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The future of the PS3 and the 360


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LOL, only a 360 fan would post this...Lets put in the fact the the 360 has already maxed itself on graphics and considering what I hear from Halo reviews (the only game supposedly for 360), reviewers saying nothing new here...




Now, with the ps3, not even tapping its full potential...Yea I think its worth $500 \'

Gaming is not always about graphics. The Wii has the worst graphics out of all three, and it is clearly winning the next-gen war.




I agree that the PS3 has a bright future, but you can't say the 360 doesn't.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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A battle of the fanboys is where this thread is going.




Anyways the creator knows nothing of what he is talking about which makes me think he isn't a fanboy...




Games like Bioshock which was GOTY aren't included in his post, neither is Assassin's Creed which is a great multi systemer.




360 is better all around although me thinks.

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A battle of the fanboys is where this thread is going.




Anyways the creator knows nothing of what he is talking about which makes me think he isn't a fanboy...




Games like Bioshock which was GOTY aren't included in his post, neither is Assassin's Creed which is a great multi systemer.




360 is better all around although me thinks.

Not really worth me posting, but he did include Bioshock.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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LOL, only a 360 fan would post this...Lets put in the fact the the 360 has already maxed itself on graphics and considering what I hear from Halo reviews (the only game supposedly for 360), reviewers saying nothing new here...




Now, with the ps3, not even tapping its full potential...Yea I think its worth $500 \'




The 360 has not tapped out its full potential yet. And, yes, the PS3 has not tapped out its full potential yet -- but I don't think its going to be able to climb that far ahead.






I mean, look at the last generation. The graphical quality between the PS2, gamecube and xbox were fairly minimal at the end of their lifetimes. Yeah, the xbox was a tad ahead then but in reality the difference was very minimal.






The same thing will happen this time. Right now I see the 360 as the PS2 of last generation, and this PS3 as the xbox as last generation (mostly because of their launch dates).






anyways my point is the hardware isn't that different between the two as far as what they are capable on. Both consoles as well are no where near the end of their lifetime in terms of what they can put out, please remember that a games graphics are not just all about how many polygons you can push out.

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I would like to add I have a Wii as well, and it is going down hill. After SS BROS comes out it really has nothing left. Sure the Wii is fun for a while, it just gets old....




You are saying that now.




We have no idea what games Ninty have planned, so we cannot say it is going to suck after SSBB is released.




They has On Rails lightgun shooters, who doesn't want memories of down at an arcade playing games like House of The Dead?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I would like to add I have a Wii as well, and it is going down hill. After SS BROS comes out it really has nothing left. Sure the Wii is fun for a while, it just gets old....




You are saying that now.




We have no idea what games Ninty have planned, so we cannot say it is going to suck after SSBB is released.




They has On Rails lightgun shooters, who doesn't want memories of down at an arcade playing games like House of The Dead?




Yeah and look at the wii sapper.



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  • 2 weeks later...
LOL, only a 360 fan would post this...Lets put in the fact the the 360 has already maxed itself on graphics and considering what I hear from Halo reviews (the only game supposedly for 360), reviewers saying nothing new here...




Now, with the ps3, not even tapping its full potential...Yea I think its worth $500 \'




The 360 has not tapped out its full potential yet. And, yes, the PS3 has not tapped out its full potential yet -- but I don't think its going to be able to climb that far ahead.






I mean, look at the last generation. The graphical quality between the PS2, gamecube and xbox were fairly minimal at the end of their lifetimes. Yeah, the xbox was a tad ahead then but in reality the difference was very minimal.






The same thing will happen this time. Right now I see the 360 as the PS2 of last generation, and this PS3 as the xbox as last generation (mostly because of their launch dates).






anyways my point is the hardware isn't that different between the two as far as what they are capable on. Both consoles as well are no where near the end of their lifetime in terms of what they can put out, please remember that a games graphics are not just all about how many polygons you can push out.




I estimate the 360 will come second(to the wii). And PS3 a little bit behind.


I mean that the 360 will be a success while PS3 may not be.


But the PS3 will not be a failure either because it selling rate is ok so it may not win but it won't fail.


Also i can never imagine the 360 selling as much as PS2 or the PS3 being the xbox of last gen.


The only console in this gen which has a chance of selling that much is the Wii. I mean think about it, the wii is selling very fast. PS3 and 360 stand NO chance against it.

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I think that, i know you have all heard it before, the Ps3 is just way to focused on the future. Right now they are losing because Blue-Ray discs are to expensive. Same with the players, so in turn nobody has Blue-Ray.




