I think I'll go with WC3 after all

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to Adam_rose0; you've been a great help to me, thanks for your three reviwes I enjoed reading them and they'll definatelly help me out.


Guild wars sounds like a great game with all the guilds and graphics looks pretty intense. right now I'm not sure what to choose: Warcraft 3, Guild wars or Morrowind.




to Zonorhc: My computer is like 2 years old so i'm not sure if it's "excellent"




to Jgrazotis and BlueTear: thanks for posting, I think I'll go with WC3 after all




You made a good choice going with Warcraft 3...I hope you enjoy it :)




f you have doubts, here is a link to the official website. There are mirrors available to download a Demo of the tutorial. It explains quite a bit, and it's a fairly small download.




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to Adam_rose0; you've been a great help to me, thanks for your three reviwes I enjoed reading them and they'll definatelly help me out.


Guild wars sounds like a great game with all the guilds and graphics looks pretty intense. right now I'm not sure what to choose: Warcraft 3, Guild wars or Morrowind.




to Zonorhc: My computer is like 2 years old so i'm not sure if it's "excellent"




to Jgrazotis and BlueTear: thanks for posting, I think I'll go with WC3 after all




You made a good choice going with Warcraft 3...I hope you enjoy it :)




f you have doubts, here is a link to the official website. There are mirrors available to download a Demo of the tutorial. It explains quite a bit, and it's a fairly small download.




Thanks for all of your posts here they definatelly made my decision clear: Warcraft 3. Tomorrow morning I'm going to the store and getting it. And who knows I might get Morrowing in the near future, they both sound like great games.

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to Adam_rose0; you've been a great help to me, thanks for your three reviwes I enjoed reading them and they'll definatelly help me out.


Guild wars sounds like a great game with all the guilds and graphics looks pretty intense. right now I'm not sure what to choose: Warcraft 3, Guild wars or Morrowind.




to Zonorhc: My computer is like 2 years old so i'm not sure if it's "excellent"




to Jgrazotis and BlueTear: thanks for posting, I think I'll go with WC3 after all




You made a good choice going with Warcraft 3...I hope you enjoy it :)




f you have doubts, here is a link to the official website. There are mirrors available to download a Demo of the tutorial. It explains quite a bit, and it's a fairly small download.




Thanks for all of your posts here they definatelly made my decision clear: Warcraft 3. Tomorrow morning I'm going to the store and getting it. And who knows I might get Morrowing in the near future, they both sound like great games.




Just so you know, it's Morrowind, not Morrowing.

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