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REMOVE ALL BUT 1- Another lazy cop out by the j4gez


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wtf, i come back from uni, and im met by two pages of your dirty dirty flaming, its in the rants forum, so why have a go that im ranting? What do you want me to do, act all lovely dovey and put on a fake smile to get you all to agree with me. This new update is just another example of Jagex creating a second rate update that does not address the issue of the flawed new bank where if I withdraw an item, eg torag plate it will not keep a space, rather the whole bank moves!




Yeah I am angry, cause it just shows you their changing attitude of doing things the faster and easyer way for them, rather back in the times when they did things properly. Also, so what if if didnt type with good grammer or spelling, it was still readable, so why dont you get off your grammar highhorse and stop trying to judge me or put me down.




also lol at the person calling my rant propaganda? do you even know what that word means?




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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Definition of propaganda:




Yeah I am angry, cause it just shows you their changing attitude of doing things the faster and easyer way for them, rather back in the times when they did things properly.




Yeah, Jagex is being lazy and doesn't care about the players. :roll: That's why we have lending, a whole new bank, new tutorial, HD graphics - shall I go on?

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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




Do you know what propaganda means? There are tons and tons of players who are satisfied with the updates - they can't all be wrong. You're just not looking on the bright side and then jumping to conclusions. It's fine if you don't think those updates are good enough, but don't forget about the players who do.




Just because you are not satisfied, that doesn't mean Jagex is lazy.

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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




Pfft, just about every game developer for every MMO I've ever played has had complaints hurled against them. They get accused of being lazy, jerks, or w/e...




Game developers are human beings, not gods. Humans are imperfect therefore human organizations are also imperfect. They can't answer your every prayer.




PS: The bold part made me lol. Near as I could tell, the bank update was something we all hoped and dreamed for and that Jagex never said they would be implementing. And they gave it to us; and all you can do is complain?

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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




-the bank update is fine. quit complaining. don't like it, don't use it. they're only moving the game forward by implementing it.


-without the bugs in the HD option there would be no bug fixes. remember that the HD is still unfinished. again, moving the game forward.


-which skills would you classify as "unfinished"? as far as i can see, most are pretty complete. and who cares if they've not changed since classic, classic was a great game in its prime. why fix what isn't broken?


-you're using beta as an insult? i assume this is because you can't find any other faults.


-i'm not even going to dignify that point with a response. actually, i am. compare the storylines to any other popular MMO. runescape has amazing quests compared to most of them. and yeah, regicide is really a plot aimed at eight year olds.


-what would you rather have, your real life bank account (are you old enough to have one?) and BH, or regular old PKing and your bank account usurped?




yeah, I'd like you to go on.#




longest post you'll ever see from me.

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I don't see any reason to be so angry about it, as the OP seems to be, and I do like the bank update, but nobody can deny that there are still issues to be resolved.




I agree that the weird bouncing around of items can be annoying. I wind up with items I didn't want in my inventory all the time.


Also, I'm a bit put-off by the many withdrawal options you now have in a right-click. It's really a bit too much, I find myself misclicking a lot.




They're not that big a deal, but they are still annoying. Nevertheless, I feel it beats searching fruitlessly for an item you put god knows where, or, hold on, did I perhaps drop it? And the constant dragging around of items in a vain effort to tidy the thing up.

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wtf, i come back from uni, and im met by two pages of your dirty dirty flaming, its in the rants forum, so why have a go that im ranting? What do you want me to do, act all lovely dovey and put on a fake smile to get you all to agree with me. This new update is just another example of Jagex creating a second rate update that does not address the issue of the flawed new bank where if I withdraw an item, eg torag plate it will not keep a space, rather the whole bank moves!




Yeah I am angry, cause it just shows you their changing attitude of doing things the faster and easyer way for them, rather back in the times when they did things properly. Also, so what if if didnt type with good grammer or spelling, it was still readable, so why dont you get off your grammar highhorse and stop trying to judge me or put me down.




also lol at the person calling my rant propaganda? do you even know what that word means?




Yes, it's the rants forum, not the crybaby forum. Did it ever occur to you that the way Runescape is programmed, with everything decided by numbers, that a bank where you could lock in 0 quantity items is currently impossible? Or that the bank moving is a limitation of the new bank system?




No, don't let logic or sense get in the way of your temper tantrum, just keep pissing and moaning about how Jagex is lazy and hates their players. God forbid anyone in this forum point out your stupid [cabbage], you're clearly above the need for a valid argument or a clear and intelligent backup.




