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Pictures of those TIFers! ~All NEW!~


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This tipiter was trying to hide in varrock west bank basement, so I decided to show what he's hiding:



R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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couldve sniped that one guy...forgot who...was going to w36 5 pengs in vanille wall

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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[hide=Snipe #43 Sid Skatekid]Snipe43SidSkatekid.png[/hide]


[hide=Snipe #44 Omnitec]Snipe44Omnitec.png[/hide]


[hide=Snipe #45 Jiranis]Snipe45Jiranis.png[/hide]

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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[hide=My Shadow7]090830205718.png[/hide]






[hide=Link Olaran]090901000155.png[/hide]


[hide=Mike Ike111





"We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."

-Gen. George S. Patton

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8 Person HYT Snipe while we were all at GE. I have transended to godhood.


(Had to edit a bit since not everyone's name could be examined at once)










Matt.....................*gets sniper rifle ready*






Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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uh.. but but.... it's my 97 fming party! it doens't count :P






Yea matt, how dare you take advantage of Mdeo's 97 fming party! How can you sleep at night?






Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/E ... af-guy.jpg




You're never gonna catch me! You're wasting your time! Forget about it! Go do something else!

Currently - Slaying to 99!




[hide=Drops]Notable drops-

Dragon- 10 Platelegs / 3 Med Helms / 10 Plateskirts / 1 Spear / 3 Left Halves / 4 Claws / 3 Ruined Armour Lumps / 200+ Boots / 3 Pickaxes

Godwars- 1 Bandos Chestplate / Shard 1 / Shard 2 / 4 Sets of ancient robes

Barrows- 250M+ LOOT Including 10 Spears (back in the day) / Guthans spear and Dharoks helm in 1 chest (at the time it was worth 8M, a big deal to many people then lol) / 8 Guthans helms / 3 Dharoks helms / 4 Veracs Helms / etc.

Other Slayer stuff- Whips 20 / Dark Bows 3 / Granite Mauls 20 / Ranging Ammys 6 / 1 Visage (steel dragons) / 40+ effigies


I play on and off. I'll play the game solidly for a month then quit for the next 3, lol.[/hide][/size]

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I was running so I wont get whacked with your rubber chicken...

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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