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P2P skills you were most excited about pre-members


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Agility. I was so irritated by having to walk everywhere. Now, even at 52 Agility, I find I never really have to wait around.




Also Herblore. I still like it, but it's expensive. Hunter's fun and profitable.

First skill to 70...


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I was excited about Agility and Flecthing. ::'

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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i was most excited about fletching. it looked really cool, and at the time, you could make millions off of it easily. but then, jagex switched that...




so i'd prolly say construction until i realized how much money had to be put into it =/

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Well none, really. I was mostly looking forward to the new areas and quests, but if I had to choose... probably slayer. Hate it currently (either killing rats, or something way beyond my reach), but I'll raising combat significantly before taking it on seriously (only recently members).

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I wasn't too excited about any skills. The main thing I wanted to get hold of was the prized dragon battle axe and d long. Once I became a member I then realized that p2p pking was not as fun as f2p, and it was too much of a risk to pk with with the weapon with all the 1 def 3 hitting noobs. I became f2p again, and decided to pk on low levels.

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