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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




-the bank update is fine. quit complaining. don't like it, don't use it. they're only moving the game forward by implementing it.


-without the bugs in the HD option there would be no bug fixes. remember that the HD is still unfinished. again, moving the game forward.


-which skills would you classify as "unfinished"? as far as i can see, most are pretty complete. and who cares if they've not changed since classic, classic was a great game in its prime. why fix what isn't broken?


-you're using beta as an insult? i assume this is because you can't find any other faults.


-i'm not even going to dignify that point with a response. actually, i am. compare the storylines to any other popular MMO. runescape has amazing quests compared to most of them. and yeah, regicide is really a plot aimed at eight year olds.


-what would you rather have, your real life bank account (are you old enough to have one?) and BH, or regular old PKing and your bank account usurped?




yeah, I'd like you to go on.#




longest post you'll ever see from me.




Lol. Nice Job. =D> =D> =D>

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-a half assed bank update


-a bug riddled HD option


-unfinished skills that heave barely changed since classic


-a ge database that is still beta


-quests aimed at 8year olds


-a new joke of a pvp thats called BH






you want me to go on?




-the bank update is fine. quit complaining. don't like it, don't use it. they're only moving the game forward by implementing it.


-without the bugs in the HD option there would be no bug fixes. remember that the HD is still unfinished. again, moving the game forward.


-which skills would you classify as "unfinished"? as far as i can see, most are pretty complete. and who cares if they've not changed since classic, classic was a great game in its prime. why fix what isn't broken?


-you're using beta as an insult? i assume this is because you can't find any other faults.


-i'm not even going to dignify that point with a response. actually, i am. compare the storylines to any other popular MMO. runescape has amazing quests compared to most of them. and yeah, regicide is really a plot aimed at eight year olds.


-what would you rather have, your real life bank account (are you old enough to have one?) and BH, or regular old PKing and your bank account usurped?




yeah, I'd like you to go on.#




longest post you'll ever see from me.




Lol. Nice Job. =D> =D> =D>




What about no? About the BH part... the will to strike down on RWT is alright, but it doesn't justify a bad fix that causes more trouble to the legitimate players (those who like normal PKing at least) than to the RWTers, who find more and more ways to RWT - will this lead to every feature of the game being screwed up then?


As for the skills argument... why fix what isn't broken? Speaking of cheesy lines, if you use something too much it breaks, no? But you are right, should Jagex update mining with a dragon pickaxe and a multiple ores per rock update, they'd just ruin that too, don't touch the skills!


Finally, for the quests, I don't get this one. The quests hardly relate to each other, and yes, they are, aside from a few notable exceptions, EASY.



You're being watched.

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Excuse me, is this not the rants forum?




Oh wait, I forgot. No ranting in the rant forum. no one likes complainers.






i love the new mentality in runescape. everything jagex do is right and if you rant you should just stop playing. :roll: i think most runescape players have an inferior complex because of people telling them runescape sucks so they talk down any critisism towards their game so they can keep thinking runescape is the "perfect" game or something.




even is the bank updates are good it still has flaws and without people ranting jagex wouldnt care about them, they are pointing out whats bad to make runescape better so let them rant.

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Excuse me, is this not the rants forum?




Oh wait, I forgot. No ranting in the rant forum. no one likes complainers.






i love the new mentality in runescape. everything jagex do is right and if you rant you should just stop playing. :roll: i think most runescape players have an inferior complex because of people telling them runescape sucks so they talk down any critisism towards their game so they can keep thinking runescape is the "perfect" game or something.




even is the bank updates are good it still has flaws and without people ranting jagex wouldnt care about them, they are pointing out whats bad to make runescape better so let them rant.




There's a fine line between ranting and Jagex bashing. The title "Another lazy cop out by Jagex" obviously puts this one far over that line. You'd attract much less flaming if you'd at least attempt to be respectful to the developers of the game for which this fansite was founded... is that really so difficult?

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Excuse me, is this not the rants forum?




Oh wait, I forgot. No ranting in the rant forum. no one likes complainers.






i love the new mentality in runescape. everything jagex do is right and if you rant you should just stop playing. :roll: i think most runescape players have an inferior complex because of people telling them runescape sucks so they talk down any critisism towards their game so they can keep thinking runescape is the "perfect" game or something.




even is the bank updates are good it still has flaws and without people ranting jagex wouldnt care about them, they are pointing out whats bad to make runescape better so let them rant.




