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Words Can Kill (Mods, Please Lock)


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ego_scorpion, the "flaws" are not with the story but rather with your understanding of issues ranging from psychology to physics.




Look for yourself:








The story is real. Please stay on topic or start your own thread. Thank you.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

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[hide=More inane blatherings to become an attention [bleep]]

I googled this story to see if it holds water, and combined with the original post im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate, but I have to get this out of my cest.




Is this story real, or was it just made up on the internet to teach kids somek ind of a lesson? did you know that one of the leading causes of teenage deaths is suicide? People act upset and surprised over this girl, but what about 100's and 1000's of others dying? Life is cruel weather you like it or not and as you grow up you realise just how cruel it is. From my personal experience, when my grandmother passed away and I was left alone with a mortage higher than I make a months. Did I commit suicide? no - I found a better job.




Point im trying to make here is if you know your kid has low self esteem, why would you let that kid get involved iwth something that can be potentialy dangerous?




Now, here is my reasons as to why this story may not be true.




#1. How many of you have internet-friendly parents that are smart enoguh to create a myspace. Furthermore, how many of that parents would go that far as to get involved in the life of their daughter to find out if someone is talking badly about them. People trash talk people all the time, but come on, when you were little did your mother pretend to be someone to see what your friends say about you? I hoenstly can say Im glad mine didnt and I have never ever heard of anyones parents doing that.




Furthermore, im gonna show other flaws iwth this story. If Tina was so protective of her daughter and knew the problems she was having how did she allow this to happen. It was said that hse carefuly review who added her and who she interacted iwth. So when all this cruely started you honestly think she didnt notice?




And this next part is just unbelievable. Your troubled teengar daughter is upset and crying over some fictional boy being cruel to her so what do you do? Send her to her room and go about your buisness as if nothign ahppened, knowing full well how devastated she was and the fact that there has been talks of suicide?




And lastly, I dont know closets people have where she lived, but I can tell you right now, if an overweight girl tried to hang herself in one of the houses where I live, the closet support beam would break for 1 and for 2, she would have to be hanging with her knees bent.




Moving on ahead, if the parents deleted the fictional boy they made, how did people find otu? I mean unless parents were going around bragging about getting a 13 year old girl killed, how would anybody ever possibly find out?




And you know one last thing, if someone caused my death I can tell you this much, my mother wouldnt be putting up signs and lighting things in the window, she would revenge me by punishing those who would cause my demise... not that I am a suicide risk.




Yes, its true that a lot of teengars do commit suicide and its very very sad, but call me evil or whatever you want, but I honestly dont tink that this story is entirely true, if true at all. Too many things in it just do not make sense. A protective mother not catching on to what was happenign for so long and then very same protective mother neglecting her child when the need was more dire? Biggest reason though is the fact that I cant imagine someone hanging themselves in the closet, just doesnt seem physically posible.




Dont mean to sound like an [wagon], just expressing my feelings. And if this story is true then the blame lies with the parents, aka Tina. Allowing a 13 year old access to myspace, or runescpae, or anything else that can be potentialy harmless.




There is a trend nowadays to blame everyone but the parents for the things their children do. Oh well, just my thoughts, go ahead and think of me as evil if you want, but I think (and truely hope) that this story was just made up by someone and that poor girl is not really dead, because if she was then the parents of the other girl are truely sick, twisted people who deserve to be punished for what they have done.



You Sir, are a complete horse's rear-end!




Why is it, you attempt to hijack every thread Qeltar creates with self-serving bile and rhetoric? :^o


Why do you attempt to claim he hates you? #-o


Why do you attempt to claim everything he says is false when any 5minute search will show it's true? :-k




http://www.tinameier.com/ < Oh look. The dead girl's mother has a website for selling houses


UK press has a story about this


Newsweek magazine has this story


Local newspaper has this story


American ABC News has this


Associated Press has this AP link together news media from all over the world!


Chicago Tribune has yet another story about this


Oh look, even CNN get into this "obviously fake" story




NOw, are ALL these, and more fake? Just to serve some nefarious purpose to malign your interests and name? :-s Is Qeltar the owner of all the listed websites to have made it a worldwide story?




Get over your attitude son, cos everyone knows you're a troll.


Don't bother replying to this unless you can come up with something less tenuous than "I R gr34t cuz I R h4v1n9 10billion G33p33s!! I r 1333337rz! 4nd ur p00rz so u d0n't c0unt!" :boohoo:




Not everyone is as ego-centric [perhaps a more apt name for you, but scorpion fits also, as poisonous rhetoric goes] as you, nor can everyone watch their child 24/7. If they do, I believe there's something fairly creepy about that constant surveillance. There comes a time when the apron strings have to be let go off, and strike out on your own two feet. Those molly-coddled usually have severe problems in adult-hood with making friends, and relating (empathising) with others [sound familiar?].




