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programming stuff...? maybe...ish... :9


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First off, this goes there.




Second, Nadril is right. You can't put a custom script on facebook...unless you made it, you sent it to them, they liked it, and they put it on to be available for everyone.




Myspace on the otherhand, you may be able to add it there...but I wouldn't know.


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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You need to be stabbed for trying to use a frame to perpetuate that myminicity crap. People spamming that on IRC and slashdot already is damn annoying and it sure as hell shouldn't go as far as embedding iframes into web pages... :evil:

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well... its the other persons choice to go to my page... so ...




But it's your choice about whether to make them suffer your crap or not. This is called markup by the way, not programming, and the iFrame code you've posted should work, but probably not on many profile sites since allowing the full use of HTML would mean you could do a lot of things they wouldn't like.

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