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Any one heard of trillian?? Its a chat instant messanger client that works with Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and more. Its free, has no spyware, and is quick and easy to set up. (5 mins MAX to set up). It has tabbed veiwing for the different IMs, so u can chat in all of them at once. Or i fu want, u can use it for just one.








When u download AOL IM, u also download a cr*p load of spyware. Spyware often times will make ur computer slooooow.








So just lettin every 1 know about this. I did a search and didnt find anything, but im sure there are people here that use it. The link for it is:








http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/, then just go to trillian. U can use the basic free version as long as u want, and it works great, has loads of features. Or u can pay a one time fee of $25 (US) i think and get pro verison which has a little more.

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yes it's only good if you use a lot or all of those programs (msn, aim, irc, yahoo etc) but since I only use msn and irc I use the programs on their own. I have tried trillian before, but didn't like it very much. I know a few people who use it though and really like it.

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I've been using Trillian for about 6 months now..








Before I started using it, I used the programs seperately, I had even tried Trillian more than once, but I didn't like it. For some reason when I tried it 6 months ago, something clicked, and now I love it.

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yes it's only good if you use a lot or all of those programs (msn, aim, irc, yahoo etc)








That's not true, I use it and I only have MSN... I use it because of the customisability, lack of BS, and the way it doesn't waste loads of space like MSN.








On trillian when you talk to ME you have a name which *I* have assigned to you (no stupid long names thanks), you use the font of MY choosing (no yellow fonts or wingdings thanks).

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yes it's only good if you use a lot or all of those programs (msn, aim, irc, yahoo etc)








That's not true, I use it and I only have MSN... I use it because of the customisability, lack of BS, and the way it doesn't waste loads of space like MSN.








On trillian when you talk to ME you have a name which *I* have assigned to you (no stupid long names thanks), you use the font of MY choosing (no yellow fonts or wingdings thanks).








You just got me on board :)

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On trillian when you talk to ME you have a name which *I* have assigned to you (no stupid long names thanks), you use the font of MY choosing (no yellow fonts or wingdings thanks).




Well I guess I don't know too much about because I didn't get used to it when I used it. I figured it would only be useful for me if I used those other programs. I still like using each program seperatly though.




If you worry about long names on msn then there is always an option to shorten the name of the people on your list. Can't remember how to do it, ask dusqi, he knows :wink:

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this is soo cool!!!!!! Aim on my comp has never worked well and i always had to keep msn to talk to all of my freind and now its all in one and it works!!!*runs around in circles jumping up and down*

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(off topic once again, i didnt know you were on tip it sean) anywho, i think i might try it, sounds pretty awesome and im getting sick and tired of trying to reach people but they use a different kind of IM system

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yes it's only good if you use a lot or all of those programs (msn, aim, irc, yahoo etc)








That's not true, I use it and I only have MSN... I use it because of the customisability, lack of BS, and the way it doesn't waste loads of space like MSN.








On trillian when you talk to ME you have a name which *I* have assigned to you (no stupid long names thanks), you use the font of MY choosing (no yellow fonts or wingdings thanks).








Actually, there's also a client for AIM that does all that - Middle Man. It has a log viewer, the ability to assign names and fonts to everyone else (I love that, especially when talking to female friends who use huge purple and green fonts.), and several other privacy features. I'm not sure if it's as good as Trillian, but it's always worked well for me.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Trillian's renaming capabilities is better for msn than it is for AIM..




One of my biggest pet peaves is people who have like 5 sentances for a display name, it's ridiculous..




"Joe says: Hey, what's up?




I like this one song called 'I love you always' it's really good and has meaningful lyrics and really speaks to me. Here's some lyrics: 'I love you always you'll always be mine lalalalaaaa' says: nm"
















Note that the choice of song was completely random, I couldn't think of anything better, and that works as a nice cliche'...








There are some other features I really love about Trillian as well, the main one being that it's fully skinable. No more bulky chat windows!

