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What people didn't pay attention to: r2_pleasant's truth.


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While I'd rather not link to the thread, as that may weaken my thread, recently a thread was locked of an apparent massive GP seller who was offering his slightly enlightened view from the "other" side. That is, that the success of runescape as a morg relies nearly entirely on the interactions between the players because runescape, the game, is pretty simple.




I'd like to bring up the discussion that was censored through the locking of his thread, but was never the less valid.






Jagex is clearly bent of trying to stop RWIT and their methods have primarily involved restricting player interaction [Ge anonymous, bank trading defunct, prices determined to a degree by Jagex and easily tweaked by Jagex]. Bad, Good? I'd say bad.




I am not aware if I am the only one, but as a four year player now I know the last three years have been ONLY held together by the knowledge that "I'm only here for the friends I know". The game itself has not be nearly as enjoyable as playing the game with my friends.




I also know that I did not meet most of my friends while exploring alone the world, or questing alone, or while skilling alone. I know I met my friends often when trading, and continued friendship through chatting. Mark though that it required the interaction between players that is, perhaps, being severed through Jagex market policies.




You might argue that times will change. New players will be meeting each other at the dragons, at the ores, and at the experiments. But, I'd also like to point out that outside of combat, in the cities, players are much more on an equal ground. In battle, competing for spawns and trying to keep up with clicking, does not exactly spawn talking. It might also restrict your friend base to those with similar skill interests, and locations, regardless of whether you could PM them- unless you met them someplace first you can't PM this.






Perhaps had Jagex fostered this game as they're radically now changing from the beginning, it would better adapt to such style. I'm curious what others say and offer to my commentary.














Edit: On second thought, I should mention the thread. It was clearly not hidden and locked threads are demonstrations I have all the right to mention it without having my thread locked.




"Why this update failed -- miserably" by r2_pleasent

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I find it much easier to make friends at some training spot. I used to be able to make one new friend on each of my slayer tasks if someone else was there. I made it a goal to get to know 1 person each time I went.


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That's possible, albeit surprising to me. I always find that at my tasks there are either few people, or those who I meet have been particularly brisk. I'd like to ask if when you say you meet more whether it's just a "Hi" or a friendship, and whether you consider whether you spend astronomically greater time slayer'ing then other avenues?

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A hi does not count. I start off generally asking them about their levels, favorite tasks etc. and then usually the conversation goes on a tangent. We talk about other stuff for pretty much the period of the entire task. Before the end I often ask them to add me, we do and continue to chat for a day or so after. Sometimes we drift away after that, but oh well, because I have a few friends that have really stuck from such tasks.


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If it wasn't for my friends or my clan, I don't think I would have continued playing Runescape for more than a month or two. I value friends more than the pixels in the game, and it is indeed a shame that there are some that see it the other way around. I'm a very friendly and sociable person and I'm always making friends, as well as keeping in touch with old friends.




Gold selling is something that can never be completely removed from the game, but it's good to see Jagex taking some measure to keep it down to a minimum. Although there are a few ways to lessen this even further, such as creating a white market to rival the bannable black market, among other mothds, I'm not sure the blokes at Jagex Towers will consider them.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I often do slayer pretty much 24 / 7. Currently I am fishing to 99 fishing (for slayer coincidentally. You see, I have a Kalphite Task. But I want to do it on Kalphite Queens. So I need a skill cape for the prayer bonus. And plus, about time I got a 99.)




How does that affect it thought?




and 3 hit U, what does that have to do with anything?


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Aaaah no one cares about R2, just another buyer/seller of RS gp for RL cash, get a life tbh.




You sir, are a complete idiot. Prepare to be flamed.




On topic, it is true that Jagex is making the game a tad bit worse. I also agree that it is a lot more fun when you play with your freinds.

No witty signatures for me :(

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Aaaah no one cares about R2, just another buyer/seller of RS gp for RL cash, get a life tbh.




You sir, are a complete idiot. Prepare to be flamed.




On topic, it is true that Jagex is making the game a tad bit worse. I also agree that it is a lot more fun when you play with your freinds.




Is this the actual 3hitu? That's pretty shamelessly pathetic. You can never [should never] say that about someone simply following the "I'll claim this is what everyone thinks so that everyone thinks this" argument about why someone's point isn't valuable. This is not about what he did, but what he said which I argue to be incredibly important.




Where can I find the thread?


I think you can search for it, or, it should be under the first or second page of memberlists>Duke_freedom "find all posts". Yes, creepy, maybe, but I do take a look at what Duke has said recently when there's been a big event and I want to learn a little more about his opinion on the market. I happened to find the thread then.




If it wasn't for my friends or my clan, I don't think I would have continued playing Runescape for more than a month or two. I value friends more than the pixels in the game, and it is indeed a shame that there are some that see it the other way around. I'm a very friendly and sociable person and I'm always making friends, as well as keeping in touch with old friends.




