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Ouiji Board?


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if ur talking about the thing u hold on to, and then it moves around the board saying something, then it supposedly works by spirits talking thru u, or sumthing like that...i think its from the people moving it on purpose to feel special when it says something wierd...

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if ur talking about the thing u hold on to, and then it moves around the board saying something, then it supposedly works by spirits talking thru u, or sumthing like that...i think its from the people moving it on purpose to feel special when it says something wierd...




I don't know...my cousin played it and swears it worked. I personally havn't played and never will. I'm just trying to get someone to confirm if it really works or if it's just a lie.

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its a game u tell your parents your going to go play but instead u go and egg someones house.








that pretty much sums it all up




Hilarious, because egging houses is awesome and we should all do it and make people who work 9-5 clean it up so they can work some more!








Little brat.
















Ouiji boards are scary....I stayed up one night with some other people playing it, and to my supprise most of the things we asked were right...Then they started asking "when will I die", and I told them to burn the board if they're going to ask questions like that.

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its a game u tell your parents your going to go play but instead u go and egg someones house.








that pretty much sums it all up




Hilarious, because egging houses is awesome and we should all do it and make people who work 9-5 clean it up so they can work some more!








Little brat.
















Ouiji boards are scary....I stayed up one night with some other people playing it, and to my supprise most of the things we asked were right...Then they started asking "when will I die", and I told them to burn the board if they're going to ask questions like that.




it's crazy and mysterious if what you say is true.

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Ouiji boards are scary....I stayed up one night with some other people playing it, and to my supprise most of the things we asked were right...








That's probably because the answers came from the people asking the questions :roll:


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Yea, wether u try to or not, you will subconciously gravittate towards the answer if u know it, if u dont know the answer, then u will come up with one that plzs u, or it will be random and wrong.

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My mum has had some weird experiences with Ouiji boards.




She's really into all that Fung Sei (whatever it is) and crystal healing, etc.








I don't have any details about them all, but she says they're quite scary at times.








I'm a bit of a skeptic towards them. Despite my intrest in the occult, wicca, etc.




Something just never seems to add up when it comes to piece of wood talking.
















If I can find the one at home, I'll try it out.

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its a game u tell your parents your going to go play but instead u go and egg someones house.








that pretty much sums it all up




Hilarious, because egging houses is awesome and we should all do it and make people who work 9-5 clean it up so they can work some more!








Little brat.
















Ouiji boards are scary....I stayed up one night with some other people playing it, and to my supprise most of the things we asked were right...Then they started asking "when will I die", and I told them to burn the board if they're going to ask questions like that.








It would have to be 100% to actually be divinely inspired. Even I could be right some of the time. But does that make me psychic? Not at all.








There's no way to prove that it actually works except for its track record. And I really, really doubt that it's a good one.

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There's no way to prove that it actually works except for its track record. And I really, really doubt that it's a good one.








The general track record for Ouiji boards overall is not good.




Apparently there have been family breakups, suicides, murders, financial ruin, etc.




Most of which can be traced back to use of an Ouiji board.












Take it with a level head though. Usually only the bad things about things go reported ;)

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There's no way to prove that it actually works except for its track record. And I really, really doubt that it's a good one.








The general track record for Ouiji boards overall is not good.




Apparently there have been family breakups, suicides, murders, financial ruin, etc.




Most of which can be traced back to use of an Ouiji board.












Take it with a level head though. Usually only the bad things about things go reported ;)








I meant track record as in accuracy :P but what you said is also quite important.








I'm just a sceptic I guess ;)









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its a game u tell your parents your going to go play but instead u go and egg someones house.








that pretty much sums it all up




Hilarious, because egging houses is awesome and we should all do it and make people who work 9-5 clean it up so they can work some more!








Little brat.

Or we could just complain about everything.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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its a game u tell your parents your going to go play but instead u go and egg someones house.








that pretty much sums it all up




Hilarious, because egging houses is awesome and we should all do it and make people who work 9-5 clean it up so they can work some more!








Little brat.

Or we could just complain about everything.








What, you think egging houses is good? Helps out the community alot?

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No it doesnt work. Of course there are ways of "making it work" ;) *moves hand towards the yes section* ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Oh yea I played with one. Now that I am almost 18, 3 years ago during halloween. My friends and I said lets go trick or treating so what we did we went trick or treating. So we go out and after the towns little halloween thing where you get free doughnuts and hot coco. My friends and I went back to his place. He got something, heck I had no idea what that was, so what we did we went into some old old woods on the back [wagon] end of nowhere. Now we didnt just play with it we took it a step further. He also took 5 candles lighter. Well we found a stump, we put the board down. He took a stick and drew a upside down pentagram, put each candle at each point. Then lit the candles. Well ironically there was 5 of us. I sat at one of the arms with the guy that brought the stuff with him at the head. And what did we do tried to contact the "devil". We asked if we could talk to lucifer. And we asked everal questions. Now I know when ever you press something/ push something under your fingernails the change color due to pressure. Well i was looking at all the fingers and I didnt see any diffrent in any diffrent coloration, and after talking to the "devil" the little thing kept going 666 666 666. after we seen that we packed stuff up and left. I dont now what it 'maybe' it was one of my friends but I dont know. All I can say is that it was a thrill rush. Halloween night, back [wagon] end of nowhere, pentagrams fun. Now for those going to say I am a lier lier with pants constantly on fire, no I dont lie. Lieing is for grabastic pieces of amphibian [cabbage].

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I've had some expierences with it.








This one time, me and a couple of friends were trying it out, but a girl didn't participate because her father died not too long ago. So she just watched what we were doing.




We had contact with her father, and he could answer every question, even what her nickname was (and none of use knew what it was, only the girl knew it). That was one freaky night. To be honest, I prefer not to use it anymore.

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It's just one of those things people associate with to be creepy and mysterious and then they look around for signs or creepy stuff which freak them out further. Most of the stories about them are also made up, more myth then reality. Me and a friend played with it and I remember we saw a massive spider afterwards just above us in this web. Creepy then, normal now.








The spiritual side of things tend to scare people, but for me it's honestly mostly just crap people make up.

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They are not real.








They work off static eletricity moving frm your body too the board, creating a "tugging" motion like soemthing were guilding it. It also works off unpronounced motion-receptors in your brain creating movements to your fingers moving the piece though you don't even know it. They are mostly a scam, plus hasbro makes it for ages "6-all".












Oh,yah. BUSTED!

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