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How should I make money?


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-You can mine a lot of iron.


-Cut yews, make into yew bows, spin flax, make completed yew bows and then high alch


-Fish the highest thing that you want cook it and then sell it


-Sell yew loggs


-Make cosmic runes or nature runes which ever ones you want


-Train slayer and hope for a good drop or a clue scroll


-Train on hill giants and then sell big bones


-Merchant items




Those are a couple of things you can do. It all depends if you have any money to start with and how much.

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-Cut yews, make into yew bows, spin flax, make completed yew bows and then high alch


-Fish the highest thing that you want cook it and then sell it


-Sell yew loggs


-Make cosmic runes or nature runes which ever ones you want


-Merchant items




Those are a couple of things you can do. It all depends if you have any money to start with and how much.

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I only have 350k at the moment, I am doing slayer, i'm sick of mining, but I might go train my fletching.




(P.S. Is snape grass still 1k each :?: )




Snape grass is 400-500 each. Though not amazing cash, if you get waterbirth teles and a bunch of glories, from what I remember it's a solid 350-400k per hour. It can get dull, but if you listen to music while collecting it can be an easy way to relax and work up some quick cash.




I've always had a soft spot for barrowing when I need cash - you could try that.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Cool, I might have a go at barrowing, i've never been before :shock: .


Waterbirth teleport is lunar isn't it, I might do lunar diplomacy sometime soon.


*looks sig*




I got 3 clues in one task, 1st: sara dh top


2nd: zammy page


3rd: guthix page + rune plate (t)


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