There's a fine line between ranting and Jagex bashing. The title "Another lazy cop out by Jagex" obviously puts this one far over that line. You'd attract much less flaming if you'd at least attempt to be respectful to the developers of the game for which this fansite was founded... is that really so difficult?






ok you have a point, from now on if i wish to rant, i will structure it so it is more respectful, however im not going to apologise for my view.




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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-a half assed bank update




more like a half assed spelling job of title




It seems you are copping out laziness.




If people don't like the damn updates then don't suggest a damn thing.




I am sick of seeing people rant before they get to experience the update.




Don't bash jagex.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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What about no? About the BH part... the will to strike down on RWT is alright, but it doesn't justify a bad fix that causes more trouble to the legitimate players (those who like normal PKing at least) than to the RWTers, who find more and more ways to RWT - will this lead to every feature of the game being screwed up then?


As for the skills argument... why fix what isn't broken? Speaking of cheesy lines, if you use something too much it breaks, no? But you are right, should Jagex update mining with a dragon pickaxe and a multiple ores per rock update, they'd just ruin that too, don't touch the skills!


Finally, for the quests, I don't get this one. The quests hardly relate to each other, and yes, they are, aside from a few notable exceptions, EASY.




i agree, taking pking out of the game was a bad move on jagex's part, however, it was a necessary move. granted, it could have been executed in another way, but don't you think jagex will have considered this and decided upon the best possible option?




regarding your second point, there's a reason cliches become cliches and that's because there tends to be a slight truth in them. also, how would updating mining with an update like that "complete" the skill? i'm all for valid suggestions, but the kid in the first post i quoted had none. i'm not saying jagex shouldn't touch the skills, but there's no point in changing what they've already got as most people on runescape nowadays seem totally averted to change. which, though increasing my post count, doesn't really do that much good.




finally, how does a quest being easy make it marketed towards eight year olds? take the romeo and juliet quest as an example. simple quest, yet eight year olds are expected to understand the underlying shakespeare references? how, also, do the quests hardly relate to one another? there are at least five good quest series, if not many more.






why am i even sticking up for jagex? i'm just arguing for the sake now.

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I am going to agree with the OP.




If someone in the Jagex offices would of just took out a few work hours a day for a week they could of scripted a lock item into place option, and brought it out by next monday. But Jagex likes to go around things the easy way.

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I think it's great BUT now there's 8 options just to withdraw something :-# I think they just need these options:




withdraw 1


withdraw 10


withdraw X


withdraw all


withdraw all but 1




Can easily cut 3 options =P~


I'd rather




withdraw 1


withdraw [last number]


withdraw x


withdraw all


withdraw all but 1

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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What about no? About the BH part... the will to strike down on RWT is alright, but it doesn't justify a bad fix that causes more trouble to the legitimate players (those who like normal PKing at least) than to the RWTers, who find more and more ways to RWT - will this lead to every feature of the game being screwed up then?


As for the skills argument... why fix what isn't broken? Speaking of cheesy lines, if you use something too much it breaks, no? But you are right, should Jagex update mining with a dragon pickaxe and a multiple ores per rock update, they'd just ruin that too, don't touch the skills!


Finally, for the quests, I don't get this one. The quests hardly relate to each other, and yes, they are, aside from a few notable exceptions, EASY.




i agree, taking pking out of the game was a bad move on jagex's part, however, it was a necessary move. granted, it could have been executed in another way, but don't you think jagex will have considered this and decided upon the best possible option?




regarding your second point, there's a reason cliches become cliches and that's because there tends to be a slight truth in them. also, how would updating mining with an update like that "complete" the skill? i'm all for valid suggestions, but the kid in the first post i quoted had none. i'm not saying jagex shouldn't touch the skills, but there's no point in changing what they've already got as most people on runescape nowadays seem totally averted to change. which, though increasing my post count, doesn't really do that much good.




finally, how does a quest being easy make it marketed towards eight year olds? take the romeo and juliet quest as an example. simple quest, yet eight year olds are expected to understand the underlying shakespeare references? how, also, do the quests hardly relate to one another? there are at least five good quest series, if not many more.






why am i even sticking up for jagex? i'm just arguing for the sake now.




And so am I. I don't think Jagex considered ANYTHING about possible other solutions, they just chose the one that first came to mind. Do you really think that with the massive riots, protests and quittings, they did it right?