As for the rest of your spurious "proofs" that the story is fake, try reading the full story properly, not just skipping to the "interesting" bits :-w




In summation :




  1. You're a troll.
    You're self-serving.
    You're completely inept at arguing a point.
    You should ebgage your brain before opening your mouth.
    Of those who say nothing, few are silent - Thomas Neil : You are never silent, and yet you say nothing of interest or validity everytime you open your mouth.

Of those who say nothing, few are silent -=Thomas Neil =-

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LB.. I appreciate your support but PLEASE can everyone try to remain civil? Remember the point of my article and please don't get this thread locked. Thank you.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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The part that I find hard to believe is how mother who watches closely doesnt catch whats going on with that boy. And another big thing that makes it hard to belive is hanging yourself in closet. I honestly cant imagine how thats physically possible.




But alright, even if it is, I honestly would have expected parents to seek some form of revenge for such unforgivable deed, but then again, thats my point of view.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




I've had similar afflictions as well and I think about suicide every day. Does that make me a moron too?




BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




Just because you think it's true doesn't mean it is. Darkpoop0 believes in hell, you have to respect that. Same for you, Dizzle.




Darkpoop0, stop being a jackass.








Qeltar, please post this on the RSOF, if you haven't already.




That's a banwish waiting to happen. The people on the RSOF are too ignorant to fully comprehend the gravity of both the Megan incident and the effects their behavior have on other people. They would most likely reply with "lol she got pwned" or "wot an idoit."




This post is supposed to make an impact. Putting it on the RSOF will make a far greater impact than it will here.






the OF is filled with 10 year olds complaing about losing their "blu pehat"


none of them are mature enough to comprehend anything above an episode of blue's clues

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I agree with the multiple reports this post generated on 1 detail:




No comment on the discussion, but please stop arguing whether this is "fake" or not. The girl is 100% dead and the story is real. If you don't want to believe 30 different reliable sources, that's up to you.

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I googled this story to see if it holds water, and combined with the original post im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate, but I have to get this out of my cest.




Is this story real, or was it just made up on the internet to teach kids somek ind of a lesson?




At last! Someone with the ability to see through the storm of righteous indignation and question the story.




We have one fact in this story: a girl is dead.




What we get is the parents' story. Fox News carried this report, but Fox News is not the most scrupulous news organisation in the world. They also appear to have done nothing but repeat the parents' story without doing any research.




Let's take a look at a few things and see if it holds up.




In the introduction to the story, Megan is described as "a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder". a couple of paragraphs later the report says: She was described as a "bubbly, goofy" girl who loved hanging out with her friends, watching movies and fishing with her dad.




Now there's your first disconnect. Was she "bubbly and goofy" or "suffering from depression" -- very few people suffering from depression are bubbly and goofy and very few bubbly and goofy people hang themselves in their bedroom closet.




The story says she was also on medication (but not what for). This is again a problem. Most of the medication used for adults for depression is not recommended for use on children. SSRIs (the class of drug Prozac is in) have been known to increase the occurrence of suicide in depressed patients, as have some of the drugs used for ADD/ADHD.




Then we have the rest, all of which takes place on the internet, mostly on the infamous MySpace which has a reputation for being a place where teens can get in trouble.




Funnily enough, there's no investigation by law enforcement:

Tina Meier said law enforcement officials told her the case did not fit into any law. But sheriff's officials have not closed the case and pledged to consider new evidence if it emerges.
I find this surprising, given the high profile of cases where kids have done other stupid things through MySpace and the massive police interest in online pedophiles and stalkers.




Then there's this little gem:

Her father said he found a message the next day from Josh, which he said law enforcement authorities have not been able to retrieve. It told the girl she was a bad person and the world would be better without her, he has said.
Her father found the message, and didn't save it for the police? The police can't retrieve it? MySpace has archives, most email systems have archives. Even deleted, it would leave some sort of a trail. I'm sorry, but either the police didn't look, or the message didn't exist in the first place.



To sum up:


What we have here is a classic case of someone creating a story to hide their guilt. We have some sort of dysfunctional family dynamic going on here and the girl commits suicide as a result of that. The parents, in an effort to conceal their part in it, and to assuage their guilt, create this fictional internet romance/stalking/bullying story.




