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Man I hate people (my weekend story)


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I couldn't agree more. 90% of humanity needs to be wiped out.


You see, when stated without anecdotal justification, saying this just makes you look like an arrogant jack**s.




You need to realize that while there ARE good people in the world, they are alarmingly few.


Hey, I'm a pessimist too man, but going that far is amazingly arrogant and foolish, and, albeit, typical for a recluse. Don't get my wrong, I'd be the first to say humans are stupid, but to both generalize the human race and to assume you are in the top 10% morally and intellectually [unless you wish to be a victim of this mass murder which you so disturbingly desire] are not wise things to do my friend.




There's a phrase I remember hearing once or twice, what was it.... ah, yes, "high horse". Get off it.






Edit: I tried to keep this post as serious as possible, but rofl at abbysalwhips new sig.




Who said I thought I was in this 10%? I know that I am far from perfect.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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my worst ever weekend started normally going to a party having a good time not getting to drunk, then it gets interesting.....


i only lived 2 streets over (2 or 3 km i live in the rural parts of brisbane out morayfield and burpengary way) so myself and 2 girlfriends and their boyfriends (who hadnt had anything to drink) decide to make the pilgramige to my house. so we were walking and a carload of 14 - 15 yr olds drunk out of their heads comes screaming up clipping laura and well we sorta go [cabbage] call the ambulance (turns out she had a broken leg and a concussion).


then the car load of kids come back and they get out and mark and jack (the boyfriends) instantly know this will not end well so they arm themselfs with branches and rocks.


well lets say this two 24 year old muscle junkies against five 14-15 year old beanpoles, the beanpoles got flattened. so they jumped in the car and drove off, so now we are starting panic about the ambualnce. guessing that the stupid pupblic health system had failed again. mark and i (both did cadets hoo rah :ugeek:) rigged up a streacher and all of us wlaked to the hospital a 1 hr walk, we get there and the ambos are all having coffee and the ER is empty. so mark and luke are pretty angry and give the ambos an ear full, laura is on the road to recovery and wana now what happened to holly? (the other girl) she went back to the party :evil: yea that happened from 10 pm to 2 am




Wow, that is pathetic. Having to carry someone for an hour to a hospital makes it 3 (I think) bad experiences with the Australian ambulance in this thread. I'm going to have a look into it to see if this kind of thing is common here in Aus.

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man, you have way more patience then me and my friends, we would have knocked the guy out cold, given a mob to 1 guy, and he would make sure the ambulance arrived within 5 mins, no matter what, yeah I have violent friends

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Sounds like new zealand...Maori, drunk guys, disorderly behavior. Yep...I live there. Nice work though pinning him down and screw the ambulance.




Good job!


Hmm, strange how thay came to my head when I read that story? :P


Had a noirmal weekend myself, nothing crazy...




(btw ncie job taking down that guy, I've played some rugby with some big maori people, relative to my age at that time...Not fun. Pretty much why I gave up playing :P)

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Most people go through it as they get older. They see the people they're with blacking out, throwing their guts up, making fools of themselves, bashing others, getting bashed themselves, starting fights, drink driving, driving irresponsible. Some even go through it themselves.




You finally realize the people you hang out with minus a couple are total nut jobs. You realize those tarty girls and drunk passengers use you for your ride. You realize some people can't handle their alcohol and ruin your entire night. You realize half the people you hang out with are acquaintances not real friends. You realize half of them have stupid morals that are actually really dangerous.




In future when you're tired try staying at home with a couple of beers or take the offer of a couple of people's company. Say no to the midnight mc donalds drunk trip. Don't hang out with the people who can't handle their drinks.




You're not anti social you're just normal. It happens to the best of us. You've found yourself to be growing up and drifting away from the immaturity.




You're becoming an adult :D








Would you consider thinking it is winter in the middle of summer and making snowangels on the grass a person that can't handle their liquor, cause I may or may not have done just that.




I think I am getting better now though cause I havnt done anything stupid lately...

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I've got an awesome weekend ahead of me, sorry about the way yours turned out though. Interesting read all the same tho.




Went formal clothes shopping in town today with my 21 year old sis, so that I had something decent to wear for her graduation. Got a really good jacket which I can wear when it's not even formal stuff, some posh trousers that go with any proper shirt, and some cool shoes. I already had a shirt, lol. But yeah, still need to get a tie because mum wants me to have one of them, so I'll get that sunday.




Tommorow I'm chilling with Lauren, Rachel and Amy from 12:15-5:30 just generally mucking around in the little hall place we go to, and probs go to Woodley Precinct for an hour for lunch and stuff. Gonna go home from that, put on a bit more of a stylish outfit (Lauren and Rachel hate it when I wear anything other than Jeans + Random baggy t-[cabbage] + Occasional Jacket :lol:) then walk down to the train station, catch the train to slough, meet with Seb, and go see Adulthood. I think Greg might be coming too, not sure. After that gonna catch a train back to my hometown (Always wanted to say that.) and get picked up by parents, to be driven home. 30 mins walk in a fairly unfriendly area, in the darkness of around 9pm? No thanks.




Then sunday, gonna chill at home till 12:30, then gonna walk to town to meet Siobhan. Gonna walk with her from town to the town's train station, and catch a train into reading. Gonna go to KFC with the vouchers my sister picked up on her travels, then go general clothes shopping because we both need a few new things, so we're probably gonna bring around £50 each. Primark ftw, much? After that gonna catch the train back to Maidenhead, say bye to Siobhan, walk home... Do homework, and then do w/e.




It's gonna be gooood.

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The Queensland emergency department bites big time. If you are ever planning on being hurt don't do it in queensland.


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So an ambulence can get to my school that's 15 minutes away 20 minutes after it's called for me when all I want to do is go eat my damn lunch, but it takes 4 hours to go 5 minutes worth of distance when you're pinning a huge injured drunk guy to the ground? Sounds like you've got a pretty bad emergency response team.




Damn, that sucks. I've been on vacation, swimming, boating, and all that great stuff. So my weekend's been good :lol:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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