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Fur, right or wrong?


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I couldn't really care less. People do it, it isn't likely to change anytime soon. I suppose it's an ego/status thing, like others said. "Yes, look how rich I am, I can afford a dead fox to drape around my shoulders!"




Anyways, I'm sure if they were the superior species, they'd do the same thing. With all these atoms flying around these days, what happens if one hits a stray rabbit? Bye bye humanity, hello our lettuce-nibbling overlords.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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As an outdoorsman, i tend to trap live animals, then skin them alive for the fun of it. after that i quickly throw the fur away along with the carcass. but i take the teeth and make shiny necklaces out of it as a reminder of the suffering i put that animal through.




At then end of the night i can always look at that necklace and laugh.




113 combat


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Cats don't always kill mice or birds for food, lol.




The people who sell those skins need those skins to keep them alive and well, so its fair enough.


And if you say that it isn't, is certain wild animals eating humans (and other creatures) to stay alive wrong? No its natural.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Dont agree with.


They probably dont even kill them properly.


Its just disgusting to kill an animal for fur.


And to the person on about trees.


A tree can be regrown it can be re made ... We need shelter.


But to kill an animal solely for fur when you need more than one just for a coat is just ... Wrong.

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I don't see the problem as long as it's managed properly and no species are endangered as a result.




If we say no to fur, then where do we draw the line? No leather, since that's animal skin? No meat since that's also killing animals? How about no cotton since that's hurting poor little crops? Or how about no trainers or plasitcs since that's taking advantage of long since dead biomass? People take things too far at times and killing animals for fur is no worse than killing them for leather and food etc...




Again, so long as it's done in a manner that negates suffering for the animal in question, and doesn't threaten the existance of a species, then I'm all for fur and whatever else we take from nature.

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And to the person on about trees.


A tree can be regrown it can be re made ... We need shelter.


A different tree can be regrown, just as a different animal can be born and raised.




And sure, we need shelter, but there is a fine line between shelter for survival, and a three-story house decorated with fancy furniture. These are luxuries that we don't need.

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I couldn't really care less. People do it, it isn't likely to change anytime soon. I suppose it's an ego/status thing, like others said. "Yes, look how rich I am, I can afford a dead fox to drape around my shoulders!"


I can afford to do that, too. All I need is a rifle and maybe a dog. So fur serves no real point. Still don't care, though, since so many things serve no real purpose.




Bye bye humanity, hello our lettuce-nibbling overlords.


Well, i have been known to partake in a light salad every so oft-oh, you mean the rabbits. That's where the auto point-defense lasers come in ;)


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Your avatar and how you're talking make all of us think you are a freakin' lunatic. lol.


Irony, hitting you like a brick wall. :wall:




Abyssalwhip, showing us a nice picture of a bleeding animal just isn't an argument. How the animal is killed in frankly irrelevant from where I'm standing. You either don't agree with animals being killed for this purpose, or you think it's acceptable. Surely, the fact is an animal has been killed.




The hunting of endangered species is a valid reason for not agreeing with fur hunting overall, which is exactly the reason I'm anti-fur-hunting. I certainly wouldn't class myself as an animal rights protester though... oh God no. :?

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Well, isn't this one of those discussions where it's easier to preach than to practise.




I eat meat. I love it. Mmm, barbeque...


I'm a woman and a complete sucker for shoes. Most of them made of leather, aka animal skin.


However, you wouldn't catch me dead in animal fur. I think it's disgusting and unethical.




So where lies the difference? I associate animal fur with endangered species, which is why it seems so repulsive to me. Also, it depends on the conditions. Were I to live in Siberia, I might revise my opinion on fur clothing very quickly. I would have a real need for the warmth of a fur, just as I now have a real need for the iron in steak and the protection of my feet.




However, if I were really consequential, I'd take food supplements and become a vegetarian and wear plastic shoes.




Hello everybody btw. Long time...

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Cats don't always kill mice or birds for food, lol.




The people who sell those skins need those skins to keep them alive and well, so its fair enough.


And if you say that it isn't, is certain wild animals eating humans (and other creatures) to stay alive wrong? No its natural.


And think of the 1000s of other jobs. What I'm saying is killing animal for the sole purpose of fashion is bull [cabbage].




Leather is a different story since it was used for food and other crap.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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And think of the 1000s of other jobs. What I'm saying is killing animal for the sole purpose of fashion is bull [cabbage].


Leather is a different story since it was used for food and other crap.




In that case using wood for furniture and pencils is [cabbage] also because they could use plastic for everything.




What "1000s" other jobs are you talking about? We are talking about overpopulated/third world countries here. I dare you to go to China and get one of those thousands other jobs.

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The only time I think it is acceptable to kill something is when you need it to survive






Please don't tell me you've never squished an insect.




Thanks to pest control services, the place you live in is rat free. If you would ever get rats/mice in your place, you'd most definitely set up traps everywhere.

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^^ No, of course he hasn't. I'm sure he lives in a commune that makes their houses out of driftwood. Of course that would mean he doesnt wash his hands or wipe his butt. :-X

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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^^ No, of course he hasn't. I'm sure he lives in a commune that makes their houses out of driftwood. Of course that would mean he doesnt wash his hands or wipe his butt. :-X


Or you could stop making such straw men arguments.




Killing rats is needed because they are disease carriers, so it's much healthier for the common safety to kill them instead. However, killing animals solely for fur is not needed.

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I agree that swearing and posting shock images isn't going to get him anywhere, but I do agree with him/her.


Why do we kill rats? I, personally think that they are actually cute thing-ers, but they carry plagues and diseases, and there are a sheer amount of them that there would be an outbreak of diseases that can't be controlled. I'm completely against inhumanity and all for morality, but if something like a rodent problem puts the lives of humans at danger, then I'd choose for the elimination of rats anywhere. Focus that I said LIVES, not something silly like luxury. Why would you choose to wear the fur of a dead animal on you when there are more practical and more humane alternatives for it? Just because you could do it and we're at the top of the chain and the head honcho, doesn't mean you can do it. You don't see anything in the wild killing, skinning and wearing an animal just for its meat. I really think its disgusting that people could do things like these.


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Personally, I really don't care. I would never wear something made out of fur, or put a fur rug on my floor, but I sure as hell wouldn't go out holding up signs with pictures of skinned animals on them, protesting against fur coats etc.




My stance is neutral, for the most part. Do what you want.


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Abyssal- I can see your point, but at the end of the day- what else do you do with the skin of animals you use for meat ( you may aswell make full use of the animal); and what would Siberia, Canada and Russia be without fur.




And btw shock pictures always seem to make your case seem 'shallower'. We need real reasons and evidence to back up your point.


Alot of Animal rights group make that mistake.




You do know that Siberia is a region that is part of Russia? :roll:



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I personally prefer to buy faux fur over real fur whenever possible, but I see nothing wrong with wearing or owning real fur.






Those make about... 2? coats.


For [bleep]'s sake Abyssal, you are an absolute riot! Pulling out the shock images! It's almost like you're trying to debate something! :D

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