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A (new) Unwritten Rule Among RS Players


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I know I will always repair or maybe even bless (Depending on the toll blessing takes on me and whether or not I need my prayer points) any gravestone I run into. Maybe even read it and send the guy a message to tell him to run back for his stuff and im keeping the gravestone safe for him (so long as im not too busy) =)


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Rare Drops: Dragon Sq Half : 1, Dragon Med : 2, Dragon Claws : 2, Dragon Legs : 1, Dragon Boots : 60+, Granite Legs: 8

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Repairing a gravestone is just common courtesy. I repaired a few last night whilst fooling around on F2P. If it takes a rule for someone to be considerate, then they seriously need some social help.




Besides the entire RWT crap Jagex keeps feeding us, these gravestones are nothing more than a generic hand-holding effort. If you die to a monster, your items shouldn't be preserved past the original 2 minutes or whatever that they used to.




Hey man, your the person he was talking about when he said "Serious social help"










If you can find it. Last time I got killed by an NPC was 3 months before these updates.




You need to be slapped.

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I will always do that, no reason not to.. nothing to be gained by not doing it.Doing the Giant Dwarf quest now.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Blessing graves takes like four seconds but it lasts for like an hour, :XD:




very funny. My friend killed herself and had me bless her grave while we played castle wars, then my friends made deals to suicide and bless eachother's graves.

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I was thinking earlier and this reminds me of the other day when I was walking down the street in Philly and I saw a meter lady writing a ticket for this car and then I took a peak at the meter next to me and it had 0 time and I had 2 quarters in my pocket so I popped them in real fast




I'm just so nice 8-)

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My thanks to a random passer-by who repaired my gravestone - was not available in game to thank, but I'll retun the favour when I see one.




I bought the best F2P gravestone, but the only way to make 3 minutes to low level wildy (ambushed by a revenant), is to rush to the castle bank (Lumbridge), draw and use a teleport (Falador, Varrock, Skull sceptre) then run like hell.






If you want "helper repair" in F2P, I'd suggest getting the best F2P gravestone as it shows you do care about your items and it's easier to spot, as well as lasting longer.




Not sure I'd bother attending to the free marker, as a player that hasn't bothered to upgade to one of the higher gravestones is probably not going to be back

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