Most of you probably remember the transition from VHS to DVD, yes? It happened quite rapidly, until finally VHS became totally obsolete. I for see that in maybe 3-4 years Blue-Ray will be like DVD is now. The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.






I am nether a Ps3 fan boy nor a 360 fan boy. Wii is for me.

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The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.









Why would Sony let 360 have Blu-ray? They made a lot of sacrifices to get it on the ps3 i doubt they would ever let Microsoft have it.

We can breath in space, they just don't want us to escape

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The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.









Why would Sony let 360 have Blu-ray? They made a lot of sacrifices to get it on the ps3 i doubt they would ever let Microsoft have it.




Microsoft will use HD DVD.

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The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.









Why would Sony let 360 have Blu-ray? They made a lot of sacrifices to get it on the ps3 i doubt they would ever let Microsoft have it.




Sony didn't make Blue-Ray...


Microsoft could use Blue-Ray but instead stupidly choose HD DVD.

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I have a PS3, and i agree that the price and the lag of "good" titles lets it down, mainly because it was released a year after XBOX as people have said. But by the time the next generation of consoles are released, which probaly won't be until 2011+, i think the PS3 will have caught up, maybe not in terms of sales, but definatly in terms of game quality.




IMO it will be the PS3's year in 2008, like the previous years (2006 was the 360's year, 2007 the Wii)




So true.




Also at the people who say the only good thing about a PS3, is the fact it has blue ray are complete idiots.

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I suspected the PS3 would come out like this. Well done Sony. But I'm sure original DVD will still be the winning format for a while. The 360 will still be popular, no doubt, but as the PS3 has a Blu Ray player, and great games, '08 is theirs.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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I doubt the PS3 will sell the most consoles this year... I spoke to a friend who owns a PS3 and he says it's not even much better than standard TV, for UK owners, Microsoft is teaming up with BT Vision to get TV on the 360, I'm pretty sure there will be more from both sides so we'll have to wait and see.

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The 360 will be forced to switch to Blue_Ray or it will most likely be left in the dust.









Why would Sony let 360 have Blu-ray? They made a lot of sacrifices to get it on the ps3 i doubt they would ever let Microsoft have it.




Sony didn't make Blue-Ray...


Microsoft could use Blue-Ray but instead stupidly choose HD DVD.




Actually Sony are one of the creators of blu-ray along with a few other leading brands, they all form the Blu-ray disc association.




But i was wrong about Microsoft not having access to it, i think it's possible for them to join.

We can breath in space, they just don't want us to escape

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PS3 will crush 360. Wii will remain on top. I really don't see why people are still complainig about the price tag of the PS3. It's 50 dollars more expensive, but you get 20 GB of hard disc space extra, AND a blu ray player. Now I don't know, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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PS3 will crush 360. Wii will remain on top. I really don't see why people are still complainig about the price tag of the PS3. It's 50 dollars more expensive, but you get 20 GB of hard disc space extra, AND a blu ray player. Now I don't know, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
The hard drive is pretty useless without many good games to save on it.




PS3 will most likely finish dead last, 360 second, and the Wii will win.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Wow, this is biased if I've ever saw biased.




Now, I love the 360 and hate the ps3, but come on..you gave all of the pros for the 360 and all of the cons for the PS3! If you want a decent discussion, at least attempt showing the goods/bads of both consoles.




The official unofficial topic rating given by me: 2/10




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Wow, this is biased if I've ever saw biased.




Now, I love the 360 and hate the ps3, but come on..you gave all of the pros for the 360 and all of the cons for the PS3! If you want a decent discussion, at least attempt showing the goods/bads of both consoles.




The official unofficial topic rating given by me: 2/10

Heh, I can't believe you expected an unbiased console discussion.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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The hard drive is pretty useless without many good games to save on it.




I haven't got a ps3 myself, but a friend of mine has got one since it came out here in Holland. And I have played plenty of good games on it. Motorstorm, Stuntman 2, the Darkness, Uncharted, Assasin's Creed, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Resitance and various games that you could download from the shop. Now that's eight good games from a console that has been out from March 2007, a good game a month. And I guess that they will be releasing games in the future as well, I couldn't imagine all those games being bad. At this point in time I just don't see the logic in buying a 360, sorry. The console (ps3) is more powerfull, it has got a blu-ray player, excellent online support (yes the 360 has got that as well, of course), and I think a longer lasting future. I wouldn't mind spending 50 bucks more for that.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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