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I have never done this and I am hoping someone can tell me first if I have the stats and then a walkthrough.




I would be meleeing, with full torags, d skim, d boots, rune gloves, rune defender, glory




My melee stats are 71 Att, 85 (almost 86) str, 70 Def, 56 Prayer, 78(almost 79) HP.





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Why do people think it's even possible to melee barrows? If you're maxed, you can. But I'm pretty sure you're not. Stick with maging, or, if you've read some of the great guides, ranging.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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With nearly maxed stats.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Why do people think it's even possible to melee barrows? If you're maxed, you can. But I'm pretty sure you're not. Stick with maging, or, if you've read some of the great guides, ranging.






not really, i melee there every once and awhile and look me up, my cb stats aren't too good




83-83-87 and i use 1 ppot per round and 2 when dh is in tunnel :thumbsup:

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