And people, having heard similar things before, swallow it hook, line and sinker.




It's been done many times before. In 1989, Charles Stuart murdered his pregnant wife and claimed that "a black man" had robbed him and his wife at gunpoint, and shot them both. He actually went as far as to shoot himself in the belly to make this fiction real. The black communities in Boston were turned upside down, and one guy was arrested and almost charged with the crime. Stuart committed suicide after evidence was uncovered that pointed to the truth.




Then there's the case of Susan Smith. She claimed she'd been carjacked by a black man who drove away with her sons still in the car. After a week of intense publicity and massive manhunts, she confessed to rolling her car into a nearby lake and drowning her children.




I could go on, there are plenty more similar stories out there.




You see, what happens is that when an infamous stereotype (a "black man", MySpace, "muslim-looking" men, etc.) are invoked, the public stop thinking. The stereotype takes over and people stop looking at critical details.




I'm not doubting that Megan Meier is dead, nor even that she committed suicide. What I am doubting is that it was all the fault of MySpace and the internet, and that her parents had nothing whatsoever to do with her depression or suicide.




I think it's a case of the dysfunctional family shifting responsibility and blame to an external stereotype, so that they can both garner sympathy and avoid culpability.



And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Runescape in any shape or form.

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We have one fact in this story: a girl is dead.




What we get is the parents' story. Fox News carried this report, but Fox News is not the most scrupulous news organisation in the world. They also appear to have done nothing but repeat the parents' story without doing any research.



Actually, it appears that YOU have not done any research. The story has been widely reported in multiple outlets.



Now there's your first disconnect.



There's no disconnect, except in your understanding of depression and its various forms and manifestations.



SSRIs (the class of drug Prozac is in) have been known to increase the occurrence of suicide in depressed patients, as have some of the drugs used for ADD/ADHD.



Are you a medical doctor? Did you examine Megan Meier and talk with her and her parents to determine what medication would be best for her?



Funnily enough, there's no investigation by law enforcement



False, it was investigated.



What we have here is a classic case of someone creating a story to hide their guilt.



No, what we have in you is another case of someone who wants to make up a conspiracy theory rather than dealing directly with a difficult issue.



What I am doubting is that it was all the fault of MySpace and the internet, and that her parents had nothing whatsoever to do with her depression or suicide.



And you have what evidence, exactly, to support this disgusting accusation?



I think it's a case of the dysfunctional family shifting responsibility and blame to an external stereotype, so that they can both garner sympathy and avoid culpability.



Again - evidence? :roll:



And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Runescape in any shape or form.


You're entitled to your opinion, but this one is about as valid as the others to which you have just treated us.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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What a depressing thing to wake up and see...It was a bit depressing, but still a good read.




And to Ego (I won't bother quoting your whole post), I agree with you on some points, but disagree on others. Yes, there are 100s and 1000s of people commiting suicide, but this instance goes into detail and it actually relates partially to the game we all play. Also, when Tina sent Megan to her room, she probably wasn't hysterical, she had probably cooled down into what Tina interpreted as getting over it, in which case she thought it was safe to send Megan to her room, but what Megan was doing was thinking about suicide.




From what I remember there was either talks or attempts at suicide - that shoulda gave it away. And also, physically, would someone be able to hang themselves in your closet? because mine isnt high enough :ohnoes:




If you take out all the racks in my closet (which would take less than 20 minutes) someone could easily hang themselves in it, so it's possible she could have had a big closet too. As for the other part, if I understood you correctly, here's what you were looking for




When Tina got home the situation had escalated to Megan and Josh Evans firing nasty instant messages to each other. Tina was furious because Megan hadnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t logged out, and made Megan get off the computer. Megan was upset and hurt, over what Josh was saying, and also because she felt that Tina wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t taking her side.




While Megan went upstairs to cool off, Tina started making dinner. Twenty minutes later, Tina felt like she should check on her daughter. She went upstairs and found that Megan had hanged herself in her bedroom closet.




So Tina thought that Megan was cooling off, and instead she was commiting suicide.


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Suicide is amongst the leading cuases of death for teengars. So how is this suicide different from countless other? (2 people I knew in real life) Ill tell you how.




If story is true, 2 adults that should be execused are roaming free.




If the other story about parents being involved is true... same thing only other 2 adults.




ps. you must have huge closet :)

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Suicide is amongst the leading cuases of death for teengars. So how is this suicide different from countless other?




Because she was pushed over the edge by cyberbullying adults.




Perhaps you should re-read the article. :roll:

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Suicide is amongst the leading cuases of death for teengars. So how is this suicide different from countless other?




