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Oh No...My Wisdom Teeth


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So I've been having trouble with my wisdom teeth. They are definitely getting compacted and are starting to hurt. I'm sure by Christmas I'll have to get them taken out. What horrible timing. Has anyone here had them taken out? What was it like?

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I have lots of friends and family that have had them taken out.




Usually what happens is that your mouth and gums are really sore for a week or so (getting them out isn't a problem) and you can't eat solid food at all. Really sucks that it's happening around the holidays :( Hope things go well for you.



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Mine have been pulled out... Didn't hurt a bit, just a lot of noise. :XD:




Hm? you were awake, the people i know who have gotten them taken out have all been put to sleep beforehand

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Mine have been pulled out... Didn't hurt a bit, just a lot of noise. :XD:




Hm? you were awake, the people i know who have gotten them taken out have all been put to sleep beforehand




Yeah, I was awake. Mind you, I could have chosen to be put to sleep, but I didn't mind being awake. But it's a very annoying crunchy sound...

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Mine have been pulled out... Didn't hurt a bit, just a lot of noise. :XD:




Hm? you were awake, the people i know who have gotten them taken out have all been put to sleep beforehand




Yeah, I was awake. Mind you, I could have chosen to be put to sleep, but I didn't mind being awake. But it's a very annoying crunchy sound...




I'll probably have to have mine out someday too... do they give you pain killers to take after you get them out?

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Mine have been pulled out... Didn't hurt a bit, just a lot of noise. :XD:




Hm? you were awake, the people i know who have gotten them taken out have all been put to sleep beforehand




Yeah, I was awake. Mind you, I could have chosen to be put to sleep, but I didn't mind being awake. But it's a very annoying crunchy sound...




I'll probably have to have mine out someday too... do they give you pain killers to take after you get them out?




Not for me, but I have to admit it hasn't hurt one bit since the day they were taken out, it didn't even hurt later that same day. :?




And to Codguy, my mouth was never sore and I had no problems with solid food either.

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You honestly have to be a rare exception ray, everyone I knows really can't eat solid food for a while.








Anyways I got mine taken out something like... 5 months ago. I was just put to sleep so it seemed like it hardly took any time. My mouth never hurt that bad (Never used anything like vicoden, got lucky so I just used asprin and stuff a lot) but I couldn't eat solid foods for a while.




Needless to say eating was a bit annoying, and then afterwards you have to be careful to not let food get stuck in the holes.

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You honestly have to be a rare exception ray, everyone I knows really can't eat solid food for a while.








Anyways I got mine taken out something like... 5 months ago. I was just put to sleep so it seemed like it hardly took any time. My mouth never hurt that bad (Never used anything like vicoden, got lucky so I just used asprin and stuff a lot) but I couldn't eat solid foods for a while.




Needless to say eating was a bit annoying, and then afterwards you have to be careful to not let food get stuck in the holes.




How long did it take for the holes to heal?



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You honestly have to be a rare exception ray, everyone I knows really can't eat solid food for a while.








Anyways I got mine taken out something like... 5 months ago. I was just put to sleep so it seemed like it hardly took any time. My mouth never hurt that bad (Never used anything like vicoden, got lucky so I just used asprin and stuff a lot) but I couldn't eat solid foods for a while.




Needless to say eating was a bit annoying, and then afterwards you have to be careful to not let food get stuck in the holes.




How long did it take for the holes to heal?




Couple weeks maybe once I got the stitches out, it wasn't really that long.

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Needless to say eating was a bit annoying, and then afterwards you have to be careful to not let food get stuck in the holes.




How long did it take for the holes to heal?




Yup, that was very annoying and for me it took quite some time before they closed, I guess close to a month. I also had a bit of flesh that was still attached to the hole and it wouldn't get loose. Took me a week of bleeping around with my tongue before it finally got loose. :lol:




You honestly have to be a rare exception ray, everyone I knows really can't eat solid food for a while.




Hmmm, that's strange... For me the whole ordeal never hurt one bit. But only my top teeth were pulled (the others hadn't grown yet) and the other two will probably be pulled in a half a year or something.

