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smoking bad as they say?


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well i was just wondering... i've always heard how smoking destroys your lungs, introduces toxic chemicals, gets you addicted, etc., but my friend chain smokes and he says that it's not as bad as advertising says.. well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?

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Sorry I just hate when smokers put all their nasty smoke around me... :x












I agree, I hate breathing all the smoke from smokers. Its just nasty

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Guest GhostRanger

Did your friend have any evidence to support his claim? There's tons of factual evidence about the dangers of smoking out there if you look. Just because he says it doesn't make it true. Watch this.












Pigs can fly.












Is that statement true just because I said it? Or just because I want it to be true?

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well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?
The smoking is irrelevant, they have the best healthcare in the world. Thats why the life expectancy is the best.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?
The smoking is irrelevant, they have the best healthcare in the world. Thats why the life expectancy is the best.








I dare to challenge you, USA and Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland) have the best healthcare in the world, the latter even have it free. Not that I'm questioning Japan though, it can't be just a coincidence that their life expectancy is so high.

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well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?
The smoking is irrelevant, they have the best healthcare in the world. Thats why the life expectancy is the best.








I dare to challenge you, USA and Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland) have the best healthcare in the world, the latter even have it free. Not that I'm questioning Japan though, it can't be just a coincidence that their life expectancy is so high.




because they eat healthy food like fish, and don't overfeed themselves with fast food. They lead much healthier lives then many people around the world.


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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I dare to challenge you, USA and Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland) have the best healthcare in the world, the latter even have it free. Not that I'm questioning Japan though, it can't be just a coincidence that their life expectancy is so high.








Finnish men die younger than men living in other European countries.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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These are the ingredients in a ciggy ~ not to be confused with a siggy (signature lol)
















Acetone: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ nail polish remover




Ammonia: Household cleaner




Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals




Arsenic: Used in rat poisons




Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber




Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid




Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas




Cadmium: Used in batteries




Cyanide: Deadly poison




DDT: A banned insecticide




Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals




Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens




Hydrazine: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ rocket fuel




Hydrogen Cyanide: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ rat poison




Lead: Poisonous in high doses




Methoprene: Insecticide




Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice




Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics




Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984




Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs




Nicotine: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ a poison used to kill cockroaches




Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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Guest GhostRanger
smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








That's a common misconception.








Not only does smoking pot destroy your brain, but smoking pot at the very minimum adds twice as much tar to your lungs than smoking cigarettes does.

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smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








That's a common misconception.








Not only does smoking pot destroy your brain, but smoking pot at the very minimum adds twice as much tar to your lungs than smoking cigarettes does.

Yeah but people don't smoker 20 joints a day, unless you dan or rizla that is.
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Guest GhostRanger



smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








That's a common misconception.








Not only does smoking pot destroy your brain, but smoking pot at the very minimum adds twice as much tar to your lungs than smoking cigarettes does.

Yeah but people don't smoker 20 joints a day, unless you dan or rizla that is.








Notice I didn't say one joint is the equivalent to twice as much as one cigarette. I said smoking pot at minimum will add twice as much tar as smoking cigarettes- of course that takes into account the fact that people don't smoke pot as often as people smoke cigarettes.

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"Your friend" wouldn't happen to be you now, would it?




Regardless, they need a kick up the backside and face the real facts.








lol no of course not. he says very few people ever actually get cancer from it, and other things like inhaling car pollution = 1 cigarette a day or soemthing :roll:

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well i was just wondering... i've always heard how smoking destroys your lungs, introduces toxic chemicals, gets you addicted, etc., but my friend chain smokes and he says that it's not as bad as advertising says.. well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?








Smoking doesent directly affect you, just complications from it.








Its not just if u smoke that affects your life expectency either, in Italy which has a really high life expectency too almost everyone there drinks a glass of wine a day and smokes a cigar. The oldest man living right now is more then 110 years old and he lives in Italy and smokes a cigar and drinks a glass of wine everyday. Your genetic make up has alot to do with it.








Another factor might be healthcare, if the country has good healthcare or not.








Also weather can determine it too, if there are all of floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, ect... then oviously alot of people are going to die.








Another factor is war, if the country goes to war alot, then the soldiers are going to die.








Theres probably other things i dint mention too








supyonamesjosh wrote:




smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








A joint is like smoking 10 cigarettes.








I would just like to point out here that its like smoking 10 cigarettes because theres no filter. Other then that reason I think that statistic is a bunch of bull. Because a cigarrete contains a hell of alot more harmful chemicals than a joint.

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A joint is like smoking 10 cigarettes.




Thats just a load of rubbish. A joint has less tobacco than a rolley or cig. Wheres the evidence of this?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








That's a common misconception.








Not only does smoking pot destroy your brain, but smoking pot at the very minimum adds twice as much tar to your lungs than smoking cigarettes does.

Yeah but people don't smoker 20 joints a day, unless you dan or rizla that is.








*shakes fist*


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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smokeing pot? no








tobacco? yea








i dont smoke either fyi








That's a common misconception.








Not only does smoking pot destroy your brain, but smoking pot at the very minimum adds twice as much tar to your lungs than smoking cigarettes does.

Yeah but people don't smoker 20 joints a day, unless you dan or rizla that is.








*shakes fist*

Oh damn yeah sorry 40+ joints a day + 50 cans of irn bru.
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I dare to challenge you, USA and Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland) have the best healthcare in the world








isnt it true you have to pay or they wont pick you up off the street?


Since 27 Aug 2002

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