Because she was pushed over the edge by cyberbullying adults.




Perhaps you should re-read the article. :roll:




Ok, then please, answer this for me.


How about those kids bullied in real life bringing guns to school and killing their whole class + teacher? That seems to become popular. Go out with a bang!




Sure, you can blame parents that drove her, her own parents, but wouldnt you agree that some people are just high suicide risk?

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Suicide is amongst the leading cuases of death for teengars. So how is this suicide different from countless other?




Because she was pushed over the edge by cyberbullying adults.




Perhaps you should re-read the article. :roll:




Ok, then please, answer this for me.


How about those kids bullied in real life bringing guns to school and killing their whole class + teacher? That seems to become popular. Go out with a bang!




Sure, you can blame parents that drove her, her own parents, but wouldnt you agree that some people are just high suicide risk?




Suicide doesnt happen like "Oh, Another day, hmm, first ill have breakfast, then Ill kill myself ". It almost always have something to do with bullying or not being accepted. The same goes for the school shooters.


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Suicide is amongst the leading cuases of death for teengars. So how is this suicide different from countless other? (2 people I knew in real life) Ill tell you how.




If story is true, 2 adults that should be execused are roaming free.




If the other story about parents being involved is true... same thing only other 2 adults.




ps. you must have huge closet :)




wrong again there EGO :-k




leading cause of deaths by age group




want more proof?




Even Wiki reports low figures for suicide




Please at least try to do some research before touching the SUBMIT button :^o

Of those who say nothing, few are silent -=Thomas Neil =-

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SSRIs (the class of drug Prozac is in) have been known to increase the occurrence of suicide in depressed patients, as have some of the drugs used for ADD/ADHD.



Are you a medical doctor? Did you examine Megan Meier and talk with her and her parents to determine what medication would be best for her?




Nope. I'm a researcher. It doesn't take much work to discover the link between suicide and SSRIs. From Google:

Results 1 - 10 of about 549,000 for ssri and suicide risk in children


This article is from 2004, so there have been concerns about it for a while.




Nowhere did I claim to be a medical doctor, nor to have examined Megan. I merely stated the fact that the drugs most commonly used to treat the conditions she was reported to have, appear to have an increased suicide risk.




No, what we have in you is another case of someone who wants to make up a conspiracy theory rather than dealing directly with a difficult issue.


I see, by not believing uncritically everything I read on the internet, by thinking about whether or not something might have been mis-reported, exaggerated, or otherwise not the whole truth, makes me a conspiracy theorist.




You talk endlessly about the dangers of the internet, perhaps you should take your own advice and stop believing everything you read. Every story about Megan Meier appears to be a varient on the same theme. Most of the reports listed by lord_british are simply reprints of the AP story. The local story is simply the mother's story written up by a local journalist. There's no coroner's report and no police comment. There's nothing from her school, the family doctor, her friends. No word from MySpace. Nothing except a reporter writing up what the mother said.




It is all hearsay, and until there is publicly available proof that would stand up to the rules of evidence in a court of law: MySpace account details, transcripts of emails, etc. then there is nothing in this story that but hearsay.




And nowhere in any of the stories does the word "Runescape" appear. I stand by my original statement that this has nothing to do with Runescape.

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Nope. I'm a researcher.



And yet you weren't able to figure out for yourself that the story has been widely reported as legitimate by numerous sources.



I see, by not believing uncritically everything I read on the internet, by thinking about whether or not something might have been mis-reported, exaggerated, or otherwise not the whole truth, makes me a conspiracy theorist.



No, that would be due to you being apparently eager to believe that the story was made up, and casting aspersions at her parents with no evidence whatsoever.



Nothing except a reporter writing up what the mother said.



False. Again, you are not showing yourself to be much of a researcher.



And nowhere in any of the stories does the word "Runescape" appear.




Some people are capable of understanding that what happens in one online sphere can have relevance to another.




And there HAS been at least one case of a teenager committing suicide due to betrayal in RuneScape.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Hugh_Mannity, glad you are taking a logical approach on this. It seems that now adays youa re isntantly labeled something for expressiong your opinion or disagreing.




Ill say it again, ill gladly be hated by you, but where is your bleeding heart for endless cruely of our world? 12 year olds with AK's shooting innocent people in africa, amongst other things?




Just last month some kid came to school and shot everyoen dead in finland. Or how about earlier this year that agent kid in college?




You can not be selectively upset over 1 story which may or may not have been blown out of proportion.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Some people are capable of understanding that what happens in one online sphere can have relevance to another.




