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Tried out vectors, great result!


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I love the result. I know its too large for the forums, so Im not gonna use it.








Major thanks to Vladmoney for ideas and inspiration from his signature, and thanks to the people at greycobra designs for their inspiration with their "Vector SOTW"








Rate, and give C/C!

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thanks for the thanks ( :wink: )








The sig is pretty nice btw, but i would fix some things. First make the text more smooth. Maybe fix the monkey a bit make it blend in more and make it more simpler. Don't make the bg so dark. But i really do like it, its just me being picky like always. great job on it.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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Fear the monkey!

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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That's raster, not vector.








Yup. Just because you use solid color lines doesn't make it a vector...Vector images can be resized with no distortion to the image or it becoming "pixelly." Adobe Illustrator is probably best to do this in because it will give you true vector.

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It may not be a true vector in technical terms, but it does have many design elements that you'd find in a lot of vectors..








IE: Clean, solid shapes and lines..












That's actually pretty cool..nice job! The only thing I think you should change is the text, it's a tiny bit hard to read..








Also, did you make the monkey yourself?

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Thanks for the support guys.








I didn't make the monkey myself, it was taken from a stock image and then I vectorized it.








Vectorized it..? Did you do that fake vector thing with tutorials or use the pen tool on it?








It does look pretty good the monkey is just real rough..so I'm thinking you did the filter thing.

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Yeah, way to use a Tank's Vector Pack brushset from deviantart.
























Wow..it's one thing to use free brush packs to pretty much make the whole image. It's another to not give credit when it's due.








Don't come apologizing. You blew it. Blacklisted noob.

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Yeah I do realize I used that...many times people use brushes, and never give credit. For the first time Im making a vector, I was just experimenting with shapes. I thought brushes under the "Resources" section of deviantart were supposed to be used...








And yes Ryan i did do it the lazy way.

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Yeah I do realize I used that...many times people use brushes, and never give credit. For the first time Im making a vector, I was just experimenting with shapes. I thought brushes under the "Resources" section of deviantart were supposed to be used...








And yes Ryan i did do it the lazy way.








Well, then you didn't make any vector parts of this sig. You used brushes and a fake vector tutorial on how to make the monkey...I'm sorry, but I don't see how you did anything. And yes people usually don't give credit when the should, but the brushes make up the whole sig.

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I was getting familiar on the art of vectoring, and for a first try, I can say that I learned alot on how to do it. I wont do more "Brushing" , or at least wont do it and post on these forums, after the response Ive gotten from some of you.

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I was getting familiar on the art of vectoring, and for a first try, I can say that I learned alot on how to do it. I wont do more "Brushing" , or at least wont do it and post on these forums, after the response Ive gotten from some of you.








I'm trying to be as nice as I can here, but you're not understanding something. Getting familiar witht he art of vectoring requires you to make your own vectors. Using a vector brush and making a real vector are two completely different things.

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Generally when you make a sig using "vectors" you dont "learn vectors and then use brushes and pass it off as your own work."




You had flaming coming to you, so take it like a person.








Mod Edit: Censor evasion is not cool.

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Amazing. He calls something that isnt vector, vector, and then get's exposed as to downloading some raster brushes which he still thinks are vector. You really need to learn something about design techniques.








Want vector?










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He was just testing out a new style..








He used tutorials.... lots of ppl who are trying to learn a new style use tutorials to get started..








He used premade brushes.... so what... they were made to be used...








But one problem is the text.....








Maybe its not as good as entangles... but its his first and he will get better


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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He was just testing out a new style..








He used tutorials.... lots of ppl who are trying to learn a new style use tutorials to get started..








He used premade brushes.... so what... they were made to be used...








But one problem is the text.....








Maybe its not as good as entangles... but its his first and he will get better








And you dont' understand. HE made nothing that was vector. He used brushes meaning he didn't have to do anything for those. And the monkey is still a raster not vector image. It is a tutorial that gives you a "fake" vector.








Therefor, he did nothing that was vector.








John, that owns :). Pretty sure I've seen it before though.

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It would be kinda nice to see a vector trend go about here. These "pixel" sigs are fine, but this place needs a broader horizon. ^_^;;








My statement still stands; just to say. :roll:








i been doing vector a bit recently but not posted here. i might post my next piece here. Vlad does vectors too.

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