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power mining exp ?!?!!?


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hello everyone , im currently 42 mining and i need 52 for quest , what the best exp possible , im mining iron and dropping them , any faster way ?










Bizzy Boy

something to say about my english grammar ?!?!? , okay , but do it in french !

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I powermined 55-60 mining in Rimmington mine, keeping all the gems that I found.I do not know an estimate value of xp/hr, sorry for this/ but it goes fast, because there isn't anyone bugging you while training.


Edit1:Faster way: Granite, but it needs Lunar magics and desert robes.

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Granite probably isn't the best at your level... I would continue powermining iron in one of these three places:




Mine between East Ardougne and the Legends Guild (agressive (to lower levels) bears, so be semi-careful)


Mine just south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony


Mine in Al Kharid (agressive (to lower levels) scorpions, so be semi-careful)




All of those places have 3 iron rocks positioned so that you can mine all 3 without having to move at all.






But, note... I have heard that using Dueling rings/teleports is and banking the iron is nearly as fast as dropping:


Teleport to the Duel Arena, run north to the Al Kharid mine and mine an inventory of iron, then teleport to CW and bank, then repeat


Or Teleport to the Yanille (watchtower?) and then go to the Yanille mine, mine the iron there, and then teleport to CW and bank, then repeat...




You actually make money the above way (the money from selling the iron pays back for the teleport runes/duel rings)




I don't think I would consider granite until 60+

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Just do iron, granite is too slow at your level.


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Granite=Waste of time




Granite can be fast, but I have found iron to be 5-10k xp per hour better.




Granite I have gotten anywhere from 30-40k an hour, iron I always get 45k an hour at the 3 iron ore in al kahrid. Sometimes, 46k if I get a genie or something.




Right, this is how you do it with dropping..forgot this part.




Get 1 ore in your inventory. Now, click a rock, right click the ore, when you are around half way done hitting it, (or when you raise your pick) click drop. You still get gems as well. If you need more advice, PM me.

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im doing iron with 3 rock and its very fast , tank u all








i did try granite , and its slower then iron for sure


The thing is.. with granite.. you get more EXP per rock than you do with iron.


At level 60+ (more like 70 or so), the extra experience per rock is greater than the little bit of extra time it takes to mine the granite

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