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Count to ~200~ before a mod posts - fifth round


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Well, you smell. And not like roses. :shame:

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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You guys counted to 100 when we couldn't post. I would count that as cheating but I couldn't post then. Oh and I got to us to 120 with like 40-50 posts in there. I haven't been here since 317 now cause you guys flew thru the night.

In fact, I do have some pancake mix.


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hahahaaa.... ohhh god that felt great ^_^


jumping from 250 to 400 like that... dang that felt good :lol:


especially since i was the one who got lucky number 250 :twss:


when was it that i had to leave? 314 or 341?


and 2

I like stir fry



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I dunno but I had to leave cuza my dad making spagetti and wanting to spend time with me and stuff. He has been off all week couldn't we spend time then?




and 3

In fact, I do have some pancake mix.


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There's more of you, though.




The mods have managed to count to 100 before, and that's much harder. :twisted:


Yes. Hard indeed, when no normal users have access to the forums. I looked at the date of that; the forums where still being bugfix'd/repaired on June 10th.




You get no glory and honor.




And good work on the 400+. 7.


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I think that 400 means we need more Mods in East Asia/Australia.




I think that means you need to update the title to "Count to 300 Before a mod posts" -fifth round"






1. my above post had size 7 font which reads "thats what she said"




2.We got way past 300. how about 500? :twisted:





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