And there HAS been at least one case of a teenager committing suicide due to betrayal in RuneScape.





Once more ill be the devils advocate. Kids who are capable of that... do you really think them growing upw ith that mentaly will do much good? You know... all those people killing their children or other innocent people... maybe if they would commit suicide before they got to that point a lot of innocent people wouldnt die.




Like I said, people who commit suicide in the ifrst place are slightly off bit to begin with so it shouldnt come as a big shocker. Sure, if the other parents didnt bully her she might have lived... for a while, until she would get a real husband that would beat her perhaps?




And yet again you refuse to reply to me when I make a valid point, but thats ok. Just please, stop trying to be a righteous guardian of the innocent on the internet by advertising a godsword in your sig and writing things like "preview of this", or "how not to get scammed". Let kids play and learn on their own and from their own mistakes.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Ill say it again, ill gladly be hated by you, but where is your bleeding heart for endless cruely of our world?




As I've already said, the fact that one type of bad thing happens doesn't mean that there isn't valid reason to discuss another type.



Just please, stop trying to be a righteous guardian of the innocent on the internet by advertising a godsword in your sig and writing things like "preview of this", or "how not to get scammed". Let kids play and learn on their own and from their own mistakes.



If you aren't interested in my threads or posts, you have plenty of other options.




I have patiently ignored a large number of personal attacks that you have leveled towards me, but it is growing tiresome. If you do not cease, I will take this matter up with the moderators.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Dear qeltar, please review the following then


following sources:




http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=bu ... ts+suicide




#1 ofcourse being: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... ge_id=1770




followed by some other good ones:


http://sandeelee.blogs.com/bullying/200 ... ullie.html






I can go on for forever.




Furthermore: About depression


http://privateschool.about.com/cs/stude ... cide_2.htm


http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_min ... icide.html




But hey, we are obviously not here to discuss the topic at hand, but rather blindly take sides and insult people, right lord_british?

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

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Ill say it again, ill gladly be hated by you, but where is your bleeding heart for endless cruely of our world?




As I've already said, the fact that one type of bad thing happens doesn't mean that there isn't valid reason to discuss another type.




Ok then.





How about those kids bullied in real life bringing guns to school and killing their whole class + teacher? That seems to become popular. Go out with a bang!





So let me get this straight, its better to talk about 1 depressed child with low self esteem commiting suicide over supposed bad parenting as opposed to 30-40 happy children with bright future being killed by such a depressed child?




You know something, once more ill say it, I rather such children kill themselves than 30-40 other happy children with bright futures.





If you aren't interested in my threads or posts, you have plenty of other options.




I have patiently ignored a large number of personal attacks that you have leveled towards me, but it is growing tiresome. If you do not cease, I will take this matter up with the moderators.


unlike your indrect jabs, my statements are direct and straight to the point, but enough of that, answer my post on the topic, lets not talk about who brags about what in signatures.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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I'll have to agree with Hugh here. There seems to be nothing supporting this story except what the parents said, it's pure hearsay, there's no proof. Reliable sources may have reported the story, it doesn't mean the story is reliable itself. Just like always, the medias long to fill their pages with interesting stories, they report things, they don't investigate it, nor make sure it's truth.




Though the story is questionable, the message is true and noble., but it's dimmed when it comes out of your fingers, qeltar. Just look at the way in your first post you already accuse people that will not agree with you as idiots in denial, that shows so much about what kind of person you really are. To moralize people qeltar, you must be white. And you are not. You're really one to moralize about kindness when you act like a total jerk in your debates. That's priceless. Here's a hint for next time: Apply your own advice, maybe people will listen at you then.

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You have not responded to any of my points with a single fact. Without facts this story is just that, a story. You can believe it all you want. Absent facts, I shall continue to remain skeptical.




Until you can produce some reasonable evidence that this is anything other than a story concocted by the parents -- police report, MySpace transcripts, screenshots, or official statement, psychiatrists report, school report -- in other words something with facts, I'm going to retire from this thread.

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unlike your indrect jabs, my statements are direct and straight to the point, but enough of that, answer my post on the topic, lets not talk about who brags about what in signatures.




Who brags about what in signatures is not the topic of this thread, and I see no point to you bringing it up unless your goal is to disrupt it.




highlanders, you too seem to have nothing to contribute but attacks on me. I'm well aware that you do not like me, but I am not the subject of this article. Please take your vitriol elsewhere, thank you.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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If story is true, 2 adults that should be execused are roaming free.




If you mean they should be prosecuted, you are wrong. They did not commit a crime, so they cannot be prosecuted. Period.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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