About the quest series, there are a few quest series, right. Elemental Workshop, the Mourning's End thingy, and so on. But are there any series that consist of like, 5+ quests, or am I missing something? The quest series don't relate to each other very well, either, and between the other quests, the biggest relation is "complete quest A to get quest B". As for the Shakespeare thing, the 8-year old argument was a bad one by definition, but it reflected well that the quests are easy. Jagex hardly makes any high-level quests - aside from a few exceptions most can easily be solved by a mid-level with middling skills as well. I remember when Dream Mentor was released - combat level requirement 80, oh noes! All the low-level quest capers and the low-to-mid level people who just fail started protesting and threatening to quit (!), which does explain the lack of advanced quests - Jagex just goes for the variable that earns the most money in the short term, ignoring whether players will enjoy the game. (I find this a flawed reasoning though... won't those mid-levels eventually quit because of another bad update? And then Jagex will not have much more support...)




Finally, for the skills. This part is pretty clear to me - if the game isn't changed for ten years, everyone will get bored of it. Again, however, why I finished that argument with an ironic command: Jagex just can't seem to realise what the players really want. People want high-level content, but Jagex just keeps releasing more and more quests which require level 20 smithing and 40 cooking. People kill it in 1 hour with a guide, 2 without, and then they're lucky if they can unlock a new area, which is soon proven useless. I don't know about Spirit of Summer, but I hardly noticed changes in this trend for a long time now. People, on the other hand, don't want the game to become easy, dumbed down etc. After the still tolerable cooking guild bank, however, Jagex will do multi-ore mining - thereby crashing ore prices as mining will once again be more popular... (I'm not talking about completing skills, I'm talking about changing skills here. Which would be needed, but at what cost, then?)



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And so am I. I don't think Jagex considered ANYTHING about possible other solutions, they just chose the one that first came to mind. Do you really think that with the massive riots, protests and quittings, they did it right?




About the quest series, there are a few quest series, right. Elemental Workshop, the Mourning's End thingy, and so on. But are there any series that consist of like, 5+ quests, or am I missing something? The quest series don't relate to each other very well, either, and between the other quests, the biggest relation is "complete quest A to get quest B". As for the Shakespeare thing, the 8-year old argument was a bad one by definition, but it reflected well that the quests are easy. Jagex hardly makes any high-level quests - aside from a few exceptions most can easily be solved by a mid-level with middling skills as well. I remember when Dream Mentor was released - combat level requirement 80, oh noes! All the low-level quest capers and the low-to-mid level people who just fail started protesting and threatening to quit (!), which does explain the lack of advanced quests - Jagex just goes for the variable that earns the most money in the short term, ignoring whether players will enjoy the game. (I find this a flawed reasoning though... won't those mid-levels eventually quit because of another bad update? And then Jagex will not have much more support...)




Finally, for the skills. This part is pretty clear to me - if the game isn't changed for ten years, everyone will get bored of it. Again, however, why I finished that argument with an ironic command: Jagex just can't seem to realise what the players really want. People want high-level content, but Jagex just keeps releasing more and more quests which require level 20 smithing and 40 cooking. People kill it in 1 hour with a guide, 2 without, and then they're lucky if they can unlock a new area, which is soon proven useless. I don't know about Spirit of Summer, but I hardly noticed changes in this trend for a long time now. People, on the other hand, don't want the game to become easy, dumbed down etc. After the still tolerable cooking guild bank, however, Jagex will do multi-ore mining - thereby crashing ore prices as mining will once again be more popular... (I'm not talking about completing skills, I'm talking about changing skills here. Which would be needed, but at what cost, then?)




so, aside from quests, we fundamentally agree? :D




sorry i didn't give you a longer reply, i'm a) tired and B) can't be arsed with this rant any more.

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And so am I. I don't think Jagex considered ANYTHING about possible other solutions, they just chose the one that first came to mind. Do you really think that with the massive riots, protests and quittings, they did it right?





Idiots "rioting" in a game doesn't mean Jagex is wrong. They rioted when Hunter was a day later than most players assumed it would be out (Monday). Anyone who riots in a video game is an idiot. The only respectful way to protest is to stop playing and hit Jagex directly where it hurts, in their pockets and in their well of ad revenue.




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And so am I. I don't think Jagex considered ANYTHING about possible other solutions, they just chose the one that first came to mind. Do you really think that with the massive riots, protests and quittings, they did it right?





Idiots "rioting" in a game doesn't mean Jagex is wrong. They rioted when Hunter was a day later than most players assumed it would be out (Monday). Anyone who riots in a video game is an idiot. The only respectful way to protest is to stop playing and hit Jagex directly where it hurts, in their pockets and in their well of ad revenue.




Boycott! Boycott!

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