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player moderator


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Being a player moderator takes some patience and you really would need to demonstrate that level of maturity before you are accepted in. Here are my three rule of thumbs.




1. Play nicely and help out other players when you can. Don not flame!


2. Report any abuse should you happen to see it going on in-game


3. Have a secure account that is not likely to be hijacked.




Please do note that deliberately reporting in order to gain access to moderator status will result in your chances of being a moderator lowered. In other words things need to become natural! Good-luck. :D




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how do you become a player moderator in runescape... like report people, kill things... etc




i also want to know how to "mute" people if you are a player moderator




You right click to report, and there is a ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åmute/no muteÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ button you choose when reporting a player for breaking one of the rules.




Becoming a Pmod requires you to play with integrity, helping others through useful advice, not getting reported yourself and having a very secure account.




Make sure you change your password often, have changed your recoveries once, and if you ask Jagex questions through its CS, you are more likely to get noticed. Note that if your spelling, grammar, and/or attitude is atrocious ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ forget it.

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1. Play nicely and help out other players when you can. Don not flame!


2. Report any abuse should you happen to see it going on in-game


3. Have a secure account that is not likely to be hijacked.





About point 2)




This is no excuse to be a total [bleep]. Report spam sure, report bots sure, but don't just report for the odd cuss word, or i will rip your eyes out with my teeth. Be one of the cool mods, not one of the gits. Report things that are genuinely offensive. I guarantee you have broken rule one before, even if you didn't realise it, and i bet you'd be pissed if some idiotic WBM had reporting you for something pathetically trivial. Remember with stunts like that, you are ruining the game for a lot of people to increase the chances of earning your crown, and that's not on.

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You don't have to be a good player, and all the other stuff people are saying. Player mods are chosen purely on reports, Jagex just says they look for good players because they obviously want everyone to try and be good players.




I know a number of people who have gotten a few player mod accounts on level 3's just by auto reporting macroers.




As much as you player mods would like to think Jagex chose you because you are good honest players, it's really just because you reported a whole lot of people.

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You don't have to be a good player, and all the other stuff people are saying. Player mods are chosen purely on reports, Jagex just says they look for good players because they obviously want everyone to try and be good players.




I know a number of people who have gotten a few player mod accounts on level 3's just by auto reporting macroers.




As much as you player mods would like to think Jagex chose you because you are good honest players, it's really just because you reported a whole lot of people.




I reported very few people ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ blows your theory?

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It really depends on what you mean by very few people. Another possibility is you stood out on the forums.




Also if you were one of the first moderators, then yes I would believe you were watched by Jagex.




However because of the large amount of player moderators, Jagex's claim that they are all watched over time and hand picked is ridiculous. Especially with their bad customer support etc.




It's just too big of a job when there are all the smaller but more important jobs that Jagex fails to do.




If player mods weren't given the status based on reports, how would all those macroers have gotten it?

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the chances that you'll become a player mod are tiny with the ?2?million players, just think about it zezima has probaly played more than any other runescapian and i'm guessing he's reported a fair amount of people and he hasn;t gotten modship


Lightning's played longer :P


Anyways, I agree with all this advice. Don't be a wannabe mod, just act like you would normally.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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He was a mod at one point, they removed it due to account security fears.


Or so I heard.


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the chances that you'll become a player mod are tiny with the ?2?million players, just think about it zezima has probaly played more than any other runescapian and i'm guessing he's reported a fair amount of people and he hasn;t gotten modship




Zezima used to be a player mod :wink:






OT: - Play nice to other people, report any abuse

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