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I've always used gaim. It has many of the features of trillian (many more if I'm not mistaken), and it also supports TONS of chat networks. It's free, open-source, beautiful, and powerful. I suggest you check it out. It also has a great plug-in community.





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never realy got into trillian plus i only use msn so i dont need it, use Msgplus with msn messager for extras like the choose personal names for every, etc...

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Been using trillian for ages. Probably the fault of someone on these forums.








I like it. Keeps me easily connected to all of the chat networks without getting in my face the way MSN keept doing.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Trillian's renaming capabilities is better for msn than it is for AIM..




One of my biggest pet peaves is people who have like 5 sentances for a display name, it's ridiculous..




"Joe says: Hey, what's up?




I like this one song called 'I love you always' it's really good and has meaningful lyrics and really speaks to me. Here's some lyrics: 'I love you always you'll always be mine lalalalaaaa' says: nm"
















Note that the choice of song was completely random, I couldn't think of anything better, and that works as a nice cliche'...








There are some other features I really love about Trillian as well, the main one being that it's fully skinable. No more bulky chat windows!








Get Messenger Plus and some patches from http://www.mess.be Trillian was too confusin when I tried it :(

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ShadowFaxPZ I think you fail to realise that most people who use trillian for MSN came from using MSN plus.

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Messenger Plus and Mess.be are lame...








Messenger Plus is full of adverts, and Mess.be has a poor selection and the stuff is too much of a pain to install..








You don't have to take the adverts, and you're forewarned before installing it, and during the install procedure. It's pretty much your own fault if you still get them. Heck, it even has an option to do away with the MSN advert, so meh...








Apart from GAIM and Trillian, I've also seen people use Miranda IM (google it), which seems to be decent, from what I've heard.




I hardly ever use MSN, and I use a separate IRC client (Trillian's IRC support is kinda crappy anyway, from what I've heard), so there's no point in switching for me. But I can understand some people will like the idea of an integrated solution for all their IM programs. :)

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Messenger Plus and Mess.be are lame...








Messenger Plus is full of adverts, and Mess.be has a poor selection and the stuff is too much of a pain to install..








You don't have to take the adverts, and you're forewarned before installing it, and during the install procedure. It's pretty much your own fault if you still get them. Heck, it even has an option to do away with the MSN advert, so meh...








Apart from GAIM and Trillian, I've also seen people use Miranda IM (google it), which seems to be decent, from what I've heard.




I hardly ever use MSN, and I use a separate IRC client (Trillian's IRC support is kinda crappy anyway, from what I've heard), so there's no point in switching for me. But I can understand some people will like the idea of an integrated solution for all their IM programs. :)








:o So that's the adverts you were talking about :oops: I didn't know what advert you were talking about cause I didn't get any :?

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I tried trillian once, but I didn't like it much.




I only use MSN and IRC.








On trillian when you talk to ME you have a name which *I* have assigned to you (no stupid long names thanks), you use the font of MY choosing (no yellow fonts or wingdings thanks)








I got the same thing setup for MSN.




And I also have nickname display caped to 12 chars.












So Trillian doesn't really provide me with anything I don't already have setup...

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I don't think anyone has falsely 'advertised' Trillian - it is a wonderful program and does what everyone says it does. However, MSN (the program I use most) also allows me to assign names (although I don't do it - I like seeing what people have in their nick) and also change a variety of other things. I have Msgplus as well but have never received any spyware/adaware as I declined to install the 'sponsor.'








I use Trillian 3 for two AIMs, two public MSNs, one Y!, and one ICQ. It does what I need but MSN (for me) is much more comfortable. Trillian may have a lot of features MSN doesn't but I like MSN's custom emoticons, winks, looks, and also msgplus's features. It works for me. :)

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hehe i love the off-topic board cuz my threads get so many replies makes me feel special :P








on topic:








yeah im still finding out the features of trillian.... just now found out how to rename people on my list... yes im kinda slooow :roll: :oops:

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