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Flesh crawler are a fairly decent spot. They are also aggressive so you can AFK :mrgreen:

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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if you've done Wanted! in members, and you don't care what you kill, you can kill black knights to get your rank up..., cept you might want one of those hand counter thingy so you know just how many you've killed.




Otherwise Flesh Crawlers/spiders in the Stronghold are the only other option.

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Sorry to go off topic abit.




Whats that handcounter thing u speak of?


It's an object with a button and a display. When you press the button, 1 is added to the displayed number. Useful for... Well, counting things.




For example:


"Ooooh! I have to kill 72 moss giants! But how am I supposed to know how many I have already killed?"


Well, and then he finds out that wonderful things like a handcounter exist, and he gets one, and everytime he finishes a moss giant, he presses the button. That's it :P




A piece of paper and a pen can do the same tbh... But dude! A handcounter's got a button that you CAN PRESS! I mean - press! Woah! :D

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You could try training on the following:




- Giant Spiders


- Ankou


- Ice Warrior


- Ice Giant


- Flesh Crawler




Also, as someone mentioned in previous posts: If you've done Wanted! Quest in Members', you could kill Black Knights to get your rank up :)




Hope this helps ;)

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