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I honestly have no idea which tooth pair are the wisdom teeth. Is it the furthest-back ones in? If so, I haven't had them removed yet. I'd probably need to op for the K-O serum beforehand, since they're unusually low in relation to the gum line. How do they take them out? Pliers, something that goes between the gum & tooth and grips there, drill a hole through and threads in a wire, what? Depending on how they do it, it's gonna be varying levels of suck. I heal relatively quickly, so it wouldn't last too long there.

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Couple weeks maybe once I got the stitches out, it wasn't really that long.








Now I am really confused, I never got stitches or anything. Just got a local anesthetic, two teeth pulled out, got some cotton wool in my mouth to absorb the blood and that was it, done...





I honestly have no idea which tooth pair are the wisdom teeth. Is it the furthest-back ones in? If so, I haven't had them removed yet. I'd probably need to op for the K-O serum beforehand, since they're unusually low in relation to the gum line. How do they take them out? Pliers, something that goes between the gum & tooth and grips there, drill a hole through and threads in a wire, what? Depending on how they do it, it's gonna be varying levels of suck. I heal relatively quickly, so it wouldn't last too long there.




Mine were just pulled out with pliers... And yes, they are the furthest-back ones.




Second edit: I forgot to say it did hurt a little if I pushed the flesh with my tongue, but that was it. Then again, I am never really bothered by pain, quite a high tolerance.

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Now I am really confused, I never got stitches or anything. Just got a local anesthetic, two teeth pulled out, got some cotton wool in my mouth to absorb the blood and that was it, done...




Well mine were impacted wisdom teeth (they couldn't get through) so that may be the biggest difference. Usually the people I know who get them out get them out because they are impacted.




Maybe you just got them out for a different reason?

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Got 3 taken out I think. Take the shot to numb, then they take it out. You get a glaze thing to put there for the blood. After a while, the numbness fades and it begins to hurt sooo much :( They give you tylenol to take, but it doesn't work that well. Then after a while of holding the glaze in your mouth, it will stop bleeding. Then it took so long for it to stop swelling with you having to put ice against your mouth for a while. Mine took longer than excepted to stop swelling. I believe mine were compacted wisdom teeth.

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Now I am really confused, I never got stitches or anything. Just got a local anesthetic, two teeth pulled out, got some cotton wool in my mouth to absorb the blood and that was it, done...




Exactly the same for me... (Except my 1 gum was impacted so they had to cut that open with a razor, remove some fluid and stitch it closed). Couldn't eat solids for maybe 1, 2 days? After that, it was just as normal.




The process was nevertheless so painless and quick, maybe 10-to-20 minutes, I don't even see why you'd need to be put to sleep instead of local anesthetic administered in your mouth. Maybe different places and countries have different procedures.




That, or some of the horror stories posted here were done by really incompetent dentists... :?:

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Wow, seems like people here have a long recovery time. I was eating normal food within 2 days. The thing that took the longest to heal was the fact that there were giant holes in my gums where giant teeth used to be. Food would get stuck in them. It was pretty gross.


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I had my two bottom ones took out like 2 years ago. It wasn't really all that bad they put a little novacaine and they yanked them out. Btw, they made me go to dairy queen and get a milk shake and in approximately 3 days I was eating solid food.

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I had had my wisdom teeth taken out right after Christmas (I forget what year that was). But I had no pain after the surgery, the only kind of freaky part was when I started to wake up in the middle of it. XD I just remember seeing the doctor with stuff in my mouth and then saying "Oh, you're waking up, we should fix that." If I could have laughed I probably would have. Anyways, the first two days after the surgery I just ate soft foods, then by the third I was eating like normal. Although, when the stitches started to come out it was hard not to play with them 24/7 with my tongue, cause they were a bit of a nuisance. So really for me getting my wisdom teeth out was no big deal, and if yours are already causing you pain, then getting them out will probably be more of a relief than anything else.

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Luckly I was born without wisdom teeth, But i did have to go through the pain of getting my 12-yr molars scraped with a very sharp knife to get the gum that would never go away off of them. worst week of my life i thought i was gonna die from all that pain :pray:




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