Gold selling is something that can never be completely removed from the game, but it's good to see Jagex taking some measure to keep it down to a minimum. Although there are a few ways to lessen this even further, such as creating a white market to rival the bannable black market, among other mothds, I'm not sure the blokes at Jagex Towers will consider them.




Clanning is yet another counterarguement to my own. Friendship is important, and one easy way is through clans. Unfortunetly it is very rare to find a good clan. Although with the advent of clanchat it is more possible to have a real "clan" in the strong sense other morggs support - Runescape still has few options for advertiseing, finding, and being in a clan any greater then your generic clan.




On the other hand, one option is just to introduce your best friends with each other to make a network of great friends :)








And for you, Erichermit, I think it is good you find many friends while slayering. I'm not sure if you are average though because there are not too many diehard slayers although I know a few ;). You can't suppose you'd find friends anywhere else then if you were slayering when you mainly slayer. Also I find most super slayers I know play a considerable lot, and so, it's more of a question if whether they'd find more/better friends in a different environment for the time they put into the game.

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Haha, umm.. Im not sure if you just accused me of not having friends outside of runescape or something, but I have a very healthy social life. I'll just assume you didn't mean that at ME though.




Though, I do play a considerable lot O_O




You can make friends anywhere though, and often at a training spot is the easiest. It's easy to strike up a conversation by asking their level in said skill, how much of _ theyve gotten so far, how long etc.




That kind of conversation is of course, not real, but its breaks the ice and allows for side topics to emerge. Works anywhere, not just slayer. (except for maybe places where competition is harsh and the other person just wants you to get the hell away)


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No, I didn't mean that as condescending as it may have came out. It's just a time spend here over here argument to why you might have found more friends in trading spots. On the other hand I do not yet have a counterargument and ?leave it open? to your claim that contradicts my experience, but comes with your own, that training spots are better.






Oh, and all my friend arguments have no pertinence to "RL Friends" and so by saying "only friends while slayering" I don't mean no friends in real life, because that's a different realm it doesn't relate exactly and has many more factors.

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ok tbh i like having the riches in the game but i wouldnt waste my real money on something that will get me no personal gain (xcept membs)


like why spend my hard earned christmas money on something otherwise worthless in the real world?




all and all its stupid and shows alot about your character :-k



Member of 100+ Korrupted Fury

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ok tbh i like having the riches in the game but i wouldnt waste my real money on something that will get me no personal gain (xcept membs)


like why spend my hard earned christmas money on something otherwise worthless in the real world?




all and all its stupid and shows alot about your character :-k










I am NOT a rwit, nor have I ever bought gp for dollars. Please read a thread before trying to say "bad" about its author and/or his character.




The thread is much more about how Jagex has damaged the game in it's sole goal of stopping rwit

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and also i do value my friends far more then any game even if they are complete strangers to me and just friends in game....whats wrong with that?






There's nothing wrong...This thread is insisting the essential incredible importance of that to runescape's success and possible downfall through damaging the possibility of such friendship!

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If jagexs makes it easier for clans to form a cohesive bond we will start to see more and more of them. Eventully clans will completely dominate RS life, everyone will be in this clan or that clan. It's human nature to desire to join a clan (I.E political parties, religous groups, clubs etc.)

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Ah yes, I misinterpreted your statement Kinslayer.




I suppose it's true that one could make more friend selling and buying, but I have never been able to do while I was doing that. Ive added a few people but they never seemed very interested for long.




I think its just two people who share common interests. You make friends with merchants and stuff because, im guessing, you enjoy buying and selling and have lots of buy sell stories.




On the other hand, the person I am making friends with is most likely a avid slayer like me. We can talk about tasks, how much we hate Black Demons, brag about good tasks and drops, and race each other. You would have trouble doing this with a avid slayer because you are not. I would have trouble talking about all the best buying and selling deals because the best Ive ever got is from a general store: 16 snapdragon herbs for about 100gp.


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The updates aren't bad by any means. It's just sensationalists blowing everything out of proportion again. And no, I'm not calling you a sensationalist, you're just buying into what one says.




You have to understand the source before you try and make something of which he states into a subject. R2 was nothing but a manipulator of the market and will always be that in many people's eyes. You really can't take anything he says seriously. Why you ask? Because he is a contributor to the reasons why the game is turning into what he thinks it is becoming.




Now... onto the friends subject...




Really, certain areas promote more conversations then others. I find myself talking more doing some tasks then I do others. Mining and Smithing I'm hardly ever talking (even when smelting)... While I could easily be a chatter box while Fishing and doing anything combat related.




I've struck up brief conversations while mining, so it's possible. The opportunity just isn't there most of the time. And really... it's always been like that in all the years I've been playing. Now the guilds are filled with autoers and Fally east bank has an occasional auto typer advertising some lame site I'll never visit, but with the advances of the chat system... I don't even have to resort to setting them on ignore. I just turn on clan chat and go about my business.




Really... nothing stated in the first post rings true at all. As far as I'm concerned.


R.I.P Shiva

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